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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. iGuest


    Erm... I think i'm gonna move this to the Php-Nuke forum :?
  2. lol, my pic's on the first page :DActually... maybe you shouldn't do that... :? You might scare half the people away from FNH with me as ur avatar
  3. Of course, dummy. You are not emilin. :roll:
  4. The best internet browser is FireFox
  5. You have to config you client : the pop3 server and the smtp serveur
  6. My site is also down, its been since yesterday morning, don't know why, but would really like to know. I hope it isn't the end of the webspace?
  7. where can i find free automatic hosting creation like whm
  8. lets hope it will work soon. I've tested FTP. Its working fine. But the site (including mine which is sub-domain of vaio-hosting.com isn't working. This is free hosting... please bear with admin...
  9. RIGHT, I have manually installed mambo on my site. But I don't know what went wrong. My site is inaccessible now...
  10. Try to stay where it is warm, my friend.
  11. Glad you can make it here. I am from USA. Nice to meet you.
  12. Will you be able to get it f or us?? It will help and make this community more fun.
  13. Yeah something similar was used in Waking Life but as far as I can remember that movie, it did not look quite as good as Scanner Darkly
  14. Well if the admin made one final big announcement here, then it will be all good. How can we as members not pressure him to take part of the community since he has a rule that we should take part of this community? Shall the man not also practice his own rule?
  15. good link.. i have found what i want.
  16. I love Ghost In The Shell. Macross Zero ok to and i love Initial D went it come to race.
  17. I use prefer use firefox but some time need to stick with ie5+ went i go to build a website.
  18. New IM here . You can get $5.00 dollar from them. their also offer rebate every time you shop at all your favorite online stores and Chat with all your contacts from Yahoo, MSN, AIM and ICQ using one platform. It free just try if you want.
  19. I have problem with internet. Now iI'm using internet from my cyber cafe. but i dont have any connection at my home. I have try wired but it it a bridge. my cyber cafe to my home is 250 meter. so i plan to install wireless. can anybody help.
  20. I try to find free listing script complete with rate program. It will be good if it is integrate with CMS program. I'm usually using Mambo CMS for my work.
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