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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. It was pretty good actually. It kept my attention the entire 2+ hours.
  2. Right now I think Sicks Deep is the best. I used to chill with their guitarist back in NY.
  3. I don't know why, but I downloaded and installed AA and it never worked on my PC. Could it be my video card?
  4. This game is the bomb. I think I played it for 17 hours straight yesterday. I know what you mean about cheating though. It spoils the game.
  5. I?m for it 8) let me now if you want some help 8)
  6. S?, usted puede crear algo usted quiere. Cerci?rese apenas que cualquiera del contenido no va contra los T?rminos del Servicio aqu? en Freenukehosting comTambi?n, Si usted sabe c?mo hablar ingl?s, ser?a ?til a muchas de las administraciones y mediadores para ayudarle con preguntas como esto. ?Gracias! Las consideraciones,TJ Ashley ---------------------------------------------en ingles: (in enlish) (Translation)---------------------------------------------Yes, you may create anything you want. Just make sure that any of the content does not go against the Terms of Service here at FreeNukeHosting.comAlso, If you know how to speak english, it would be helpful to many of the admins and moderators to help you with questions like this.Thanks!Regards,TJ Ashley
  7. I?m using WS_FTP & i have no problem at all...even after i have installed SP2 on Windows XP I have plans to install a new FTP program 8) but i don?t now wich one.
  8. ya, i know what your saying, but it's not an .mp3 file it's a .wma file that i created...
  9. yeah that would help alot cuz i only know a little bit of italian and spanish
  10. hey im not an admin but i know there is a topic that talks about all of that crap its http://forums.xisto.com/ i hope that helps
  11. I really need help on this, because I have been getting script errors with my modified phpBB. I use php v.4..3.1.0. in my computer for testing. Then when I place it on the net, the cpanel confirms it to be the same version. However when I see my sql database in phpmyadmin, I see that it said v. AHHH! Please help upgrade to the v.! Please! I am uploading my sql in my computer with the usage of v. to my phpmyadmin in my cpanel of v. I may be getting script errors due to this.
  12. Hey guys, this question is going out to an Admin or Mod or anybody else who can fully answer this question: If I have created a Movie for my Virtual Airline, and it's got music in it, *BUT* it's a .wma file, is it against the ToS ? You can veiw it here (it's on the site now) i just want someone to look at it so i can take it off and not get in trouble. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (hit play) *NOTE* that i have put credits... it was made by me... and i also sited the music. Just tell me if it's allowed. Thanks in advance for your responses! Regards, TJ Ashley UAL CEO Ps. I know i wrote something before, but i dont belive i got an "admin" response. ... Please PM me, post in here, or e-mail me (an admin) so i can remove it ASAP if it's not allowed. Thanks!
  13. Hey you did this skin all be your self?? or u found it somewhere in the net?
  14. It was fixed by a friend of mine. We are somewhat co-workers.CodyP.S. There soon will be news, cheats, etc. added so become a user and by monday, there will be a lot of info on that site.
  15. Please refer to "pop" as it should. If by pop you mean Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, and others, thats bubblegum pop. But the word "pop" was formed in the '80s to reference popular music. So when used correctly, a band or person that gets large media attention and has a good-sized following is pop. So in this vein, things like The Beatles and The Who of yesteryear, and things like Linkin Park, The White Stripes, and Blink-182 of today, are pop.That being said, I listen to many types of music, as I am a musician, so I need to stay in the flow with pop music. But I am a classic rock/new alternative rock person.
  16. Everyone born or a citizen of the United States of America has a SSN#
  17. Your from new york and dont have a SSN#?
  18. yes , and you can use leadftp : Download Here
  19. I' have both but I need to choose which I should use.....
  20. I use Smart FT, WS_FTP and Ace FTP Pro
  21. Its kinda mud blooded...
  22. Man..I wish I was able to sign up for adsense....I'm to young and no SSn
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