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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. There is already a topic about this opened in chit chat - it has more posts so I'm going to LOck this one.Haz
  2. How are you trying to login into cpanel? There are several ways? I.e different URL's you can use.
  3. Hmmmm, shame that everything has just gone up in price!
  4. I have enough troubles with the real stock market to even begin to worry about a virtual one -lol
  5. iGuest

    My name

    I've gone for hazaa for the moment - but keep voting!
  6. That's the law for you. Copyright and all that!
  7. LMAO - I have a tissue that Britney once used to blow her nose in - it's quite skanky, but if you want it, just donate $100000000FNH to me and I'll send it P&P free to you! eBay is sometimes full of idiots!
  8. I've made the decision to stay at FNH and not, at the moment, move over to SD forums as I feel that I contribute more here.I know that some of the staff are planning on leaving, but most will be staying.
  9. Get the beers out - look like we're having a party!
  10. iGuest


    Nah they just try to hump your leg
  11. just get something with a LAME encoder and you can play anything. Also if you have these CD's and they don't play in your PC, by Law you can take them back to the shop and get a full refund. I have a nice setup here, where my laptop is plugged into my amp and then into my speakers - i put all my music onto laptop (legal) so that I can create playlists. I use software that can rip from these 'crap' cds, cause by law i'm allowed to. So in short, if they don't work for you - go back to the shop and tell them to go **** themselves. Also, it aint doing the music industry any good - like I said before - it's only worth paying for good music!
  12. oh my my my my my!..nice site! ur good at this template making! i signed up for my account about an hour ago..it works.. FNH is the BEST!!
  13. LMFAO thats what thats for, lmfao I wish it was still enabled I'd change "God's" Title to owned by time just for the hell of it lmfao And so I could also say I owned "God" LMFAO!Tim :twisted:
  14. Very nice keep up the good work! ;)Tim :twisted:
  15. Sweet we'll have to play some time SLIMMER1988 all caps maybe here in a day or so when I'm not so busy :DTim :twisted:
  16. Halo2 through XBC XKAI XBL
  17. cool! What x-box games ya play? Any H2 online?Tim :twisted:
  18. GREAT JOB!WELL DONE!12/10--Mike
  19. Wooow that's a good summary. Thanks for sharing it
  20. You shouldnt have posted it here. Whatever, you should read >this< I think. :twisted:
  21. If you cant login cPanel. then im afraid may be u cannt do that.After all, I know the IPB have a SQL backup tool in th ACP(phpBB may have one, but I just dont know where it is). But obviously it is said the Apache is down which means u cannt posiblely login ur forum neigher...
  22. This is my first button can you leave feedback on this thread. Not actually first but official one that i might use for online distribution What do you think?
  23. Litlle Brother can you donate me some forum buxs since i'm so poor and your so rich
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