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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. i love this movie... of course its a classic...i ve watched this like 50 times
  2. cant you do it yourself???? :roll:
  3. Use a counter. http://statcounter.com/ for eg.
  4. Paid Servers are faster and better, though the free ones are excelent
  5. Oh no, cult ppl. Thats what I beleive, I am not trying to make fun or degrade people here.
  6. Its all about the ads..the ads pay for everything......so to support this palce clicky click
  7. Is there a way to see how many unique visitors hit ur site? I've looked but can't seem to find any where, or am I just blind ;)Tim :twisted:
  8. Is that a bribe for us to make your hosting account faster??
  9. Yippeee.....so wat else are we suppsoe to say?
  10. I ahve some extremepxiels naz...... vBullletin for me now so i don't need them....too bad I got no hsoting.... :wink: :wink:
  11. Apesadumbrada, la mayor?a extensa del tablero habla ingl?s as? que usted va a tener que traducir su poste si usted desea una respuesta r?pida y detallada.***Sorry, the vast majority of the board speak English so you're going to have to translate your post if you want a fast and detailed response
  12. Data to: PHP-NukeI'm sorry but it wants I to me to install PHP-Nuke and I do not know exactly what data relating bases to write in file config.phpmy base user: slum_slum db: slum_slum access host: localhost pass: **** how I have to write in file data config.php please help me---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# dbhost: SQL Database Hostname# dbuname: SQL Username# dbpass: SQL Password# dbname: SQL Database Name# $prefix: Your Database table's prefix# $user_prefix: Your Users' Database table's prefix (To share it)# $dbtype: Your Database Server type. Supported servers are:# MySQL, mysql4, postgres, mssql, oracle, msaccess,# db2 and mssql-odbc# Be sure to write it exactly as above, case SeNsItIvE!--------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. Perfect, thanks for the replies sukhdeep and samin
  14. Exactly as dnljeff said.-Locked
  15. Dutch (duh, I live in the netherlands)EnglishGermanFrenchAnd a bit of Italian
  16. I play the guitar, bass and drums.
  17. Fight Club, I watched too many times now, but it's still great
  18. True! Right now I'm listening to Queens Of The Stone Age - Little Sister
  19. Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenenance. 8)
  20. I think he did get it back when it was hacked the hacker closed acess to his site and posted a message about he site being hijacked by him. Check his link now the sites back up
  21. iGuest


    Its ok, spam posts dont count when getting accepted
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