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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. iGuest


    hehe, old msg :lol:most of us here think the same
  2. i ahve not been here to long but i want to say good lick with it and have fun *thumbs up*
  3. Rose**edited first post in hopes of making more sense**
  4. I realised that but if you watch it closely:-you would harm 5 ppl in 1 place in the line each and doing this you're taking me 6 more places -after all, 32 plus those 5 ppl have their acounts unfairly before than mine... again: I don't mean by that that you should delete the others, I'm fine in 6st also I sent some PMs to admins about the order of the topics on a especific forum you can change at the administration control panel.
  5. its funny, cause since posting this, i have seen a MAJOR improvement in sig design.im not sure if you all found some good tutorials, or if someone else made them but they look nice.
  6. somone know when the release is for the pc-version?
  7. i was just making sure the moderators and such were informed of the "problem" to see if there was a problem or something.just trying to help keep the website stable.
  8. 1 master YESvs 1 master NO (need more votes please...)
  9. my top speed around 280km/h
  10. Some birds have four feet Leviticus 11:20-21The bible says that hares and conies are unclean because they chew the cud but do not part the hoof. Leviticus 11:5-6 But hares and coneys are not ruminants and they do not chew the cud. im not sure, ill look it up. those are old testement quotes, plus im only 17 years old, so dont expect me two answer all of your questions. gime some "stumpers", and ill pass the off to my pastor to see if he can answer them.
  11. Thanks for the links provided... I'm sure some people will appreciate that act ! As for your thread, I removed some, not all because it could still be unfair for the actual #1... (he might claim injustice, etc.) So I removed every posts, before the one that would have made you #1... :arrow: a list of people who has been warned has been created HERE.
  12. iGuest


    Hey free nuke hosting, I dont know how to put this. but I LOVE YOU! I love what your doing and I thank you so much. You guys are the bomb. You guys are the best. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something.... Anyways, I just really appreciate everything you do and I hope you will continue! (> ^ _ ^)> Free Nuke Hosting ROCKS <(^ _ ^<)
  13. u where suposed to vote for The Netherlands
  14. congrats I agree that sometimes it's not fair. The n00bs can really get on my last nerve sometimes too. just force myself to stay level :shock:
  15. It's still too far away, hard to predict, but right now I like what France and Brazil are doing
  16. yeah, ive got a new one that less people seem to use, but im not sure if I like it as much as that one....
  17. I see now that you have removed 2 or 3 replies from my post, thanks a lot! now it is the 6th on the line and it still have 3 replies on it!If you removed just another one it would jump to 1st :shock:But nevermind, 6th is fine by me, even having in mind that I was the first guy asking for the free host :cry:thanks again 8)
  18. Who read the communist "bible"?? I'm just curious..
  19. Who is the pirate, those who enforce restricted licensing on their products, or those who get around the restrictions? Open Source software prevents piracy by both sides.
  20. I realize now that I can only delete my last post, not all of them... so check the date of my first post (9:09 am GMT) and the time it took an admin to repy (11 hours and a half (8:32 pm GMT)) and look at the time of almost any of the "completed aplications".I was talking about the last post made before an admin replies !This is because some people, who don't read the rules, like to *bump* their own thread... Why should we care about them ? :? We're simply picking the last thread of the forum... hence the possibility of reporting abusive replies...Yes, I know you were thinking that way, so I pointed it out for you I've got to admit that your right about that... but it is still unfair...
  21. Whizz, I just noticed a mistake on your website. "You might have noticed, uclans has been for some time." I suppose you forgot the "down". ~ Aaargh.. even from a Master.. Don't forget PM exists... ~ Infraid
  22. You go Infraid. Thanks.Sol, sometimes patience works better than a loud and frustrated search for a very small amount of justice. I've applied 3 different times and been deleted. s'aright, will wait and read and help others
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