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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Night of the living deadIT Resident Evi (1)--Mike
  2. i think The lord of the ring is the best book in the wolrd.And all other Tolien books too.
  3. I prefer to have full sized images that are compressed very well. That way visitors dont have to click once for each individual picture. Or medium pics that can be clicked on to super enlarge them for small detailed pics.
  4. Hey guysI've make a website intro (that's my first flash creation)http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I must add some sound
  5. which one of these games do you think is the best theme park game?
  6. iGuest


    WOW! that sounds nice...but how....split screen?--Mike
  7. iGuest


    Very nice work man , i like this style 8)
  8. Very good work and brush work but i can't see the man perfectly.Maybe work on it . but that's a good sign
  9. does anoybody know where i can download these. i know they have done mario on the internet. but does anybody know where i can get the sonics
  10. Ryan, W/ the shuffle is it true that you cant put CDs on it and you have to buy everything through iTunes? See my post @ http://forums.xisto.com/ I just want to be sure Im giving out true information! -- Mike
  11. this went down really well on my forum a few months back before it got closed due to hosting problems. a battle forum where users can battle each other like off 8 mile.repping battles, this is really cool. e-mail me if you want more idea's on this. it does go down really well
  12. great bruch work very nice ...
  13. iGuest


    I dont like the fonts :?
  14. Windows: A lot of software runs on itLinux: Fast performingMac: User FriendlyI have to go with Linux because it is open source and free, too!
  15. i think that maybe you should install the games arcade mod for this forum so that users can play games while browsing the forum
  16. That's right, airports aren't really considered part of the country: you can be at an airport in Belgium without having passes to visit Belgium.
  17. I can go to FTP, but I can't go to the website and cpanel.What is the problem :?: :?: :?:
  18. iGuest


    this place is really cool. im looking forward to posting regular on here. really is a cool place(introduce yourself in this forum -nilsmo)
  19. iGuest


    Where is Goa? In which country is it in?
  20. Well it does work, but your email box get spammed to bits. Justa warning for all who wishes to sugn up, don't sign up with an email address you're planning on using again!!
  21. iGuest


    I haven't been to Romania or the black sea: but just by coincidence I am reading Dracula right now. Maybe I should go there:!:
  22. Didn't they disable account creation a couple of weeks ago? It's kinda sad..MS is a really fun game. I'm tired of all those "point and click" MMORPGs that have been popping up recently... Maplestory offers more action elements.Oh, and my main character there is Tanabata...
  23. He is a lucky one if he brings a computer there and where he is staying has an internet connection
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