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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Well I just closed internet explorer and open it back and that did the trick.. I had hours surfing with the same window lol. :arrow:
  2. iGuest


    What does GFX stand for? If it means graphics effects designers, yeah, I definately know my way around Photoshop/Paint Shop Pro/HTML.
  3. people were so different in many aspect have you notice that, every one of us has different perspective in life, but the the very important of all we know what our conscience has "PEACE" each lives were wasted every day because of some of those were so dissapointment of what they have, but the main point there is we fill were alive, for me im just me what ever happen its me. see yah
  4. i jus added some forums and they are awesome! i am just looking for members now http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. Good points but im still sticking to my beliefs. anyway i like your username.
  6. I like basketball baseball. but may i ask whats Badminton? :arrow:
  7. Except the poll isn't asking which you use the most...
  8. man..i know wats an paintball...my question was..wat is a airsoft. but any ways man. thanks for the link.ill learn better from ther. some day :arrow:
  9. So, because of the fact that you aren't american, what is your reasoning for saying he licks anus. the fact that we are at war? would you sya that about the president who started wwII? Would you have given the innocent japaneese people pity? Last time I checked Hussien had not killed 2,000 Americans in a single day nor had he done anything even approaching the atrocites of the Holocaust or the Rape of Nanjing. In addition FDR did not start WWII, Hitler did by invading Checkoslovakia and Poland, followed the Japanese attack of Pearl Harbour. WWII is one of the three wars the US has fought that have actually been necessary to fight, not aggressive imperialist actions that the current war in Iraq is.
  10. Read the forums... I posted a topic about this issue.
  11. Did he solve your problem? If he DID please post that he/she did if not you can PM me -- Mike
  12. iGuest


    Lol. I thought you said u are a city boy. Plyin at the park?
  13. Thats right man. They are awesome. Only had time this morning to listen to Don Ibis. Oh well. Does anyone know where i can hear michael savage?
  14. iGuest


    I used to play gold.. Its a fun sport. need alot of concentration and patience. I dint got to play in a club when i liked gold. I used to play in the park. playing mini golf. And playing it on the PC too. :arrow:
  15. Damn Jon, do u even know what paintball is? go to http://shop.shortyusa.com/ and click on Electric guns or gas or spring guns.
  16. I like Tupac, Bob Marley, 311, etc. They are really good.
  17. May I ask..wat in the world is a airsoft??? sorry im a city boy lol :arrow:
  18. I personally like Michael Savage's Enemy Within. Wakes you up to the liberal agenda. I also like Michael Salazar, Mark Bowden, and Stephan Hunter. What do all of you folks like.
  19. What happened to SPAM CORNER?I liked the 1 word story...--Mike
  20. I did found it on the front page..but now it seems that free nuke hosting haves change their site template and added some old news. :arrow:
  21. Spyware Exterminator all the way.
  22. Nice! But why is this in the Request Tutorials section?
  23. iGuest

    msn beta

    I like it. Finnaly got the handwrite to work.
  24. Ummm... Dish beat you to it. He'll be making me one. Sorry.
  25. Im a right wingerI listen to -Sean Hannity-Rush Limbagh-Monica Crowley-Laura Inghram-Curtis Sleewa-Matt Drudge (drudgereport.com)--Mike
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