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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Waiting for my Ati Radeon 9250. At the moment I'm using a second-handed sucky one so I won't even mention it
  2. HELLO MIKE just saying HI!!!
  3. I don't play any Fifa since... I think that 2002. They have started making them worse and worse each year, and the ISS is much cooler
  4. Wow i really have to work on my grammar mistakes.
  5. o0o -- dead link--good idea though--Mike
  6. iGuest


    Yeah! I love this game but I had to leave it for a long while. First of all, my Graphic Card got overburnt and crashed, and now I have a second handed cheap one that doesn't allow me to play
  7. Change that me and my self part to myself
  8. Hi i'm Vishnu and my partner Mike and i run a Computer business.Xtreem Comps...A division of Pweb (Quality Custom comps 4 less)I am an Xtreem business man and i take my business seriously just like Mike. Well this was a short intro of me and myself
  9. iGuest


    sure i would be honored but i need to know how to get imagemagick on my website
  10. Please Fix This Problem I Got PHP-Nuke On My Server But I Cant Format It.
  11. Yeah I use norton antivrus 2004 still, and havent had any problems, except that it wont delete most of the adware type stuff of my computer, I have to use a seperate program for them.
  12. Yeah the Simpsons are great. But I do have to agree with some of you that although the newer episodes are OK, the older ones were great. I used to almost die laughing at some of hte stuff, now htat doesnt really happen. None the less, I lovem.
  13. I've got the file, I'll post it in a bit. - EDIT: Here are the contents of the file: ############################################################## ## MOD Title: Disable Post Count Increase## MOD Author: Xore < xore@azuriah.com > (Robert Hetzler) http://www.azuriah.com/ ## MOD Description: This mod enables you to selectively turn off post count increments on each forum ## MOD Version: 1.0.1 ## ## Installation Level: (Easy) ## Installation Time: 2 Minutes ## Files To Edit: includes/functions_post.php,## admin/admin_forums.php## language/lang_english/lang_admin.php## templates/subSilver/admin/forum_edit_body.tpl## Included Files: (n/a) ############################################################## ## For Security Purposes, Please Check: https://www.phpbb.com/mods/ for the ## latest version of this MOD. Downloading this MOD from other sites could cause malicious code ## to enter into your phpBB Forum. As such, phpBB will not offer support for MOD's not offered ## in our MOD-Database, located at: https://www.phpbb.com/mods/ ############################################################## ## Author Notes: ## ############################################################## ## MOD History: ## ## 2003-09-21 - Version 1.0.0 ## - Initial release ## 2003-09-23 - Version 1.0.1 ## - Comma error fixed, fixed "Files To Edit" ## ############################################################## ## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD ############################################################## # #-----[ SQL ]------------------------------------------ # Change the prefix 'phpbb_' accordingly. 'phpbb_' is the default prefix#ALTER TABLE phpbb_forums ADD forum_postcount TINYINT( 1 ) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL;# #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # includes/functions_post.php# #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # $sql = "UPDATE " . USERS_TABLE . "# #-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------ # $sql = "SELECT forum_postcount FROM " . FORUMS_TABLE . " WHERE forum_id = $forum_id AND forum_postcount = 0"; if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Error in deleting post', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } if ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { return; }# #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # admin/admin_forums.php# #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # 'S_PRUNE_ENABLED' => $prune_enabled,# #-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ # 'S_FORUM_POSTCOUNT' => ( isset($row) && isset($row['forum_postcount']) && ($row['forum_postcount'] == 0) ) ? '' : 'checked="checked"',# #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # 'L_DAYS' => $lang['Days'],# #-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ # 'L_POSTCOUNT' => $lang['Forum_postcount'],# #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # prune_enable" . $field_sql# #-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------ # prune_enable# #-----[ IN-LINE AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ # (before the " )#, forum_postcount# #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['prune_enable']) . $value_sql# #-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------ # intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['prune_enable'])# #-----[ IN-LINE AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ # (before the . )# . ", " . intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['forum_postcount'])# #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # prune_enable = " . intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['prune_enable']) . "# #-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ # , forum_postcount = " . intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['forum_postcount']) . "# #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # language/lang_english/lang_admin.php# #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # $lang['prune_freq']# #-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------ # $lang['Forum_postcount'] = 'Count user's posts';# #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # templates/subSilver/admin/forum_edit_body.tpl# #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # <tr> <td class="catBottom" colspan="2" align="center">{S_HIDDEN_FIELDS}<input type="submit" name="submit" value="{S_SUBMIT_VALUE}" class="mainoption" /></td># #-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------ # <tr> <td class="row1">{L_POSTCOUNT}</td> <td class="row2">{L_ENABLED}<input type="checkbox" name="forum_postcount" value="1" {S_FORUM_POSTCOUNT} /></td> </tr># #-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------ # # EoM And here's an auto-installer for the SQL. Save it as mod_install.php in your root phpBB dir, and run it. <?php/*************************************************************************** * mod_install.php * ------------------- * Version : 1.0 * begin : Friday, December 6th, 2002 * ***************************************************************************//*************************************************************************** * * copyright (C) 2002/2003 IcE-RaiN/Zarath * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * ***************************************************************************/ define('IN_PHPBB', true);$phpbb_root_path='./';include($phpbb_root_path.'extension.inc');include($phpbb_root_path.'common.'.$phpEx);//// Start session management//$userdata = session_pagestart($user_ip, PAGE_INDEX);init_userprefs($userdata);//// End session management//if( !$userdata['session_logged_in'] ){ header('Location: ' . append_sid("login.$phpEx?redirect=shop_install.$phpEx", true));}if( $userdata['user_level'] != ADMIN ){ message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $lang['Not_Authorised']);}if( !strstr($dbms, "mysql") ){ if( !isset($bypass) ) { $message = 'This mod has only been tested on MySQL and may only work on MySQL.<br />'; $message .= 'Click <a href="mod_install.php?bypass=true">here</a> to install anyways.'; message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $message); }}$sql = array();$sql[] = "ALTER TABLE phpbb_forums ADD forum_postcount TINYINT( 1 ) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL";$sql_count = count($sql);echo "<html>n";echo "<body>n";for($i = 0; $i < $sql_count; $i++){ echo "Running :: " . $sql[$i]; flush(); if ( !$db->sql_query($sql[$i]) ) { $errored = true; $error = $db->sql_error(); echo " -> <b>FAILED</b> ---> <u>" . $error['message'] . "</u><br /><br />nn"; } else { echo " -> <b>COMPLETED</b><br /><br />nn"; }}if( $errored ){ $message = "Some of the querys have failed, contact me so I can fix the errors.";}else{ $message = "The table have been edited successfully. You can now delete this file.";}echo "n<br />n<b>Finished!</b><br />n";echo $message . "<br />n";echo "</body>n";echo "</html>n";exit();?>
  14. iGuest


    Anyone here like playin Poker? specifically texas hold-em. I get in about 1 cash game per wekk. And some tournys here and there. I love it, just wonderin if anyone feels the same.
  15. ATI Radeon 9800XT w/256 mb of ram. Bought it like 4 months ago, when I built my current computer and am happy with it.
  16. In looking in the Javascript Bible 5Th Edition I found out that the command is not part of the DOM for Macs. Sooo.. just figured someone might find that useful. :roll:
  17. well, I just recently got the lgvx6100. its a great phone no problems. But if I could get one now, I would probably buy the lgv8000 video phone. The 6100 is only a camera, but it is a lot sleeker looking and a little smaller.
  18. iGuest


    don't worry, Tommyk... :wink:
  19. haha thats awesome!! you got my banner on there!! I joined your website too so now you got 7 members lol
  20. If any1 wants to buy gaming, business, home and office or education computers from Xtreem Comps please post on this forum and we will contact you... O yeah we are CUSTOM BUILDERS!!!PICK WHAT YOU WANT AND WE BUILD!!!(WHOLESALE PRICE)!!!
  21. yes I can, but need to install a mod(stop post increase in certain forum)...i forgot where did I found it...
  22. excellent link, thanks for the find
  23. Hello everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself. I am located in NJ in the USA. I am interested in creating a website to use for my fire company. I am a firefighter here in NJ and would just like to send a hello out to everyone. Thnaks for your time.
  24. Can a member of admin add a new forum, entitled "Forum Games" this forum would be a place where users can play forums games such as word association etc.Also would it be possible to make it so that posts made there would not accumulate posts? (Spam and all that)Thanks
  25. Can any one give me any pointers for a relatively pain-free installation of Movable Type?I have read the help pages but there are a couple of areas that scare the heck out of me, like the perl and cgi parts!!! :x Any help will be appreciated.Thanx in advance
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