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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. ES is much better, only the graphifcs are super man, try it out!
  2. i did it once but i totally screwed up
  3. I play a lot of americas army, you can chekc it here http://www.americasarmy.com/ it is free game
  4. I suggest PHP Designer 2005. It's an IDE for PHP and also other scripting languages, very good, rich of features and FREE! Homepage: http://www.mpsoftware.dk/
  5. The question is why do only 200 of them actually post on here?A forum I once went on had 3000-4000 users, and I couldn't keep up with posting...not like that in here.Just some food for thought...
  6. iGuest


    Fantastico does not mean every script..The scripts on them varies quite a lot..I have even seen a fantastico that install a game
  7. In all honesty I think that Sims 2 will be better... But this game isn't SO bad... PS: Unfortunately I bored after 2 weeks :?
  8. Hey Andrew!! I come from Poland, too!! :wink: Where do you live? I live in capital of Poland - Warsaw! Have a nice day!
  9. e107styles.org e107coders.org e107themes.org 8) :mrgreen:
  10. What about "Last Samurai" ?The scens of fight are cool, like in the game "Shogun: Total War" I hope that somebody knew it
  11. wat type of movies u like? I liked the romantic film because I the romantic person
  12. Has anybody ever created, or tryed to create a game or small program in one of this??? If not I recommend to try it. Easier than Flash and less advanced but also lot of fun... :wink:
  13. Could streaming audio to php in server freenukehosting?Or must have server personally ?
  14. iGuest


    Why e107 did not enter in fantastico in freenuke hosting?Was thought by me e107 really was easy installasi him and began many that used
  15. My name is Andrew and I come from Poland. I'm trying to find place where I can finaly put my homepage, I hope I've found it. This forum seems to be nice...
  16. script e107 ? no categori ?
  17. Jennifer Lopez f. Fabolous - Get Right (WZ)
  18. not that near..=) You're slowly gaining on them though
  19. when we reached 2000 some time ago, we were proud about that. Now it keeps moving on... nice... bring it top at http://www.clickherefree.com/ again... :mrgreen:
  20. nice naz you neally got the amount of post as the users lol
  21. PLEASE see demo : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ PM to me if you like .
  22. hey there, Is it possible to redirect an entire website (all pages) to another host rather than just on one page? Eg, not just http://freehost.com/ to redirect to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, but all pages from http://freehost.com/ (main.php, contacts.php, etc) to another host. So that if someone visits any of the pages from my old site, they will be redirected to the main page of my new hosted site.. know wot i mean..? Thnx.
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