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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Hi http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Bye
  2. Hi http://www.duckomenta.de/ Bye
  3. Who plays Lord of the rings Batlle For Middle Earth??really a great game :D if some 1 haves it we can maybe play online 2getter
  4. Three people are convened for a maintenance of recruiting in England. Arrived at the English test, the recruiter says to them: "Made a sentence with the 3 following words: green, pink, yellow." It is initially the Belgian who launches out: "I wake up in the morning, I eat has yellow banana, has green pepper and in the evening I watch the Pink Panther one TV". It is then with the turn of the German: "I wake up in the morning, I see the yellow sun, the green grass and I think to myself: I hope it will Be has pink day ". Lastly, the French advances and says: "I wake up in ze mornink, I hear ze phon: "green.....green... green..." I pink up ze phon and I say "Yellow?"...lolBye
  5. LoL Dutch Humor! :Pi like the clock really belgiam
  6. ow geez... i hear enough of that b**** on tv... I mean c'mon... selling your private life & breasts instead of music??... doesn't work on me, but sadly it works on a lot of people... so much for the "clean" music industry...
  7. yeahthree men, 2 dutchmen and 1 belgian, have been sentenced to death, they get to choose:- electric chair- hanging- guillotineThe guard tells them, that if they are dead after the electric chair / hanging etc.., they are free men. Both dutchmen choose the electric chair, and it fails. They are free man, then the belgian says: hang me, that no good chair fails.. :wink:
  8. yah, and she's getting alot older faster too. She'll never be as cool as Tina Turner (or as old either probably). :twisted:
  9. lookin' alot cooler than when I first saw it. Good job
  10. I like(d) them too,... I heared somewhere in tv, or radio that he was murdered (not 100% sure but that was some suggestions ...) ... byt i dont belive on that :wink:
  11. :twisted: 1) Her music is good (sounds great), but shes sing about nothing (something stupid) 2) Yes that's right :twisted:
  12. What can I say - Not half bad!
  13. As far as I understand the "star" system, the stars only tell how many messages that a user has written. But the system dosn't seem to tell how FREQUENT a person has written messages.If this is correct, then the star system acutally does not describe how active the user is on the forum. A person could have written 400 messages... but five years ago...! :wink: Regards,DavidwPs... doing what I can to get to three stars!!!
  14. Nice 8) My too, but witchout Nos From 0-100 (wutch nos) - 1,8 s (really) i think its good :wink:
  15. Cool template - everyone seems to use that one though :|
  16. I can't understand but it looks and sounds nice
  17. this guy's artwork is pretty cool. would like to have small version you could put on web pageswhat's up with all the caps and exclamation marks though :?:
  18. Hi http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Bye
  19. Hi http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Bye ~ title edited ~ Infraid
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