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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Listening to Mirah right now. Very nice. Kind of like a female vocalist version of Sufjan Stevens (but definitely with her own style). As me for an invite to definitely the cheapest of the legal music download stores with a bonus 50 free trial downoads to get started (I'll need an e-mail address to send the invite to).
  2. iGuest


    Naz, this is even better than the previous black and white one. Color always attracts and gets more attention easily... I like this one.. you get 9/10.. keep posting here.
  3. nice.putting a 1pixel border:simple create a new layer. get the line tool. set the width to 1pixel. sretch the line the length of the sig. then hold shift (that will make it straight). Then just do the same to all the ther sides of the siggy.very easy. good luck.oh and thats doing a 1pixel border with Photoshop 7.0.
  4. lol Sounds like a plan man to bad that they don't work with FireFox though ...Maybe in FireFox's next version?Tim :twisted:
  5. In 10 minutes? thats awesome. If you'd taken 20minutes i can't imagine how good it would be... may be thats why you just took 10minutes... hehe... I'll give you 9/10... I've never seen anyone rating any sigs with 10/10... but when we died we get more praise, wot do u think ?
  6. i agree. i like you current siggy better. might want to make them a lil smaller. maybe 500x100 or 400x90
  7. VERY nicely done I also agree with you it does need some sound :DTim :twisted:
  8. iGuest

    new sig

    also try http://www.101fonts.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t
  9. Hi Naz, that's nice.. why don't you color it. It seems to be very nice...suggestion - you could replace your avatar with that new sig... :mrgreen:
  10. i got mine sorted now :mrgreen: fast aswell
  11. well done its nice. Where did you learn. i would like to learn flash too. Suggest me one... hehe
  12. Arent they too big for sig... I think you can decrease the heights, that will do. I like the second one... most of the sigs I've seen have received a good comments on the second one... is it coincidence or luck for the second sig? :?:
  13. My favourite sports is football. While in school I used to play frequently, but now I don't even have boots..... but I continue to enjoy the game... English Premiership is the most interesting one for me... Chelsea is my fav. team as well.
  14. I like this forum for the following reasons:1). This forum is one of the most fastest forums which opens with lightning fast. I hate to wait my own posting appear in a year. :D2). There are mods who always help others.3). Admin who doesn't talk but always work hard behind the scene.4). Because one can discuss all kinds of topic which is very much restricted in other forums. 5). Because there are newbies who don't care anything and post wherever they like; finally their posts land safely at SPAM CAN. hehe..6). Because membership touches 4000 even though the site went down for a week. It invites complaint and praise. Meaning there are two types of people in the forum, cold and warm ones. 7). There were few people who left FNH who complaint that FNH is not good but we came to learn that they left because of some other reasons... hehe..8). Because I will continue editing this post with more points.. possible upto 100, that's a challenge... wot say?
  15. iGuest

    Php nuke

    i agree. google it!
  16. that's a bummer that you crack is stolen.... but in this game you can't even drive a vehicel that's real fake. you cann only get on the gun on top of the car.
  17. lol you are right with IE it works perfectly... since I'm using FireFox i won't spend my money on this I think I'm gonna spend my money on my title I think
  18. Hmmm sounds fishy ... like a scam ... I'll DO IT :DTim :twisted:
  19. hey every body, my name is vincent and I am from the netherlands. I am 13 years old over 5 days I am 14 years old. I like gaming and I hate school (DUH). I also like photo shop but sometimes I am a littlebit confused (sorry for the bad english).
  20. To keep this very simple: I want to see just how many people here would donate 1FNH$ to me. It's only a small amount, not even a post! So If you want to be included in a 'Secret Programme' then all you have to do is donate 1FNH$ to me. Very Simple, but should be effective. To everyone who donates 1FNH$ I will give that user 2FNH$ back - seems fair doesn't it! OK - I've decided to change the rates (for the better). Here is how it will work now. 1. Donate 10FNH$ get 13 back 2. Donate 20FNH$ get 26 back 3. Donate 50FNH$ get 59 back Any amounts donated that are less than 10FNH$ will not qualify for the programme and will not be returned. Any amounts that are donated that are not either 10,20 0r 50 FNH$ will also not qualify and will not be returned. Simple! Haz Please note that I am not online 24/7 - but almost!
  21. If you're useing FireFox I don't think it works... (or thats what i hear any ways) Tim :twisted:
  22. Ok just want to be sure before I spend my FNH$, does the shop really work?because when I clicked on view effects (test effects) it didn't show any modification on the text I puted in...
  23. Fusion is pretty good to if you want to creat a site really quickly. I think you can get the older versions for free from their website.
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