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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Was this because it was so easy lol. The new rollercoaster tycoon kicks *bottom*. because its so relistic and its 3d. you can also ride the rides you have built. but you do need a very powerful graphics card to play the game. because the grapics are ace!
  2. I play the Clarinet, its a nice instrument but can give you a headache if you play it too long
  3. iGuest


    Wickid, never seen this before on any forum, real kick *bottom* feature. well done.
  4. If there's a better place to put this thread there and just leave a redirect in it's place here to do so. This is a place where you can post all of your artwork onto the forums Please follow the following template for posting art [size=18][b]Title of ArtPiece[/b][/size][img]http://<<link to Image>>[/img][b]Artist:[/b] Your name (Please don't use someone elses art/only with permission)[b]Date Finished:[/b] Post the date you created the artpiece (to the best of your knowledge, as general or specific as you can be)[b]Comments:[/b][quote="YourNameHere"]Say a bit about your artwork here: Infulences, opinions, comments[/quote] To comment on someone's art, use this template: [quote="<Your Name Here> -commenting on <Artist>'s <name of artpiece>-"]Your comment[/quote] If you have an account on deviantArt, also leave your s/n or link to your profile.
  5. Would it be possible to change the amount of FNH$ you get relative to how long your message is. However this could cause a problem like people posting reviews or long lengths of code or artists names... :|
  6. and in what way was any of your replys related to wever eminem is touring the UK this year. dont waste your only brain cell ill tell you. it dont relate to my post what so ever does it.
  7. iGuest


    Well it works like a real bank. You deposit the money you've earned by posting into it and you gain interest in the money which is deposited. You can withdraw money, but there is a fee
  8. well here is the link to get to the guestbook: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and i can't see textfield this is what i got to copy <form action="/cgi-sys/guestbook.cgi" target=guestwindow><input type="hidden" name="user" value="trishtt"><input type="hidden" name="action" value="addguest"><input type="hidden" name="basehref" value="http://trish.phphosted.com"><input type="hidden" name="template" value="default">Name: <input type="text" name="name"><br>Email: <input type="text" name="email"><br>Url: <input type="text" name="url"><br>Comments: <textarea name="comments"></textarea><br><input type="submit" value="Sign Guestbook"></form>
  9. iGuest


    could somebody here please explain how this bank thing is working on this forum. ive never seen this mod before. would be interesting to see how this works. well understand how it works anyway
  10. Ahh. I figured out the fix. There are two ways for you to do it. One's easier, but will require you to reset the points for everyone. If you're okay with doing this, I suggest you do it instead of the second one. Go to the Cash Admin section of the admin panel. Then go to cash currencies. Delete the current currency and create a new one with the database field "user_points". The other settings don't matter. That's all you have to do. The second one is harder, but doesn't require you to reset the points. I'd recommend you don't try it unless you're really confident in what you're doing. Open every file with the shop_ prefix. Find every place where the string "user_points" occurs in a database query, and replace it with whatever the database field you set in the Cash Admin section is.
  11. iGuest


    i plan on doing so, im staying put and im gonner post as much as i can. really has been the best forum ive been on and ive only been registerd two days.im aiming to be really popular on here
  12. What me giving help lol or donating the mic's. Either way i just want to help. im a healpful geeza lol
  13. If Birmingham Win Aston Villa in the english premiership in two weeks, i will donate 10 pc micropones to the shop on this forum. thats a promise
  14. iGuest


    o0o sounds like fun--Is there a way we could use FNH $$ to buy server>>>(W/ like a conversion rate i.e. 100 FNK PTS=$1off a server)The store thing is down--Mike
  15. iGuest


  16. I rock out on guitar, and want to learn bass & Drums.
  17. Check MSI out guys, they rock!
  18. The Stand, You're definately going to have to be an Admin/Modertor on my site.
  19. lol. I like this id... is there allready something in the shop?? Yes, there are things in ther shop, but you can't buy anything right now. I'm working on the errors. :wink:
  20. There's no need for this. Really, save the troops: IMPEACH BUSH
  21. Ok lets say I have staff members that want to upload stuff from their comps on to the html manager so it can be put on my site. Is their anyway I can make them have their own login pass to the cpanel file uploader but make it so I can restrict what they can access?
  22. Exactly, do the math: 9/11 pentagon strike conspiracy http://gprime.net/flash.php/911pentagonstrtrikeconspiracy
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