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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I play http://www.runescape.com/ http://www.graalonline.com/
  2. Hey i'm trying dude :wink: The align stuff doesn't work...
  3. ive got the first metroid prime for gamecube is the second one any good :?:
  4. iGuest

    Halo 2

    halo 2 is an awsome game i got the limited edition
  5. iGuest

    Fable fans

    yes and you can get married
  6. Hi. My login script is annoying me and i wonder if you could help. I will be very very greatful if you can The following is a part of it that registers the session variables. Its these that keep changing. Each user has a home page..when i log in and view someone elses, then for some reason the session registers as though that person is logged in, whichever userpage is accessed. If you could explain to me how this little bit of code works i would be very greatful too: session_register('first_name'); $_SESSION['first_name'] = $first_name; session_register('last_name'); $_SESSION['last_name'] = $last_name; session_register('username'); $_SESSION['username'] = $username; session_register('userid'); $_SESSION['userid'] = $userid; session_register('email_address'); $_SESSION['email_address'] = $email_address; session_register('special_user'); $_SESSION['user_level'] = $user_level; session_register('userid'); $_SESSION['userid'] = $userid; This section of the page is the only bit that has that sort of coding - is there another way to register a session that i might have done somewhere and need to look out for? and could you explain to me what 'session_register' does? - is it a requirement to register a session? - because it doesnt seem to be. Ive looked through the code and this bit of coding is only ever accessed immediately after login - and doesnt loop. So i dont see how they change. The following is the section of the login script that this is contained in: if($a == secure){echo "Welcome ". $_SESSION['first_name'] ." ". $_SESSION['last_name'] ."! You have made it to the members area!<br /><br />";echo "Your user level is ". $_SESSION['user_level']." which enables you access to the following areas: <br /><br />";$username = $_SESSION['username'];if($_SESSION['user_level'] > 0){ echo "userlevel1 commands";}if($_SESSION['user_level'] > 1){ echo "userlevel2 commands";}if($_SESSION['user_level'] > 2){ echo "user level 3 commands";}}///////////////} else {$loginusername = $_POST['username'];$loginpassword = $_POST['password'];if((!$loginusername) || (!$loginpassword)){ echo "<center><font color=red><strong>Please enter ALL of the information!</strong></font></center><br />"; echo "<center><strong>Login:</strong></center><br />";print $login_form;print "<br>";// exit();} else {//////////////////// Convert password to md5 hash$loginpassword = md5($loginpassword);// check if the user info validates the db$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$loginusername' AND password='$loginpassword' AND activated='1'");$login_check = mysql_num_rows($sql);//////////////////////if($login_check > 0){ while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ foreach( $row AS $key => $val ){ $$key = stripslashes( $val ); } // Register some session variables! session_register('first_name'); $_SESSION['first_name'] = $first_name; session_register('last_name'); $_SESSION['last_name'] = $last_name; session_register('username'); $_SESSION['username'] = $username; session_register('userid'); $_SESSION['userid'] = $userid; session_register('email_address'); $_SESSION['email_address'] = $email_address; session_register('special_user'); $_SESSION['user_level'] = $user_level; session_register('userid'); $_SESSION['userid'] = $userid; $last_login = mysql_query("SELECT last_login FROM users WHERE userid='$userid'");while($last=mysql_fetch_array($last_login)) {if(empty($last["last_login"])) { print "This is the first time you have logged in, If you have any questions or suggestions dont hesitate to email me at webmaster@jesus-freaks.co.uk";} else { print "you last logged in: ". $last["last_login"] ."<br/>If this is wrong please contact the webmaster<br/><br/>";}} $time = time();$time = $time+18000; mysql_query("UPDATE users SET last_login=FROM_UNIXTIME($time) WHERE userid='$userid'");////////////////////////////////////////////////////echo "Welcome ". $_SESSION['first_name'] ." ". $_SESSION['last_name'] ."! You can now access the members area!<br /><br />";echo "Your user level is ". $_SESSION['user_level']."<br />";echo "<a href=?page=secure&a=secure>Click here to see what you can do</a><br />";//////////////////////////////////////////////////// }} else { echo "You could not be logged in! Either the username and password do not match or you have not validated your membership!<br /> Please try again!<br />"; echo "<center><font color=red><strong>You are not logged In!</strong></font></center><br />"; echo "<center><strong>Login:</strong></center><br />";print $login_form;print "<br>";}//////////////////}//////////////////} The session variables change to that of the last visited user page when i do 2 things. 1) log out but dont confirm: if($a == logout){ echo "<center>Are you sure you want to logout?</center><br />"; echo "<center><a href=?page=secure&a=logmeout>Yes</a> | <a href=javascript:history.back()>No</a>";}if($a == logmeout){ session_destroy(); if(!session_is_registered('first_name')){ echo "<center><font color=red><strong>You are now logged out!</strong></font></center><br />"; echo "<center><strong>Login:</strong></center><br />";print $login_form;print "<br>"; } 2) visit a user page: The code for this is huge...the relevant bit is this: if ($username == $_SESSION['username']) {print "<br /><a href=?page=secure&a=edit>Edit User page</a>";} that comes at the top of this page...and always displays. Somehow the session username changes...and i dodnt undderstand sessions well enough to know why.
  7. i can't say it because i always change my favourite game...
  8. i ask other ppl because i'm a n00b at photoshop.
  9. not here, it is empty after 3 weeks maybe because i just listen to music before i sleep. The mobile batteries is worser - it always empty when i need it
  10. if u join pls join the rebels, we really need more pilots.
  11. You don't really need it, you can take care of yourself (2000 recruits in you fighting force :shock: !), it seems I cannot :oops:, but I got it cause I helped in a war...
  12. iGuest


    Neocrome seems like a cool site, I might use it as well...
  13. To put a link in de header: edit: .../templates/name-template/overall_header.tpl to put a link at the end of a page edit the file: .../templates/your-template/overall_footer.tpl.
  14. Nice Website but i doesn't like the grey color :? FuR
  15. Wow for the first time :shock: then they are -realy very nice - :)FuR
  16. lol yeah you are ... and yeah, the concept of infinity is impossible to get your head around...the only way you can get close is if you make assumptions....but we arnt in a position to make assumptions...cos we simply cant know.That we exist suggests that somewhere along the line something came from nothing....which 'doesnt make sense' ...but has to...somehow.So... if whatever made us is actually infinite...then infinity could exist....technically.Its very hard for us to imagine a world without walls... everything we know, see, touch, think... is contained within something, and has its boundaries set. We observe things by their boundaries... on a deeper level, and recognise things by the space they occupy..whether that be logic patterns or physical orientation. And yet, whether you believe in science, or religion...you will come to a set of beliefs that counter this - that somewhere along the line, we were made from nothing. Indeed, as i said above ...the simple idea that we exist at all should completely upset our logic.How then can we ever 'prove' the concept of infinity scientifically...How then can we ever 'prove' anything at all. All we have our theories, and our own individual perceptions give rise to our beliefs. Someones perception could be correct...theres no reason why if one is wrong all have to be wrong. Everyone believes their own perception is the truth - even someone who says all perceptions are false.My life experience has given me cause to believe in Christianity, and since i believe it, i have to believe it is the 'correct perception', and is open to anyone who wants it - theres nothing wrong with that since everyone who believes anything believes they are right. ^deep huh!
  17. And I'm going to buy a domain very soon! :)Do you think it's worth for my site?
  18. I thought we had to stay active on this forum, but there are only like 50 who are really that active (more than 20 posts). The top 200 even ends with 4 posts. And there are at least 500 accepted applications.That means that 300 of them are totally not active on the forum. (less than 3 posts, with 1 request for free hosting included)
  19. Anyone know of a powerful free PHP download script like PAfileDB?PAFileDB doesn't seem to be able to work on this server
  20. I'm also a big fan of eminem, but about his new album i'm a bit dissapointed. i was expecting more disses etc. So i will waiting for the new album off 50 cent "The Valentine's Day Massacre"
  21. Many's the time I've spent a hilarious hour arguing about who's better, Superman or Batman. It was hilarious. I with I taped it.
  22. If one more person says StarGate is there favorite tv show I'm going to puke.
  23. Oh, is that the one where theres all the sharks? Yeah, it looked lame.
  24. Exactly. PUN: So, Intel told him... Maybe they had a records mixup (Not likly, more like bush wanted to increase the economy (or his pay)) but of course, we get to the question everyone wants to know, do nukes have intel inside stickers?
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