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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. My name is Robin, I'm 15 years old and male . My hobby is gaming and designing websites. That's one of the reasens i'm here. I'm from the Netherlands
  2. Don't know. If you are mote specific about it i can tell. But AA is a good game. Because it's free, else it would be a terrible game.
  3. The best game ever made is Socom II. SOCOM 3 is gonna be even better. It's a thirth person shooter and you play as a seals For the people who don't know the game
  4. Don't now if I'm gonna play it. Vietnam wasn;t that good that i want to play this also. But I will see. By the way when is it coming ??
  5. both new and old testiments?i only read the first 3 books, they?re cool
  6. ill have to post my pic sometime soon
  7. count me in ill start workin now too but im already busy =P im creating a Half Life Modification called FullMetalAQuest
  8. not bad...I love :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:I love the shape of the headerS too :shock: :wink:
  9. I like her very much... I'm Britney Fan Club In Thailand Thalk to me @ MSNsoyushimuya_8@msn.com :wink: Talk about britney Spears And Christina Aguilera
  10. Do you know V-Cast PhonChristina Aguilera
  11. I live at thailand. I'm use MOTOROLA E380
  12. This website thai language..about Asia stars Baby V.O.X You can sing Guestbook At Shout Box http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ thai
  13. iGuest


    What kind of a name is Stop?( i am not trying to be rude i am interested )
  14. iGuest

    New Sig

    cartoon I like this
  15. I have played the first one and veitnam and i loved them, But some games like the new MOH are better, like the new MOH:PA.
  16. why do they need a credit card for beta testing game?Does it say why they need it?
  17. I'm live at thailand. Harry Potter6 is coming soon
  18. iGuest


    I have this game for PC and the first couple of times i played it i was like really lost and i couldn't find the shops and stuff like the indivdial ones, i was going nuts.
  19. it will be for 2 month.Random lol you got a reseller already random email me with your domain name because I need to move it to the new server. or is it moved already nazrin email me with your msn ID
  20. Red Devils, Manchester United, My Dream Team!
  21. I have a same problem is my free hosting account, i think they are working on it.
  22. you can do it in cPanel X.I m not entirely sure how it works,but its juz a server thing..
  23. for how long? I mean the period of the reseler... :?
  24. iGuest


    hi ! My name is stop msn : soyushimuya_8@msn.com :oops:
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