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My Point of ViewMy Xbox 360 Vs. Ps3 Vs. Wii ReviewHowever, I understand your viewpoint from the technical perspective but it all depends on how you look at it from both the technical and gaming perspective. Both are very close between the 360 and the PS3. I also believe that the PS3 has a slight advantage on the 360 according to the technical race. Also, even though I am a owner of a wii, I am open to say that it's technical capabilities are not even comparable to the 360 and PS3, but nevertheless when it comes to playing it with younger siblings it is a great console. When it comes to the gaming perspective, many people enjoy different games and subjects. Some people like to play sport games, others combat games and others adventure/fantasy games. I myself enjoy all of these, that's why I own all three consoles. Combat games and great adventure games by far go to the 360. This is also because of the insane graphics the 360 offers. However, the PS3 is a great console because it offers so much more that you can do and you don't really even have to pay for online play. The Wii only gives me the sport aspect to gaming. I enjoy most of the games I play but sometimes I just think to myself, "Why did Nintendo give the Wii such bad graphics." I do like the controller system for the Wii but sometimes the controllers don't really react to what you do. Overall, I believe that all consoles are great, but when it comes to both aspects, (gaming and technical) the 360 wins by a hair to the PS3 and the Wii far in last. -reply by Bdow
Who Wants To Start A Mmorpg? Ideas for a new MMORPG.
iGuest replied to zippy77's topic in Computer Gaming
nephilimWho Wants To Start A Mmorpg?ok... I kno what the nephilim actually are but this is just a name... An idea hit me today... First of all, if you havent read cassandra clare's Mortal Instruments series, do it now! theyre amazing... Vampires, werewolves, faeries, warlocks, demons, other creatures and... Nephilim! also known as Shadowhunters, they were created when the archangel Raziel mixed his blood with humans and humans drank it. They draw runes on their body to power themselves up and give themselves skills... They fight demons and keep peace between downworlders... ok... So I thought about it and said... Why not a mmorpg about it? you could make a warlock, shadowhunter, werewolf, vampire, and maybe a faerie and fight demons and greater demons... You could learn new runes, get more weapons, and more armor... But, unfortunately the runes negate gunpowder so it doesnt work... So no guns, but bow and arrows work, along with swords, knives, spears, chakrums, etc. note: they use seraph blades, which are made of a type of crystal and burst into light when you say its name (they are named after angels). tell me what you think... Email is nykh2opolo@gmail.Com name:nick mercer ps: might wanna ask cassandra clare if we can do that... So no lawsuits ya kno? -reply by nick -
[tutorial] Visual Basic 6 Closing Programs Right, Why END is bad
iGuest replied to zachtk8702's topic in General Discussion
...problem[tutorial] Visual Basic 6There is a small problem with the code snippets - the object should be unloaded before being deallocated: Dim o As ObjectFor Each o In Me Unload o Set o = Nothing NextDim f As FormFor Each f In Forms Unload f Set f = Nothing nextDim o As ObjectDim f As FormFor Each f In Forms For Each o In f Unload o Set o = Nothing Next Unload f Set f = Nothing Next -
Re:regarding admission through single window systemColleges In TamilnaduHi Shilpa, Good luck to you. Even my bro wrote the inter second this year. Heard things are really messed up this time. I hope it did not affect you too much. The normal process for getting an admission has not changed much. But for councelling you must visit anna university, and get a rank, by showing your marksheet. I think you will fall under other-state quota. Application forms for councelling will be given in Anna university near the main entrance, and if you walk along the lane to the right, you will find the office. don't go by placement opportunities. This year things have gone terrible. Even colleges like Velammal and Sairam which guarantee high placement, due to their strict rules and discipline, have not proven enough. As far as Anna University, self-financing colleges, you can do well if you are dedicated in studies, even when people around you are distracting. Have a look at SSN Venkateswara Crescent (heard its become deemed) St Josephs Velammal GKM RMK SRM Eashwari Rajalakshmi Engg College Meenakshi Engg College Outside Chennai.. U have good options TCE, madurai VIT, vellore (requires entrance exam) Amrita, Coimbatore SASTRA, Kancheepuram -reply by Sriram
Be prepared... for the worst...Colleges In TamilnaduI've graduated from Velammal Engineering College,in 2008, and I amLucky enough to find a master's program in Canada. Not everyone willGet this opportunity, and you must keep your eyes open. While in1st year, no matter which college you join, do your coursework withUtmost sincerety. Do not expect the lecturers to teach stuff. They wontKnow. In the 2nd and 3rd years, try toget ideas from the collegeSeniors, and read lots of books so that you can present some papers inSome local symposiums. It can be rewarding too (monetarily). OnceWhen you have some concrete ideas that you gained out of periodicPresentations, you can build them to publish a paper in some decentConference (International). Do not be happy to just get intoEngineering colleges. Its just the beginning. Life will take a quickTurn, if you lose concentration and control once you join theEngineering College. Good Luck Sriram P.S :I've seen IIT people from all across India, doing higher studies, alongWith Tamil Nadu people who graduated from Self-financing engineeringColleges.. Thats a good sign.. -reply by Sriram
Hillsidenights - Not to start an arguement here, but seriously? You're obviously a naive kid. You say you don't do "bad stuff", but at the same time you threatened to do some pretty dumb stuff to worrieddad. IF you actually could do what you threatened (which I doubt) and IF you acted on those threats, the FBI would kick in your door to arrest you. What you described would be felony hacking (probably across state lines). If you actually made any phone calls in the process...They'd probably throw in a stalking charge for good measure. Since you're 13, you might end up in a juvenile delinquents home, but you'd probably end up staying at home with your parents. You would have some form of probation until you were in your 20s that either didn't allow you to have access to either an internet connection or if the judge was really trying to teach you a lesson, you might not be allowed to touch a computer at all. Good luck getting through high school without being able to type up your book reports! Oh...And since you have that felony on your record...The best college option you'll have will be the local community college (and don't hope for any financial aid).
How to reboot in flashFlash Reload (Helpppppppppppppppp)I've made a game in flash and when you lose I want the "Restart" button I've made to take you back to the loading screen. BUT alot of things that have been dyanamically attached with _root.AttachMovie... Remain on the screen How do I quickly force flash to reboot the entire game and take you back to the original loading screen, resetting all my variables and counters? Making the game like new Thanks in advance for any responses -question by Matt
The End Of The World By December 21, 2012The End Of The World By December 21, 2012Interesting how so many cultures and religions believe in an"The End of the World" and at about the same point in time (2012 or2013). To those quoting the Bible thatNo one knows, may I ask: "then why are so many signs of the endGiven"? Some of the signs given are: Luke 21:11 There will beGreat earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearfulEvents and great signs from heaven. Earthquakes ? taking magnitude of 6.0 or greater, theAverage over decades has been 2 to 3 a year. For the past ten years, 25 to 35 earthquakes of 6.0 or greater magnitudeHave been recorded. Famines and pestilence ? Over the past ten years how manyNew diseases have their been? TheLatest is swine flu and bird flu. Great signs from heaven ? The sun is now dormant, noSunspots, no flares and is cooler than any measurement in over 100 years. Many places in the world are reportingAbnormally cold summers and winters. ShortWave radio is all but useless. An end is prophetic in the Bible and the Koran. The Islamic nations are preparing to attackAnd destroy Israel. Per the 1993 peaceAgreement between them and the tradition of the Truce of Hudaybiyyah, this must be done in twenty years, (2013). Doubters, check out these statement on the internet if youWish. I won't say what I think itMeans. But something really strange isConverging. -reply by Locustspicy
more advanced phpI Want To Create A PHP Text Based Web GameI would also like to leanr more about this to have a go at something simply like Dragons Kingdom - I do know some PHP programming, but I just keep coming across the same old basic stuff like the one linked to in the old post by frenz. Does anyone know where I might some more advanced PHP tutorial, even better if they're aimed and making games? -reply by Claudia
should doPlay Xbox 360 On Hd Lapto tekgems.com/Products/et-36449-vid-dc60-bp.htm this is a perfect cable and should do the job
HP and Gateway are the best!! But a latop isnt just about the brand or design is mostly about what you are looking for in a laptop Macbook/apple; your just buying the name and ao the design. Plus a Macbookisnt that great!! Dell; is ok, but its alot of money if you want a really good one, and some people don't have that money...Like me! xD HP; is the best...Its fast it is just everything plus if you were into the design..All of the HP designs are slim and SEXY xD Gateway; it might sounds like a cheap brand but really there the best. And really not that cheap but I wanted the est laptop I could get witjh $700 and my laptop was $699.99 so yea!! I have a gateway, and its awesome but then anything I can never ask for..It has everything you need! plus you know what else is awesome is...Tablets my best friend as one its awesome cause I love doodling on the screen!! its fun, trust me I'm not a pro at laptops but this is what I think...I just went to my local best buy and they commented that the gateway was the best then the HP for the amount of money I had with me!! so yea just don't choose just cause me or someone else said something just go to where you woul be the laptop andask them what they think is the best!!
Enquiry about bsnl free will phoneBsnl's Internet ConnectionHi, I have been offered one BSNL rent free will phone. Can I make a connection to the internet through this phone.If no, I have a CellOne connection, How can I connect to the internet through mobile and what are the tariffs if I use it for both mobile as well as internet access . Please let me know as early as possible. Thank U,Ramya
Advice On Impressing Someone In My Class in post
iGuest replied to Matrixdudej's topic in Dating And Relationships
How Do I Make Him Like Me?Advice On Impressing Someone In My ClassOK So I like this Guy and he is with me in class then we went to this trip and we got to know each other well... At first I thought he liked me then on msn we were chatting so I asked him who he likes he said the name of my BEST FRIEND!/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley3.Gif So Apparently my crush likes her... What should I do... I already told her so She can help Me But I cant Get Him to Like MeSo Any Good Advice..And Pls don't Say ''Be Yourslef" Because I tried being my self aloottt of times but people don't like me that way-question by Miryam -
background chex are civil liberty violationsHiring FelonsReplying to lonebyrd not to mention the fact that as a felon that can not vote, you have no say in who goes to office, and therefore your taxes equal extortion. Why should I pay your taxes if I can not vote. I am a felon, but was able to obtain a minimum wage job as a security guard. Funny thing though domestic relations takes EVERY DOLLAR THE GOVERNMENT LEAVES. That is no lie welcome to america people. -reply by kenny
Asus laptop does not bootPc Does Not BootAsus laptop A8 series Windows Vista Home Premium, 2GB RAM, ATI Radeon 256MB Graphics, switch off my laptop this morning, but when I switch it back on, the harddisk runs, there is yellow light showing, but nothing happens later.. Anybody can help me? Can't even go into BIOS screen, boot screen or whatever.. -question by Jonathan
kill green drags!!/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley15.Gif it gets you 45k each trip and they are east of clan wars mem only also bring food lobbys or above (monkfish are realy cheap and heal 16 hp each time and wach out for revants so take a games necklace and if you don't want to kill them then pick up the stuf on the ground there are stuff like addy ore mith sheilds and battle axe's but if you are killing them on a verry verry rare ocasion they will drop a dragon medium helm hope I helped/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley1.Gif
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas hints and discussion
iGuest replied to alzgames's topic in Computer Gaming
you can lock the wanted level there is a cheat: circle,Right,circle,right,Left,Square,triangle,up -reply by zohan -
Lady Finger For Diabetes Treatment of Sugar (Diabetes)
iGuest replied to aliawais's topic in Health & Fitness
Diabetes has to be treated/handles carefullyLady Finger For DiabetesI am a Diabetic(Type 2) for the last 15 years. Just taking Okra soaked in water overnight may help to an extent but may not be the only cure. I am a strong believer of ayurveda and use of some vegitables in managing Diabetes. I am getting a lot of relief from taking vegetable-juices in empty stomach. But idiabetes needs a combination of Diet, Drugs, Walking and Excercise. Any one or two will never cure Diabetes. It can never be cured but only managed. The Diabetics who do not believe in the above can put themselves into serious ailments and malfunction of vital organs like Kidneys, eyes, lever etc.Monitor your sugar levels regularly at home itself and keep a record of what you eat and its relationship with your sugar levels. Take sugar readings whenever you feel weak or uncomfortable and consult your doctor and adjust your medication, diet etc. Never take diabetes lightly. Self discipline is a must - KCB gupta -reply by KCB Gupta -
I leave my computer on 24/7 because I'm always downloading large files and even when I'm not, I don't want to wait for it to start up each morning. I don't think it causes an increase in electrical bills that I can't handle (I reckon it'll take quite a few computers on all the time to do that) and I don't think it causes extra harm to the computer. Sure, the fans and stuff may not last as long but when stuff stops working we just get a new one.
I just got bottom braces two days ago and they hurt like HELL!I am about to get them off because my bottom teeth are straight anyways and its not worth it, no body even sees your bottom teeth!My mouth is cut up and swollen, and I have really small teeth so it hurts BAD. People say they cut they whole time you have them :/ Maybe my mom will be nice and let me get the bottom off! -reply by Kristen
I am a 34 yr old male, I have been with my partner for 16yrs and we have three beautiful girls together. My partner has told me that she has fallen for another guy and that she loves him. She has been speaking to him on and off over the past 8mths and had sex with him a few times. She really doesn't have much one on one contact with him the relationship is mainly based with txt and phone calls. (this is what she tells me anyway) Is this girl just looking for some change in her every day life? I cant understand this. I am truly destroyed and still want her to try and make us work for the sake of the kids and for the fact that we have been together for 16yrs. I am truly at a loss and have done the whole I will change and make this right. It has now been nearly two weeks since I have really understood that she wants to do this and I am feeling like she needs to do this to see if I really am what she wants. This other guy has been married and divorced, has no children and seems to live a very care free life. My biggest concern is that once my partner has more one on one contact with him and my children have contact as well, will this guy see what he has got himself in for. We have 16yrs of baggage and my children are very comfortable with their lives. What do I do if it doesn't work out for her, should I still be there to pick up the pieces if that happens? I am really lost and need some help or advice.
My Points cancel my account after family members joineEarn Money By Reading EmailsI was with MyPoints a long time.They said get family members to join and I did. Then they canceled my membership and the family members accounts also even lost points that were erned. Every member had their own email address and still closed them out without warning. No way to do buisness. -reply by Fannie
Does the Xbox 360 core system Have an sd slot?Xbox360 FactsDoes the Xbox 360 core system have an sd slot?
RE: How Would You Treat A Relative That Has Slashed His/Her Wrist - I would like some suggestions.How Would You Treat A Relative That Has Slashed His/Her WristObviously, people here have no idea what they're talking about. Especially the part about "Mmkay. She wants attention.". This person obviously has no idea what he/she is talking about. People who cut do not want attention, but understanding; in fact, if you cannot understand them, it's better to leave them alone, especially if you're of a different age group than your reletive. A lot of people who cut wrists just want to be left alone and not bothered. They do not want to be bothered by things they don't care about. -reply by Nekros