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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Opera... rarely FlashGet (or Teleport, but that's not considered a DL manager, I suppose)
  2. I'm asking if it's not too big because I think myself that many signatures of other members here are much too big and sometimes even annoying.This is the first animation I ever made and that's why I just used some pictures of my website without adjusting them. That's why it's so big. Next time I'll make it smaller and try to animate the text.I just wanted to know if advertising my site on this way is allowed in my signature. If yes, then I'll make some other and better ones. (and smaller)
  3. Me too, but i voted 'Windows' And eh Jake_101, can you show me a pic of a Windows pc?
  4. Why does it appears to be only one vote up there? (my vote!)Is there something wrong with the poll, or no one is voting?Well, I do smoke. I plan to quit some day. In the past I've stopped smoking for several months, and got back to cigarrets just because I felt like it. I am addicted, but I have the strenght to quit. When I do so, the hard time lasts 2 months. Best method for me is just to stop. Reducing cigarrets or nicotine gums don't work with me.Here in Portugal government is just to apply a law that forbiddens smoking in every public place, except the street. I understand it, but for the people that is used to smoke in school / university, in the caffe, restaurant, etc, it is indeed a very sudden change! :shock: Perhaps it will provide me an oportunitie to quit smoking...
  5. Thanks Inafraid. You rock.What about Online Articles? There's some cool stuff out there.
  6. Agreed, thanks. Actually I was exactly looking for that word in my poor vocab... and Entertainement was the first one coming to my mind ! Edit : ok.. it seems someon already took care of it !
  7. 137px in height seems to be reasonable compared to some other members' sig... :lol:As for the content, I'm not the kind of person to judge wether it is abusive or not... I let this task for others !
  8. We won't (at least not me) waste our time reading each and every threads twice or more !! If someone replied on your request for no real reason, you can PM me to report it...If it was someone who reminded you smth's wrong with your request, then you should better thank him/her... A delayed request is better than a quick but bad request !Chances are we won't allow replies anymore in the Request Free Hosting forum. If that's the case, forget everything I told you ! :lol:One more thing, look carefully and you'll see admin's processed in the correct order...
  9. Mac's are great for graphics, but windows in what I like to use. :wink:
  10. Quake IV looks awesome from the screenshots, but the only part that sucks is that it is build on Doom 3 engine. Stil i cant wait for it to come out
  11. They're probably not going to make Diablo III, because they already released World of WarCraft. It combines D2 and WarCaraft III, from which all the heroes are taken. The graphics somewhat resemble WarCraft III Engine. But the worst part is that u gotta pay per month to play it as well as buy the game itself
  12. dude yur makin the right choice, and msg me if you ant to play u can use my xfire to msg me
  13. Just my personal take on it but it doesn't need to be so big to get the job done. Closer cropped pics and smaller font would still get the point across.
  14. Would this be allowed in my signature? Or is it too big (file size 40k) or too high (139)? Or is it inappropriate? I would like to know that, because I would like to use such animations (better onces) from time to time for my signature. If no, would a smaller one be allowed?
  15. Sorry for letting this happen... :oops: I'll lock every new thread npsfqqa created with no description of the link provided... Oh... btw, take this as a warning, npsfqqa :!:
  16. I made it to the end and got a prize.. a free button that says "Click here to goto "Don't Click Here" "
  17. What is your favorite music video?Mine would probably be one from Green Day.
  18. Hi My favourite book is A course in Miracles. It is not about religion, as the title may imply, it is about self growing. To me is the most extraordinary book I have ever read.
  19. Requesting Beta Testers for my new mirc script... You can get it here Winbots Script If you want to make a theme, edit the Template.thm file and save it as <your theme name>.thm
  20. ehh... didnt you realize that all the fnh sites are down?the winbots irc servers have been up the whole time, but the winbots site is down....
  21. look at http://www.rammstein.de/de/404;
  22. I dont love her nor hate her...are there only two choices?
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