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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. iGuest


    i uploaded gallery to my phpnuke site i think thats what your talkign about and i dident pay nothing for it you can see it if you click on pictures in the menu and if its what your talking about i can upload it for you
  2. Yeah, dnljeff is right and I forgot to add that, you are in the safe zone. I'm hosting sites that I have designed(that are MY WEBSITES NOT OTHERS) under the subdomains Ihave and still come no were close to that 20GB limit. 8)
  3. my site has alot of graphics on it and i get 200-400 hits a month and ive never used half of my bandwidth so i dont think you got anything to worry about
  4. Ok, I just used a bandwidth calculator and with a 4kb page size, size of images 4kb you can get about 900,000 hits per month using 10.30GB of bandwidth. This is roughly an estimate, since you have 20GB of bandwidth on this host you can basically double that number 1,800,000 hits. 8)
  5. I have my music site, and my forums hosted on the same vaio-host account. One is a forum, the only graphics are the banner and smilies and avatars. My own site, has a few images, its not flash, its a html website.
  6. Who has seen it? For those who haven't, its about an arm of the law known as the Grammaton Cleric whose job it is to destroy those who feel emotions and things that evoke emotions in people (such as art) in a post WW III world. The Clerics fight using a style known as Gun Kata (it was made specifically for the movie), a style which focuses on the martial artist determining the maximum amount of damage he can inflict on the maximum number of opponents whilst dodging their gunfire. This makes for some really awesome action scenes where guns aren't only used as firearms but also as melee weapons. Good acting, amazing action and some really great special effects make this movie worth watching many times. I recommend it to everyone.
  7. Umm, I listen, to mainly Rock, Emo, Scream, Indie, Metal, Smooth Jazz and Jazz right now, kinda laid off the rap.Another note, this really belongs in the Music or Entertainment section of the forum. 8)
  8. It really depends on your page size and how graphically intense it is. Give us some more detail, like is it flash? phpnuke? photoshop? or a simple blocky color website? 8)
  9. I Love Rap. I make my own music as well, so I am very into music. You should check out some of my songs if you wouldn't mind. It isn't hardcore street bling rap, its serious stuff.
  10. I know that, I was just wondering if it is easy for it to run out? Approximately how many hit can you get with 10,000 megs?
  11. i listen to rap and rock the most
  12. you can get as many hits as you want till your bandwidth runs out
  13. How much bandwidth are we allowed? I know the number, but what does this mean? About how many hits are we allowed per month? I am not quite sure how this works.
  14. im 15 too and she lives in ohio too and im not gonna tell you her address and phone number because she would get mad at me
  15. And the URL prefix would be either /public_html/ or just / .
  16. Right now, GD isn't installed. It will be installed eventually, but that hasn't happened.Mods, if you would please move this to Feedback...
  17. well sharing skins is not illegal once you have copyright. It also sharing extreme pixels skins and other members are also doing it. what that make them? Promoting any illegal sites/actions on this forum will result in both a username ban and an IP ban. Jontrac, you were absolutely right. And you were wrong, yhap. Unless you are the OWNER of the copyright, sharing commercial skins (any skins not freely available for dl) is illegal.
  18. Nice! I'm definately going to try, if you'll let me. Please? I don't have any work to show, since I haven't bothered to make templates before, though.Also, how long would the reseller account last for?
  19. And I might be inclined to ban you from the forums for promoting illegal software. :wink:This is your warning. No more.
  20. What I mean is this: there is an IP address which the hosting server uses. It is the same for every account hosted here, and is shown in the upper-left section of cPanel as 'Shared IP Address'.
  21. Enter me! If you still want to install it, I hacked an install file from another mod. Don't worry about the info in the header, I changed the SQL commands to fit the ModCP. Just save this code as mod_install.php in the root phpBB directory, and run it with your browser. Once you're done, delete it. And don't worry about security, you have to be logged in as admin to use it. <?php/*************************************************************************** * shop_install.php * ------------------- * Version : 2.6.0 * begin : Friday, December 6th, 2002 * released : being built * email : ice_rain_@hotmail.com * aim : zarath42 * msn messanger : ice_rain_@hotmail.com * ***************************************************************************//*************************************************************************** * * copyright (C) 2002/2003 IcE-RaiN/Zarath * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * http://http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * ***************************************************************************/ define('IN_PHPBB', true);$phpbb_root_path='./';include($phpbb_root_path.'extension.inc');include($phpbb_root_path.'common.'.$phpEx);//// Start session management//$userdata = session_pagestart($user_ip, PAGE_INDEX);init_userprefs($userdata);//// End session management//if( !$userdata['session_logged_in'] ){ header('Location: ' . append_sid("login.$phpEx?redirect=shop_install.$phpEx", true));}if( $userdata['user_level'] != ADMIN ){ message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $lang['Not_Authorised']);}if( !strstr($dbms, "mysql") ){ if( !isset($bypass) ) { $message = 'This mod has only been tested on MySQL and may only work on MySQL.<br />'; $message .= 'Click <a href="mod_install.php?bypass=true">here</a> to install anyways.'; message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $message); }}$sql = array();$sql[] = "INSERT INTO `phpbb_config` (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('enable_module_disallow', '1')";$sql[] = "INSERT INTO `phpbb_config` (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('enable_module_mass_email', '1')";$sql[] = "INSERT INTO `phpbb_config` (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('enable_module_ranks', '1')";$sql[] = "INSERT INTO `phpbb_config` (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('enable_module_smilies', '1')";$sql[] = "INSERT INTO `phpbb_config` (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('enable_module_user_ban', '1')";$sql[] = "INSERT INTO `phpbb_config` (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('enable_module_users', '1')";$sql[] = "INSERT INTO `phpbb_config` (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('enable_module_words', '1')";$sql_count = count($sql);echo "<html>n";echo "<body>n";for($i = 0; $i < $sql_count; $i++){ echo "Running :: " . $sql[$i]; flush(); if ( !$db->sql_query($sql[$i]) ) { $errored = true; $error = $db->sql_error(); echo " -> <b>FAILED</b> ---> <u>" . $error['message'] . "</u><br /><br />nn"; } else { echo " -> <b>COMPLETED</b><br /><br />nn"; }}if( $errored ){ $message = "Some of the querys have failed, contact me so I can fix the errors.";}else{ $message = "The table have been edited successfully. You can now delete this file.";}echo "n<br />n<b>Finished!</b><br />n";echo $message . "<br />n";echo "</body>n";echo "</html>n";exit();?> Lol, I'm God! If you ever need anything phpBB, ask me.
  22. hai.i'm just join this website.nice to meet u all........
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