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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Glad to hear that you've got it sorted. I use Terraping FTP and have never had a problem with it. :mrgreen:
  2. And this says what?Please also search, we have a topic open already.
  3. Just to make a point to all users:If you are requesting ANY information, do so in English.Thanks YouHazaa
  4. I guess I do not really have any question to ask about the Bible. I just like to see who likes to read the Bible. Just by the inspiration of seeing Bible here, I guess members will come to post something about it.
  5. Probably in the next version 2.4? But the idea is to simulate "America's Army" so they would most likely use the current weapons.
  6. Nice, I like the flow of the layout!
  7. I was in the Philippines over Christmas break and we had a small earthquake the same day all that happened, so yeah it wasn't cool.
  8. I think any mp3 player that holds 4gb+ is good. IPod Mini, and there are ones that are even 10gb and 20gb, but thier almost $400, but 9,900 songs can fit...
  9. I like the Nero Ultra Ed v6.6, but I think it's much easier to use Easy CD Creator. Which one is that fastest or best one...I need ur guy's oppinion, and please mension other burining/ripping programs so I can check em out!
  10. I listen to all different types of music, but I agree rock is the best. I especially love acoustic rock songs.
  11. i dont see a problem it looks fine but u put , on the link u just need to create a account FAST before i do =D
  12. iGuest


    I just wanted to recommend the movie "Hitch" to everyone. I saw it last night, and itwas awesome! It is a good movie for both girls and guys. It is very cute, but also very funny. Has anyone else seen it?
  13. yeh.. it is pretty blank, but i try to keep it simple. and theres a problem with the menu box on the right :? dont no why it does that... :cry:
  14. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ WIP Needs more pictures. And stuff. Like pages.
  15. i love terror.com (I'm not sure of the name)
  16. a new comapny offering hosting pack what u think of the site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.
  17. My problem is solved. It is that I add other DNS addresses as my optional ones. This is a mistake. Do not add any additonal DNS addresses than the first two.
  18. i dont have harry poter 1 i read 2,3,4,5;)
  19. nightmer in elm street !! Best scary movie ever!
  20. some one can give me photo of sarit hadad i love her
  21. and this movie was very good and supising !!!
  22. i need html bilder some one can help me
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