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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I like it. nice job. and keep up that good work :arrow:
  2. yeah i kno bro. keep up that good work.
  3. Nice template. but theres some trouble in the posrtal if you havnt seen it. The images next to the post (news) are not showing. Its now a big deal but makes the template look bad. Nice job. :arrow:
  4. So you can put CD's on it? What about other music you download elsewhere? -- Mike Burn it to a CD then rerip it in iTunes. I just use my Firewire with my iPod and get a lot more speed than USB 2.0
  5. Description: Create a firey grunge that uses contrasting light and dark colors to create an end-of-the-world effect. Very artistic and eye catching. Step 1: Create a new document of whatever size you'd like, I chose 400x400. Fill it with a black background and make a couple random lense flares one on each side of the scquare Step 2:Go to Filter->Sketch->Chrome And set Detail: 10 Smoothness: 0 Step 3: Fitler->Artistic->Dry Brush: default settings Step 4:Duplicate the Layer Step 5:Filter -> Distort -> Wave with these settings: Step 6: Putting the blending mode to screen and merge the layers (CTRL+E) Step 7: Duplicated the Layer and Do another wave distort using the same settings before only setting the Type as "Triangle" Step 8: set the blending mode to screen and then merge the layers. Step 9: Duplicate the layer and go to Filter -> Distort -> Polar Coordinates and use Polar to Rectangular or the other if you want. Duplicate this layer and flip vertically. Set blending mode to darken. Step 10: Duplicate this layer and go to Filter -> Stylize -> Emboss and set layer blending mode to Overlay or hardlight. Step 11: Press CTRL+U and select "colorize". Play with settings until you get the desired color. Step 12: Make a new layer and press "D" to reset the colors to black and white. Now go to Filter -> Render -> Clouds. Then Go to Render -> Difference clouds and repeat until you get what you think looks nice. Set the blend mode on the cloud layer to "Linear Light". Step 13: Go back to your color layer and go to Image -> Adjustments -> Brightness/Contrast Set brightness to -30 and Contrast to +30. Feel free to experiment. Then play with the color balance setting under image-> adjustments and you can get a good firey effect. Final step, grab some grunge brushes and make a new layer on top and set the mode to overlay. Add some stuff and you have the makings of a pretty grungey picture. Here's how mine turned out: [/img]
  6. Add me to the list. I have 50 invites left Email me and ill send you the invitation JonathanR13@Gmail.com :arrow:
  7. What exactly do you want? If you save a file as a .php and then view it through a web server, anything within the <?php ?> tags will be parsed as php and turned into HTML which the browser displays. If you are looking for a php parser, download Apache, which should come with php and set it up on your computer.
  8. Right. I'll give you half of the FNH$ tomorrow, and the rest once I've got the template.Mods, you can lock this now. :mrgreen:EDIT: Oh, and I forgot to say (whoops) that I'd like this to be tech styled. :oops:
  9. I think it stands for Anime Music Videos
  10. Alright, I'll add your template to my to-do list. I can probably have it done in a day or two - it depends how much time I have tomorrow. I'll PM you when it is done. If the template isn't satisfactory, I can always make another.
  11. Yeah I knew it.. the damm spywares were causing this to happen. I just scanned my system and found the spywares. After the scan i tryed and it works. No more messages again. Ok thanks god :arrow:
  12. sweet wen u do join the official FNH server in the AA we have diff maps 3 mpa cycle for now ill add more
  13. iGuest

    phpBB 3

    They can't do that. Unless you want to donate 200 bucks to the cpanel creators for them to buy the license. Even then, it's not exactly legal to let everyone use it. They would have to buy the licenses for every copy used in this way.They're not that rich.
  14. I prefer Invision boards over phpBB. I just like the design better.Correct me if im wrong, but invision is also free right? with ads
  15. iGuest


    damm bro.. what kinda car is that? Also does Need for speed underground 2 haves a Nissan Skyline. This is one of my favorite cars. :arrow:
  16. Reset everything to default. It's one of the options at the top, don't remember which. You probably messed up the settings somewhere. And highlighting won't work. It's a common problem.
  17. Don't worry, Aci. :wink: I burned my prettier site (it used a pretty cool FP theme)onto a disc--and that went out to my prospects. This one is just for pals and contacts. Some very kind people offered to help me make it snazzier and I'm taking them up on it. So, I hope I won't get many more sjitty comments after March. Hey, at least there's one thread here that isn't just filled with: "great site", "cool colors", "I like it", "good job!" LOL! You people make my day. MWAAAH!
  18. Yahoo sucks. I don't know anyone that uses it. AIM and MSN are like 100x better.
  19. It's happened to a couple of our members, running IE6 on XP. I don't know what causes it, or why it only pops up some of the time.
  20. Man...my video card is so lame..when i try to play this game on the practice mode i could'nt even move. and for the record needed to shut down the computer manually. Im planing to get a new video card this week to play this game man. This game is awsome. :arrow:
  21. AMVs??? What's that stand for?
  22. Yep, sure. It will be for a personal site. Here are some details:It should have one part (column) for a navigation panel, which can be filled in with a list of links. It should also have a div or something similar (table cell, etc) where main content should go. I'd like a header, that has the text CodeFX somewhere on it. As for colors, you can pick a general theme that you think looks good. Preferably red, green, or blue, but I don't really care. Any other questions?
  23. does anyone know the rules for amv's? I want to be able to host the amv's i created and the ones my friends have, is this allowed here?
  24. I dont think So man. Cuz why it was working fine ever since i joined this forum. Well yeah Im runing IE6 on XP professional. but why this is happening now. well its probably some spyware ill scan it later. thanks anyway god :arrow:
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