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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Google image search for something you like, and only check medium or small pictures.I searched for "Gir" from zim the invader. Don't you like it?
  2. To upload your scripts to your site use an ftp client or cpanels file manager.Your Default password and username for your ftp account should be the same as your cpanel password and username.Editing the html of your board is editing the html of your skin/theme file, with ipb your skin files can be edited through the admin control panel, however I am unsure whether you use ipb or another board as you did a two liner and didn't explain yourself properly.
  3. BATMAN 1By far my fav. Best batmobile. Best Batman. and the Joker!!! how much more do u want?!
  4. I got the same problem today when I tried to upload my avatar. Here is the error I got:Warning: copy(./images/avatars/1173339213419d8102a8769.jpg): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/cops/public_html/forums/includes/usercp_avatar.php on line 227whatever the code is on line 227 of that file (usercp_avatar.php) is causing that problem. I think it is a permissions issue.Admin: did you set the permissions for images/avatars to 777 ?Thanks
  5. Does anyone know where to get FREE cool avatar that don't require signup or any scams like that? :?: 8)
  6. Does anyone know how good the new iMac G5's are cause i'm planning on buying one :?:
  7. iGuest


    Thats is right they only have like 2MB of space and have very few programs. If you want i'll look around for a good site with programs that work on yours i found one about a month ago and i can't remember it now. :?:
  8. iGuest

    Half-Life 2

    this game is by far one of the more interesting and appealing FPS that i have played
  9. ...5.4 percent, or 54 percent...
  10. iGuest

    New CMS

    Yea, It'll be php and open source.However, it'll also have a bit of javascript. (The interface will be in javascript, server backend in php)
  11. It's amazing how gullable the majority can be... I can't sumerize this, so I'll leave these jokes I found on the net. "Condoleezza Rice was on every network morning show today blaming this whole mess on 'flawed intelligence.' Afterward the president took her into his office and said, 'You weren't talking about me were you?'" Bill Maher, on the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq "President Bush has appointed a commission to answer one big question about pre-war Iraq: How did our oil get under their sand?" Craig Kilborn "As of yesterday, the Bush administration still hadn't found the source of the White House leak that outed a woman as a CIA operative. To recap, here are the things President Bush can't find: The source of the leak, weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin laden, the link between Saddam and Osama bin laden, the guy who sent the anthrax through the mail, and his butt with two hands and a flash light." Tina Fey, Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Update" "The United Nations has approved the removal of sanctions on Iraq. The lifting of the sanctions will let the Iraqis have a chance to have things they've never had before like medicine and weapons of mass destruction." Conan O'Brien "According to President Bush, 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' is just a figure of speech meaning 'A defenseless nation overflowing with crude oil' that's all. This reminds me of a time in college when my buddy told me 'Hey man, you gotta come to this party. There'll be a ton of hot chicks there.' But when I got to the party there wasn't a hot chick in sight just a bunch of dudes and a keg of crappy beer. So me and my buddy named Briton got out of there as fast as possible and told ourselves that all the hot chicks were probably destroyed before we showed up." Craig Kilborn "In last year's State of The Union, Bush said there was no doubt that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Last night, Bush said they had 'weapons of mass destruction related program activities.' Whats he going to say next year Iraq had weaponish thing-a-ma-jig whatcha-ma-callits." Jay Leno "During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee former U.S. Chief Weapons Inspector David Kay defended President Bush for saying Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Kay blamed the 'intelligence community.' And he doesn't want anybody confusing Bush with the intelligence community. I think we're okay there." Jay Leno "Oscar nominations came out. Up for best actor, Sean Penn for 'Mystic River,' Jude Law for 'Cold Mountain,' and of course, George W. Bush for 'Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction.'" Jay Leno Found at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  12. Since all of the games listen in the poll have been released within the last two months, this thread should be titled "Your favorite new game", or something similar to that.
  13. It's not the kind of colour scheme I would normally go for but it looks pretty cool. I know more and more folks are getting speedy ADSL, cable hook-ups and the like to the Net but your site took way too long to load on my slow (33.6 Kbs) dial-up connection - something you might want to consider since many (if not most) people still use dial-up. All in all I'd rate it around 6. BTW, the election is over!
  14. Thanks for your comment I'll try to make the headings a bit brighter. But for me it seems easy to read because its blck and sorta grey text. Maybe your gamma is stuffed or something, orbright reflection? I'll try to ask people about it. skyglow1
  15. I've got a Creative Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra (30GB). I love it. It's never given me any problems whatsoever.
  16. Fatal-Fatality, I totally disagree dude. So long as you watch what you are doing and make sure that A/ your site doesn't look sloppy and B/ plan ahead for what you want then there is no reason why it should look so. I use Nuke & Nuke Platinum. I like them and I personally think they look heaps better than some of the other sites out there. Am not gonna belittle anyone's sites, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. parpar26, I have created a nice and easy tutorial (with screenshots) on setting up your MySQL and phpMyAdmin for the first time. It is usually available by a link, but that site is currently undergoing an overhaul due to change of hosts lol. If you want a copy, just catch me on IM or drop me an email.
  17. independent mmorpgs, for example, aspereta.
  18. Either that, or get a basic but nice theme, and look at all the relevantfiles to see what they all do etc.Just be sure not to rip the actual theme, coz the original makers of said theme would not be too pleased to say the least
  19. This one appears at top of page when you go into the (flash) chat room...
  20. It's a good start. The only real problem I have with the site is that the menu and headings are hard (but not impossible) to read. I agree with limited use of colours and absence of Flash. IMHO, Flash is unnecessary for most sites and (like you stated) slows things down.Keep building!
  21. true, but its much nicer having all the other options...this chat program i found, garaxi chat, is exactly what i need, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ except it has the restriction, so I'll prob use the winbots IRC link
  22. you dont *HAVE* to use commands to just chat... it just enhances it....
  23. wow you're right this program looks amazing, I might get it... Im the type of person that likes to do alot with storyline, animation and stuff, and not as much programming, which it looks like i wont need to do much of to make a simple game!
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