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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I love this cartoon, timmy and wanda and cosmo- lol. I love when crocker says "fairy god parents". "Oh Vicky your so Icky, the thought of you makes me so Sicky" Chip SkylarkDinglebergs!!
  2. -linkin Park-papa roach-My chemical romance-3 doors down-greendayand that's it. I love these!!
  3. Like the guy above me said if you like this movie then watch the original "lean on me" Its a good movie, but too predictible, untill the end. That pissed me off but it was still a good movie non the less.
  4. I dont think it was as good as the first movie because all the mystery was gone. But still a good movie and worth watching. It had its funny parts even if they were few and far between. Hey any Deniro movie is worth watching!!
  5. iGuest


    Dumb and Dumberer (the second one) They should have stopped while they were ahead, the sequel was a lackluster attempt at a comedy. Evey scene was predictible and not even funny. What happened?
  6. GIGLI enough said.That was the worst movie ever period. Jay lo and ben should be banned from acting for making such a horrible movie.
  7. My name isn't really that interesting.After getting my Bachelor of Computer Systems (BCS), I later went on and got my Masters in Computing (MComp), in which I came up with the name MasterComputers, just to reflect my level of qualification I guess, although after 5 years of study, I stopped, didn't want to continue and get my Docter in Computing (DComp), nor would DocterComputers sound that good in my opinion, although it would be nice to have I guess, I just got sick of studying.So that's how I came up with my name. Don't think it's that original or that interesting, but it works for me.My nick given to me by my band is Scar, I guess linked to the Scar I have on my right arm, which is always visible when I'm playing a guitar, so I guess it suited me. Wasn't use to being called Scar, but it eventually sunk in that now I respond to that name too.Cheers,MC
  8. I love this show, it shows you how stupid and useless rich people are. If being rich means you have to be that useless than I dont want to be rich. But I still love watching it because its mindless reality tv. And I think Nicole Richie is hotter than Paris Hilton. I dont see the big deal with her, sure she's got a pretty face but her body is like a piece of wood. No boobies and no bootie, shes flat a board and lanky, I dont get it.
  9. iGuest

    Bank ???

    sorry for my english ... Thanks !
  10. iGuest


    One of the best horror movies I "SAW" in a long time. Then ending was crazy, and then you find out he didnt have to do it!! I dont want to tell you too much, just rent it and get a bowl of popcorn and turn down the lights and enjoy!!
  11. Yeah, I have no problem with it :DI'd use it!
  12. iGuest


    I was dissapointed with HITCH i thought it was only about the guy from King of Queens but it was mostly about Will smith and his problems with women. The end was funny when hitch gets attacked. HA HA
  13. I would have to say RAY was the best movie of '04. Jamie Fox was awesome, he played a great part!!
  14. I can make some pretty cool CSS webpages in dreamweaver mx but when i upload the webpage it does not show up correctly. What am I doing wrong. How do you go about hosting a CSS webpage. Any help will be appreciated!
  15. Midnight Club 3 Is Cool But GTA : SA Rullez More What Do You Guys Think
  16. I have easyphp also. But I don't know how to change language. It is all french.Advice: Buy a book, or keep looking
  17. And the bank & Rank mod
  18. The install of the cash mod 8)
  19. Spiderman 2 or Saw gets my vote; but I'd lean for Spiderman 2 as I actually seen it in the cinema instead of just rental.
  20. Cool Finaly Some Guys With Tasted hahahahahah LOL Nothing Personal Others
  21. Looks very interesting,...I assume that's Keanu. :roll:
  22. I don't care if it's licensed either. I like Burnout and Grand Theft Auto. And those two aren't licensed either.
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