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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. This is a fair point, I've IM'd the admin about it because I personally don't think it's very fair someone else posting in your request to boost it back in the queue; and bring their's forward. Something should be done about it; pointing out problems with requests is the admins and moderators jobs, where applicable. Not ours.
  2. I understand....Last time I also faced this...I know this is not fair...let FNH decide what's best...
  3. Cool layout: http://aethereality.net/ <=== so cool
  4. Template Monster 2505, Full: Click here 4 down: (right click-->save target as) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. What's up???I have just tested,it's still active,you try to down again ok?(Right click-->save target as ) Or may be your IP was banned!In this case,if you want,i will upload to my host(i'm requesting)
  6. I'm not a christian and am not about to become one but the following quote is inspiring about the good things in Christianity that are fighting the bad things in Christianity through people like Desmond Tutu. It's also a great theory of community that is useful for this (or any) community forum. The coolest quote from Tutu is "A self-sufficient human being is subhuman." Reconciliation: The Ubuntu Theology of Desmond Tutu "Christianity in North America and Europe tends to buy into the Enlightenment ethos of "enlightened self-interest" and "rational individualism." The individual as free agent is the starting point for thinking about society, and this of course reduces community to little more than a collection of individuals who come together out of self-interest. A Christianity saturated with this way of thinking about the relation between persons and society tends to focus too much on individual salvation and individual sin and too little on the Kingdom of God as communitarian ideal, collective salvation, and corporate sin. The underlying principle of Archbishop Tutu's Christian ethics is the African notion of "ubuntu." Ubuntu is a difficult word to translate, but it connotes community, with the understanding that it's impossible to isolate persons from community, that there's an organic relationship between all people such that when we see another, we should recognize (an important word for Tutu) ourselves and the God in whose image all people are made. Interdependence and reciprocity, not independence and self-sufficiency, are the keys here. As Tutu magnificently says, "A self-sufficient human being is subhuman. I have gifts that you do not have, so consequently, I am unique--you have gifts that I do not have, so you are unique. God has made us so that we will need each other. We are made for a delicate network of interdependence." (p. 35)"
  7. The order of the posts in the request for free host is the tipical: last post date To the admin(s): If you go to the admin panel, then forum admin, then edit that forum, you can set the order the forum should be displayed. I think you should select topic date, and not last post date (as predefined). I saying this, because I was the first guy to request and I'm still waiting... please see this topic.
  8. You can take them from DreamW templates, find images buttons from HTML code of Tems(***.GIF,***.jpg...)
  9. on linux i use emuleon windows i use emule too, and get games from xdcc bots on some warez channels on irc
  10. linux manthe best os ever
  11. no I can't dload.. Bad Request! Not allowed
  12. No, it's still active, try to download http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ <== save target as To:Nazrin. Hi,nice to see you,i'm from Vietnam.
  13. See the Linux-based UBUNTU desktop system topic
  14. Ubuntu includes more than 1,000 pieces of software, starting with the Linux kernel version 2.6 and Gnome 2.8, and covering every standard desktop application from word processing and spreadsheet applications to internet access applications, web server software, email software, programming languages and tools and of course several games.
  15. Sorry!This topic moved to PhpBB & other forum sources
  16. sorry! this topic moved to PhpBB & other forum sources
  17. Sory to post this here, but it's for the admins to see... I was the first guy to request freehosting, and because of some stupid folks being posting in my request, it's order is messed up, and now 9 acounts have been created, and mine - I repeat: the first one - is not created yet! Please some admin, look at my request and see de date it was posted, and creat my acount.
  18. Superman 8) ...I like it to :wink:The best was "his" power's :twisted:
  19. iGuest


    Fan :wink: I liked to watch X Files on Tv ... Great action, story, and many more... :wink:
  20. What's do you think about new server?It's very very fast!!!It's great!I hope the new server will be never down again.Thank admin for all.
  21. PC (have 2 PC's ... from 1996 8) ), now i have new PC... athlon 2800 XP +... and more ...Favourite games : Pro Evolution Soccer 3,4Half life 2 (firs too )Rollercoaster series...
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