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Everything posted by iGuest
umm I just came on this for yesterday so have some respect *BLEEP* and I was also asking to change my url so it not all have to do with server being down...
No sh!t! Could you have read the forums before posting a question that's been answered at least 40 other times?
http://googleityoumoron.com/ (Click the image)
I would post in the support section but it says Sorry, but only moderators can post topics in this forum. and I pm'ed the account creator and wait 3-4 days and still np response so if any admin can help me that be great. username: silenturl: dawnfortheporr.vaio-hosting.com I would like it to be changed to dawnforthepoor.vaop-hosting.comthanksTim
I Need Something Like What U See Below But In A Block Form For PHP-NUKE. I Hope That Someone Can Help Me Out. If U Can See It Thats What I Need In A Block.<embed name="East Coast Customs" ip="" width="500" height="200" game="mohbt" version="3.1" _pxskin="skin_blue" pluginspage="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/" type="application/x-q3px-plugin"></embed>
you dont want to ride the lightning!
What Reseller Do U Guys Use? Im Looking To Be A Reseller To Make Some Money.
I Have Done A Serches On PHP Chat PHP-Nuke Chat. Most Of Them Suck Or I Have To Pay For Or Even Need A MYSQL DB Which I Only Have One. Can Some One Help Me?
*cough* Learn to spell and use proper grammer *cough*....I wouldn't enjoy one of your movies probably because I can't watch a movie with words mispelled and horrible grammer :S
safest way to try circuit bending! Get hold of a 9v electronic organ kit from dse in the funway range. after you have completed the project probably 10 mins (experienced) if you can solder well. Instead of using the wire to short out different resisitors to get different tones use your fingers to short out the conections to make a sound. This will vary according to presure and moisture and salt composition of the skin. Your skin and body is a variable resistor in some respects and a capacitor in others, as you know from science and nylon floors static electricity is also produced.This kit is powered by a 9 volt battery so the chance of being electrocuted is not possibble.Tom
I just like watching it because Paris Hilton is really hot , it's an alright show otherwise.
Snake Island, ahha the snakes dance and you can tell there fake because they only move side to side, ahahaha.
I haven't found any bugs in it yet besides the highscore, it's 15000 right now and it still says 7500 :S, please fix this it's quite annoying
http://googleityoumoron.com/ (Click the picture)
A really good old game is Rune:HOV it's only like 5 dollars for the cd Check it out!
It may be twisted metal: black for PS2, isane game Literally
I just coverted from Red Hat 9 to Debian, and I won't be going back for a while. 8)FreeBSD and Darwin are still better.
yeah dude, ive never even heard of the thing... sorry we couldnt help out lol
Mine are CSIApprenticeLaw And Order Sex Victims Unit Law And Order Criminal IntentLaw and Order Law and Order trial by juryIf i think of more ill edit--Mike
I think what he is trying to say is CSI CSI Miami CSI New York
i must agree to halo 2. but i'm mad that they're not making it for pc
Yeah, you can put CD's on it and they have to be in a AAC encoding(which it will do automatically) like DarthBob stated. I would go with it, be sure you have the new USB 2.0(I think) or it will warn you about it transferring slow like my computer. However, it is just as easy for me to buy a small two port USB 2.0 hub for like $20USD and do it that way. 8)
Do they ever read hazaa3000? *smacks forehead* 8)
thats sweet. something cool that i haven;t seen yet would be linux for palm or pocket pc!
why dont you make a skip intro in the main home page? or you want people to just see the intro before goin in? :arrow: