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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Im using php nuke platinum. And its awsome. Nice job. more new selections and more admin tools too. I cant wait til the server gets fix. Im calming down a lilttle bit. lol :arrow:
  2. Did ya click it? It gets even better.
  3. I think PHP Nuke Platinum with that X-halo theme looks great man. I tryed Xoops and just said...what is this?? well stick with nuke. I recomend it. :arrow:
  4. Uh, for some reason i can still access cpanel too... but my site is down and so are mysql databases.
  5. Yay! I can actually play the game now. Thanks, mm. :mrgreen:
  6. I know that :roll: I'm not a dummy! I read the website about doing that sort of stuff its interesting to me to see what can happen.
  7. Hey, i need some help with this banner. Its for the new design for the FNH site, and i just cant think of what to pu here. It needs to have a picture of like a screen abd servers, like about of the hosts have online. Use your imagination!! Heres the banner as is right now, it has to stay this size to fit. Flash design are accepted as well!!! admin: STICKED BY ADMIN
  8. iGuest


    My best car right now on NFSU2 can get 0-60 in 1.27 seconds0-100 in around 3-4 secondsa 1.026 mile corse in 22.37 seconds (Bayveiw Bridge) correct me if im wrong on distanceThat was with 6/6 shifts perfectBTW top speed at the moment is 222 mph
  9. I think the most FNH$ points that you can get right know is 5. Cuz i been posting long posts and the most i get is 5.
  10. A proposal like that is ridiculous, and all it would do would be to give the mods more spam to control. Not to mention that if enough people got that much money Admin would be hard-pressed to give out more bandwidth for free. If you need more bandwidth/space, get a paid server. Although I do agree with you on some aspects of your argument, I do not however think it is rediculous I kinda think its a good idea Maybe the Job mod would be a nice add on then the mods/admin can set jobs for users to earn FNH$ and then they could buy the bandwith/other stuff with that I don't kno just an idean ... Tim :twisted:
  11. Its good, but u should put more color on the menu, or maybe a table as the menu
  12. me too! I m an AMerican and i hate rock...except for rammstein i like mein teil and amerika What are your favorites? -- Mike
  13. You should use ipb 1.2 to make the same forum with no ads
  14. Sup jon. Yo get on MSN. Anyway yeah so we will add much more stuff when (if ever) the server gets back up.
  15. What makes me upset is when you go to the FNH homepage, it says "setup 30 seconds after you order"...well I ordered 3 days ago. They should make all the accounts which were already ordered before they worry about making new accounts in 30 seconds. :cry: :cry:
  16. iGuest


    1.3 But soon we will see more MODs for 2.0 .. so it might change my mind :roll:
  17. So you can put CD's on it? What about other music you download elsewhere? -- Mike
  18. I have 100 Gmail invites .. PM me if u need one.
  19. <LINK REL="StyleSheet" HREF="basic.css" TYPE="text/css" TITLE="Preferred Style" MEDIA="screen, projection"><LINK REL="Alternate StyleSheet" HREF="altstyle.css" TYPE="text/css" TITLE="Alternate Style" MEDIA="screen"> Linking to an External Style Sheet--- LINK tag The link tag is used between the HEAD tags. It is the most common way to link CSS to HTML. REL Attribute The REL attribute defines the differences between a persistent or preferred style and an alternate style. - Preferred style is the style that is automatically applied to the page. - Alternate style is a style which the user could choose to replace the preferred style. MEDIA Attribute screen - (default value) for computer screens print - output to a printer projection - for projected presentations aural - for speech synthesizers braille - for presentation on braille tactile feedback devices tty - for character cell displays (using a fixed-pitch font) tv - for televisions all - for all output devices <LINK ... HREF="basic.css" ... TITLE="Preferred" ...><LINK ... HREF="tables.css" ... TITLE="Preferred" ...><LINK ... HREF="forms.css" ... TITLE="Preferred" ...>[/color] Multipal Linked Style SheetsYou can have multipal preferred style sheets on the same page by simply linking them all, and giving each the same TITLE. ---------- <STYLE TYPE="text/css" MEDIA="screen"><!-- @import url(basic.css);--></style> Importing an External Style Sheet--- @import The @import statement must be the first thing that shows up in your STYLE tag before any other CSS is added. This is a second way of linking your CSS to HTML. It is used in conjunction with the LINK tag because older versions of Netscape didn't recognize the LINK tag. Because Internet Explorer picks up on both the LINK and @import tags, the LINK is put first, followed by the start of the STYLE tags and the @import as shown below. <LINK ... HREF="basic.css" ... TITLE="Preferred" ...><STYLE TYPE="text/css" MEDIA="screen"><!-- @import url(basic.css);--></style> ---------- <STYLE TYPE="text/css" MEDIA=screen><!-- BODY { background: url(dog.gif); color: white; ... } P BR { background: yellow; color: black; ... } .th01 { color: black; ... }--></STYLE> Embedding a Style Sheet--- Embedding a style sheet is the same as you would to @import one, except all the style sheet code is between the STYLE tags instead of on a seperate file. ---------- <P STYLE="color: black; font-family: Arial, ...">This paragraph has black font with Arial font.</P> Enjoy :wink:
  20. A proposal like that is ridiculous, and all it would do would be to give the mods more spam to control. Not to mention that if enough people got that much money Admin would be hard-pressed to give out more bandwidth for free. If you need more bandwidth/space, get a paid server.
  21. Please Clarify Please do not spam Thanks! -- Mike
  22. 2.0.13 is just a slight edit of two files, to fix a security glitch, it doesn't make the forum faster.
  23. So the person who wins would recieve 3 FNH$ for it? Seems a bit measley when you already get money for posting. If we were to do this nobody would get money for posting on the battle forum but instead get 20 FNH$ or something like that as the prize.
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