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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. system shutdown after 50min New System Shuts Down After Running About 1 Minute Hi, I too have got system shutdown problem, but it is initiated when I run command prompt, otherwise my pc will run fine. Any suggestions if this is caused by some trojan/virus. Pleae help -question by vinay
  2. query about googlecashcow.com Are You In Search Of Free Google Cash Program ? Hi Am intersted to know about googlecashcow.Com. Please help me Neha -question by neha
  3. Macedonia Say "i Love You" In 100 Different Languages Why don't you add 1 more laugage... Macedonian...--- Te sakam meen I love you on macedonian... Please read this mesage -reply by ivan
  4. query about googlecashcow.com Are You In Search Of Free Google Cash Program ? Hi, Am interested to start this free cash programme enrtering into this google cash adword section.Please guide me how to start all this in a very simple format. Neha -reply by neha
  5. query about googlecashcow.com Are You In Search Of Free Google Cash Program ? Please tell me about googlecashcow.Com.Does it really work? and wat sort of work it requires from the user. Is it under google? -reply by neha
  6. I had a go as well Creating New Process Under Alternate Credentials (createprocessasuser) Great bit of code... I compiled it up after 1 minor mod... It runs fine and seems to start processes up, but they can only be seen in the task manager... Am I missing something...? -question by jbryers
  7. Runescape is a fun game that I got addicted to when I was a low lvl. Unfortunately I was a nonmember disabling me to do man things. There were man updates to this game and it has changed alot. The graphics changed from 2.5 D to 3d with ugly demons and now everythings almost okay. Plus new graphics are coming. "December 10th, 2008 the day ruinescape died." People say this because wildy pking has been removed and now there is clan wars, duel arena, and bounty hunter to pay instead. Bounty hunter has never been to good because you are automatically lowering the fun in runescape which has now gotten boring. I am not offending RuneScape because some updates were useful.Who's with me! All people members and nonmembers should get the same rights! XD peace out dudes and thanks for reading this imformative and long comment of my pitful account. -reply by Sedvyse
  8. why i hate America. Why Does The World Hate America? I will tell you why I hate America and Americans. I hate America for it is lie and corrupt media brainwashing it is own people. I hate America for the Unconditional support to Israel to basically increase hope in with Palestinians. I hate America for using the word TERRORISM/AL Qaida to kill innocent people, children, and women because they have different religion practices and they don't agree with the Americans invading their country. And last but not least, I hate America for enslaving African people using them as animals, for using the atomic bomb on Japan killing Civilians, and it is white supremacy. If you think carefully read what I said, and think about for 5 minutes you will also hate your AMERICA. Now let me tell you why I hate the American people. Because they don't do nothing about the mad government they have, while they have the power to do so. They can impeach Bush, but they don't bother because they are too lazy to protest. They believe everybody who doesn't agree with their ideas is against them. How in the world do you expect for people to agree with whatever you say? Let see I hate them for saying they are 71% christian when in fact 65% of them don't know nothing about the religion. I hate them for criticizing anybody who dresses different than them. And last but not least I hate the American people for believing Islam is evil, because they heard it from TV or NBC, Fox 10, when they know a whole religion cannot be generalized paste on what a minor group like Osama have done, and they are dumb because they don't read. Don't get me wrong everything I said is true, and everybody who knows the true America knows that. America the land is good place to live in, but the people who are in charge are evil, and the citizens who can definitely change by refusing wars on innocent nations, and exploiting other nation's resources, but don't do nothing about, and they start crying when one Soldier dies in Iraq, don't they see the 100's of children and women dying by the American soldiers. I highly suggest you Americans, the younger generation I mean start thinking about your future, because bush is not turning the whole world against you, and if you don't stop soon the world will unite and America will no longer be the best country. Now you know why I hate the American people and America. American government exploits, kills innocent human being in disguised way for their own interest. I wonder what Amercan people would do if all the sudden China invaded them and kill their people, just like the Americans are doing now in Iraq. I wonder when will they realize that lying to their people is not the option. Why do they control the news? Is that a free country? where everything is done according to the evil government. The people in poorer countries such as Somalia, and Iraq, are protest to impeach bush, but unfortunately their voice don't matter, and the American people who have such power to impeach bush and whose voices matter ARE NOT WILLING TO DO SO. When America invades a country, they are fighting in other people's soil, so how dare they call that country they invade terrorist country? How dare they call you a terrorist or al qaid, when you refuse their occupation upon your country? basically they mean, DON'T DISAGREE WITH US, and if you do they will somehow kill you. Weather they say you are terrorist, or they blame you on something else. Look Americans if you are not dumb, if you are not lazy, and most importantly if you wish to see America in the geological map in the next 50 years, do something now, don't support your government, protest, impeach the president. The world wouldn't hate you, if you you just used common sense. -reply by Kandt Churalvoaky
  9. Where's the "insert data from a text file into the table" ?I can't even find it..-reply by Piper
  10. I will tell you why I hate America and Americans. I hate America for it is lie and corrupt media brainwashing it is own people. I hate America for the Unconditional support to Israel to basically increase hope in with Palestinians. I hate America for using the word TERRORISM/AL Qaida to kill innocent people, children, and women because they have different religion practices and they don't agree with the Americans invading their country. And last but not least, I hate America for enslaving African people using them as animals, for using the atomic bomb on Japan killing Civilians, and it is white supremacy. If you think carefully read what I said, and think about for 5 minutesyou will also hate your AMERICA. Now let me tell you why I hate the American people. Because they don't do nothing about the mad government they have, while they have the power to do so. They can impeach Bush, but they don't bother because they are too lazy to protest. They believe everybody who doesn't agree with their ideas is against them. How in the world do you expect for people to agree with whatever you say? Let see I hate them for saying they are 71% christian when in fact 65% of them don't know nothing about the religion. I hate them for criticizing anybody who dressess different than them. And last but not least I hate the American people for believing Islam is evil, because they heard it from TV or NBC, Fox 10, when they know a whole religion cannot be generalized paste on what a minor group like Osama have done, and they are dumb because they don't read. Don't get me wrong everything I said is true, and everybody who knows the true America knows that. America the land is good place to live in, but the people who are in charge are evil, and the citizens who can definitely change by refusing wars on innocent nations, and exploiting other nation's resources, but don't do nothing about, and they start crying when one Soldier dies in Iraq, don't they see the 100's of children and women dying by the American soldiers. I highly suggest you Americans, the younger generation I mean start thinking about your future, because bush is not turning the whole world against you, and if you don't stop soon the world will unite and America will no longer be the best country. Now you know why I hate the American people and America. -reply by suuntin
  11. why they have ellipse Photoshop Tutorial: How To Make A Userbar For Signatures Why they have the ellipse so the userbar can look a bit 3D -reply by Stormer391
  12. Replying to Cody I was just in his situation , you lust for someone but you love the other.-reply by amber
  13. I agree with you it is seriously annoying when people act so immature...I do remember when I was immature and I do know how fun it is sometimes and I'm now 16 but I've grown up and I just find immaturity really annoying now...I hate it when people have to put others down are make stupid jokes...It just makes them seem stupider..Not funny-reply by samantha
  14. I used Maya for about 2 years when I was more into detail 3d modeling and animation four or so years back. If you want to do more animation based work, definitely go for the latest Maya. Buy a few books, get the basics and let your mind flow. Maya is a much better program than 3dsm which is basic for game and limited graphic development. Although some pros can make stunning stuff with 3dsm, it's much easier for moderate users of Maya to make the exact same stuff.. And then they can animate theirs also. You're going to need some serious computing power if you plan some of the animation renders though. Just a heads up. It should also be known that Adobe CS3 photoshop accepts .Obj files now also, which is the main Maya object file type. This makes them easy to texturize in photoshop if you don't like. CS3 runs around $600 for a student, and $1,800 for any average designer.Pixar tweaks the mathematics behind Maya to optimize their animations. However, this isn't necessarily better or worse for what any new to moderate to experience animator needs to make some incredible stuff.Maya = amazing-reply by Patrick
  15. nostradamus prediction on ww3 Can Predictions Be True? First off, the guy who started this is wrong, if I recall correctly HE DID predict something along the lines of the WTC falling... Not entirely to word, I'm working off memory "When the two twin brothers fall, the third world war will begin." This can relate to any number of things though, could be like in ww1 where the arch duke was shot, maybe two twin brothers will be in politics and both are killed, this could also refer to world powers even alliances between countries. As for ww3, it is likely. Especially in todays day with today marking the day the official threat of IRan becoming clear. Ps- as for the city of God refrence thing... ---------------- In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two Brothers torn apart by Chaos, While the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb. The third big war will begin when the big city is burning. --------------- The city of God is jerusalem, aka the holy land where christ was belived to have walked and where he believed to be buried. Since jerusalem IS in israel, it is likely that the city of God could be burning sometime soon since iran and israel have been long time enemies. Two brothers could be any number of things...Time will tell. The great fortress could be the european union or even america...Even china since it is the great fortress of the past. And the big city most likely is NYC since current quotes have said that america "will pay" if there is an attack on iran. NYC is our achilles tendent. -reply by c lugo
  16. Woot! I'm sooooo gonna be there! Ill tell my friends to be there as well!Add me!-reply by Ze Dork
  17. Replying to Bruce517if you ask what is a e74 they say its a hardware failure and I made a comparison for the three red rings to the agent and they said 3 red rings is also a hardware failure-my xbox360 is out of warranty-and they said it would be $100 to fix it so I asked for supervisor and asked them to explain the difference between the two errors and she said its the same error just a different way to display it- a chip on the inside has overheated and has lost contact with the motherboard resulting in e74 . She agreed this warrants the console the same way 3 red rings does so they shipped me a box and I got it repaired at no charge thanks to me asking for a sup and demanding a explanation of the difference between the two errors .They are the same don't pay for a repair just be more persistent
  18. Works great on Vista as well. Thanks!-reply by Jonathan
  19. best videgame ever What is the Best Game Ever The gta series,the godfarther,scarface,and saints row are good -reply by mattbram
  20. They don't realise that sometimes they are in the wrong. And consistant nagging is just ANNOYING!!-reply by leanne
  21. Viral spam. Test Of The Bible : 2012 You are a victim of viral marketing. This whole thing is an astroturf movement created by the people who wrote books about the "end of days" predicted by the Mayan calendar. It has nothing to do with Christianity, Islam or any other modern religion. If you published a book that is due to expire in 4 years time you'd make a lot of fake noise about it and try to make as many people buy the book as possible before 2012. To do this you encourage a fake groundswell of idiots to talk about it, help sell your book and maybe even some TV rights. Please try to be less of a victim in future! -reply by WAHT?
  22. what to do with a rusty sword Runescape Can you fix a rusty sword or at least make it useful? -reply by hello there
  23. I know how Reverse Video Replying to illarrestmyself There is one I use. Sony Vegas. You right click on the video and hit reverse. But this program isn't cheap. $80.00 -reply by Lymanfilms
  24. Rsc was the best rs2 sucks balls and rsc pwned I got banned for haveing over 100M phats-reply by Pie Friendly
  25. Thanks for the tutorial,that;s just what I was looking for.-reply by Mistery girl
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