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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. does anyone know if throwdown are coming to cardiff?
  2. make sure ALL mod's can do that, and not just the mods over the "main" area or what ever. 8)
  3. a)Your Name : Ariel Ogaz b)Your Age : 29 c)Your Gender : Male (?) d)Your Interests : Ska ska ska ska ska e)Your Aspirations : i like play a trumpet, and drink BEER f)Your Country Of Origin. : Chile, latinamerica, planet earth 8) 8) 8) 8)
  4. Its not her material thats entertaining the troops. Its a rip off. And its a pretty clear rip off too, and i dont read Harry Potter or watch the movies, but I know enough that its a jip and she should be angry.
  5. Domain redirections such as .tk can not be used to register, but you can use them later to redirect - only if you want.
  6. It's more scripted than a play - that's why it's so funny!
  7. But thats the point of the show! Seeing rich white girls who do no work and live off of their parents, *The Hilton's and Lionel Richie* and they attempt to do stuff that's "real". I love how they still try to pass it off as a "reality" show when it is soooo scripted. I mean, you know Paris isn't dreaming up these ideas...
  8. To regret, the avatar is not established.All requirements, observance!Instead of a picture, a framework with a dagger.How to correct?Thanks!
  9. That show is dumb.Paris is so dumb.If she didn't have money noone would care about her
  10. iGuest


    Who is happy that the nascar season is almost here
  11. There are no free domain names. Your best option is either to pay for the domain or get a subdomain of FNH or VAIO. They are free
  12. Do you think Rob and Amber will win the next amazing race
  13. I need to know if there is any good free domain names.I have 2 PTR scripts and I don't have anything left to get domain names.Please help
  14. I just built the site myself forget those dumb engines lol
  15. How Do I have just 1 databse and have my users login to a specific area and not have to re log in to see the calendar / private forums ?Any Help would be apperecatedI am using phpbb from Fantastico for my forums and WebCalendar from Fantastico for the calendarAs I have users who have access to public section of my forums and I also have users who have private access to other areas of my forums but i want to give the private access users access to a calendar as well with out making them re log in and still keep it confidental from the public people
  16. iGuest


    I did't find the game scary for some reason dunno why but i love the GFX on it. I ramped it up too full.
  17. Pretty cool dont like the back ground really but it does go with the rest of the site
  18. Umm...Tolkien wrote Lord of the Rings. Rowling wrote Harry Potter. Just thought you might like to know.
  19. Smallville is the best thing ever! far better than any other little puny show on television...well except for uffy and Charmed of course lol!
  20. i like all that things that pavel likes, and i agree about the films 1995 onwards, the old films especially the horrors were the best ever
  21. I have invites to give away. (btw - My email is philwills(AT)gmail(DOT)com -I've added you to the list 'Hazaa'-
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