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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I loved DOOM 2. Doom 3 didn't have that feeling i dunno.And HL2 was good very good i can say. HMMm the gravity gun will be very helpful since whenever there is a medic kit or smth when u take it u press on smth like a button and 10 monsters show up lol.
  2. erm so u claim that Pulse word Processor is better than Word 2003? i highly doubt that although u could make a trial version ( i have some ideas on how not to get it cracked) to see if this is true.
  3. Hmmm it had happened to me but i dun remember how but i got it fix. Though one problem may be that ur dun have zoom to 100%. i will look into that when i have time. Probably this thurstday.
  4. iGuest

    phpBB 3

    I'll hope they add this thing to cpanel
  5. it's just because admin is busy repairing the Apache rpoblem. Don't worry i am sure admin will give u hosting for as many days as u paid. Don't worry everything will be back soon i am sure.
  6. iGuest

    new sig

    It looks nice, but fix the text and make a border
  7. Me too i've firefox and i see it For the sound i need some time and help
  8. read the readme. Also could you post ur specs too?
  9. all firewalls mentioned above are good but all have some disadvantages (not sygate's one only) and some of them connect to their companies to see ur habits. Like McAfee. I think that your best bet will be to go for a firewall like Sygate or Outpost. Outpost connects to your computer too but it only does so to see if you have a valid version. It also comes with some extensions like attachment filter ad blocking and some more. There is a personal version and a professional one. Whatever is your choice don't use windows firewall. Just a very basic for the most known attacks. even after sp2 it still sucks. I personnaly believe that they it did *BLEEP* so E.U won't give them another fine.
  10. I think admin is waiting 4 the fuse with "the hosting company without name" And then he will move the acounts :wink:
  11. FireFox all the way. I don't think i will bother isntalling IE 7 unless ppl say that it is so good then i give it a try. Else i will wait for longhorn.Remember LONG LIVE FireFox. :mrgreen:
  12. dreamweaver no competion believe me. Just needs expirience to work it.
  13. 5-4 for IN!! they make nice music :wink:
  14. Rollercoaster 1... whauw...that was the only game that was installed @ our school ( not high school )we used to fight for a space for the computer
  15. iGuest

    msn beta

    i like MSN 7.0 beta new features are cool it is nice. There is a newer beta out also. I think you can transfer files from version 7.0 to 6.2 but the progress bar is not working. I think it gets full or it get's full when you finish the transfer. At least it works for me. :DP.S I registered my gmail too and i am set now
  16. IN !!I'll vote IN forever!!(i'm the fourth )
  17. it's very cool and nice. i 'll use it in my mail. thanks alot.
  18. iGuest


    welcome to fnh, remember to stay active and spam in the right forum.
  19. u are nuts ppl u are nuts. FNH have made a great job and they would have fixed it before if all these idiots didn't cry so much. FNH is very good fast reliable. Every host has a problem somtime. I am sure that from now on FNH will be more careful. Don't forget that they have private lifes too.
  20. They have pretty good song... But they've already split up right?Hummm why boybands always split up after being really damn famous, rich, and have so many fans? :roll:
  21. iGuest

    how do i

    yes, in internet have many opensource PHP. As you don't need to use dream weaver. You can use Invision Power Board . Click here to download https://invisionpower.com/features/apps if you like portal board. http://www.opensourcecms.com/. It's very esay to install and use. help?? call me?? YM:boymuathuphuyen .bye :roll: :roll:
  22. I loved Theme Park world. I 've made some online theme parks. Really cool game. Wish they would realase theme park world 2. Great game.
  23. iGuest

    GTA 6

    1st)gta san andreas pc in summer (yea!!!)2nd)lol did u smoke before asking for GTA6. It's ok but dun u think u are a bit in a rush. Since Rockstar is not the kind of Company who informs their custommers daily.
  24. iGuest


    welcome to our community man. U dun spam but u already posted 56 cough spammer :Dj/k
  25. I really love hiphop music!! Can't get enough of it 8)
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