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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. ok i see you in ur server my name is aunder rememeber that :)question where channel you are in? aside from the channel IRCOP
  2. Are you saying that Google searches movies?
  3. Yeah I agree, it is very simple and nice.
  4. I noticed that too. (also on GMT +1)And I've got to say, that's also not good for me too because I've just started gathering some people around my forum... Telling them to join a down forum doesn't sound really cool !Anyway, hope it'll get better soon !
  5. i rarely code in php (i prefer perl) but i do both of them in ConTEXT
  6. iGuest

    FI Theme

    im pretty sure you can still download a lot of them from http://www.phpbbhacks.com/
  7. no, for fun... lol, I will test you for the IRCoping... For now, we are linking to Winbots.org -Fatality
  8. Counter Strike is the best!!!
  9. It is legal at countries that the Naruto Series are not licensed. It has been licensed at countries such as The Netherlands, Malaysia, The Philippines and of course Japan. So if you are not from this countries, you're fine. The series is currently running and is going strong.
  10. Please make a better effort to post more appropriately. Once you have 10 GOOD posts you come back to this request forum and re-apply for hosting.Clean up your act, Xisto isn't prejudice towards cultures or languages as tehir is a wide variety here. The main focus of these forums is to post good ENGLISH posts and considering the whole forums are english It is pretty obvious what language to post in.Sorry But untill you post better you shouldn't apply for a hosting package.
  11. Hey all, this my first forum post... EVERHahaha. Never really got into the forum scene, however really want some free hosting to make a website for my mom for Christmas so thought I would give it a try. Might learn something, who knows!But yeah, I use firefox, except on my parents machine because keep getting weird "The Page Contains no Data". I checked all over Google and haven't found a solution that works! But I love it.. the tab browsing and middle click shortcut is killing me though. I have like 20 tabs usually going at once. Anywho!
  12. He's a rapper with credebility and has balls to say what he wants to say. The man has endured a lot of hardships to reach the level thatt he is at now. He is a battler also, try to battle him and see yourself getting dissed..
  13. you can "delete post" from the little buttons at the top right corner of your double post. looks like http://forums.xisto.com/
  14. I think all servers here are unix.I sent you a pm of a free asp (windows) host that I think is good.
  15. if you didnt get the impression, it is supposed to be a front end for my irc chat network... if you want content come to the irc network
  16. iGuest

    Half-Life 2

    I've actually never played Half-Life although I came across a pre-order box (just the packaging front cover etc...) recently their in game just before it came out.It looks great; and from what little I know of the original it's absolutely lethal also. The thing is, is that I probably would have bought it only; I only got a computer in October 2001. But now I've got a new pc, with some great spec on it. (Compared to the last one it's like 10 times better in every department.)I've been thinking about getting it; although I'm a person who loves films; and film-esque games. So I'd rather play the other one first to get a handle on the storylines and background to the characters.Also; aren't Half-Life and Doom related...storywise? I remember hearing somewhere that Half-Life was a plot thread of the Doom series or something like that. (Maybe I'm wrong...)So I dunno, I'll maybe get it around Christmas or something.
  17. I've heard many folks bash IE but I really have no problems with it. I once downloaded Firefox to see how a site I was creating on my computer would look. It looked a much better on IE. Firefox screwed up the colours terribly. Bad coding wasn't to blame either because W3C stated that the XHTML was perfect.
  18. Indeed, a nicely growing site.Although I'm not a Potter man myself...plenty of forums, with a wide variety of topics to talk about. Games, films (both Harry and other), general, and a whole host of content on the books themselves.(I'll not rate though - Not a rating man either...)
  19. According to an article I read on W3C's site, banner (and pop-up/pop-under) ads placed on websites are generally ignored. In other words, advertising on the Net is basically a waste of time! :shock: If I find the link to this info again, I'll place it here.
  20. Sweet man , keep up the good work
  21. Arsenal....Look at Theiry Henry, one of the best players in the world right now.
  22. I took the Lincoln instead man nfsu2 is soo kool! and the tuning is great!
  23. umm...firefox is more popular than ie. let's to use freeware.... Poll not bad .
  24. I like the chat room too, but there were some problems (posting with another name) and when I entered it, I was the only one using it. That is what I meant, and not the chat room itself.
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