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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. It would be awesome if you could create your personal logo in multiplayer (like tony hawk underground 2); also, I agree: wish their would be MULTIPLAYER BOTS in MULTIPLAYER mode so we can practice with them and when we do play against real player over at XBOX Live or with your friends you know you've been a lot better because of all the practice you have been doing.( Mainly because I don't have XBOX Live)-TkJoLLy <--(Gamertag)
  2. MAPLESTORY IS WAY BETTER THEN RUNESCAPE way better graphics better play I am on server Broa if you play it lingling22 is my char-lingling22
  3. More better wayadd 0 with a string which has int valu. (typecasting may create problem in some situation)$val = "25";$val = $val +0;if(is_int($val)){echo "hi";}-salahuddin66
  4. So easy, typecast with (int) on the string. example: it will typecast string "25" as int<? if (is_int((int)"25")){echo "hi";}?>-salahuddin66
  5. When I use "net view CuteFTP" and result is "System error 53 has occurred.The network path was not found." And next command "net use * ..." get the same result.Anyone can help me?Thanks-Cute
  6. Warrock is verry good FPS gameDownload it--> http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. The origin of the �Swastica� dates back to Neolithic times, see http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It is a shame that this ancient symbol was shanghaied by the Nazi�s, ditto for the SS badge that really depicts two Sig runes. The gays pulled a similar trick by hijacking the rainbow as their flag, I can think of numerous other examples. To me personally the original meanings are quintessential, not the expropriated versions. By giving in that this is truly a Nazi symbol one concedes that they have been successful, I think that we have to wrestle it back.PWM-paul mast
  8. Yeah, thanks man. Im level 93 (moncur18) with whip and dds, on tobias0009 (level 74) i have full dragon. If you want we can meet up some time...-tobias0009 / moncur18
  9. Where actually can you find that nokia theme studio?I searched the net but I found no resultscan you help me? and do you have a way to download the themes via the phone internet?-peter
  10. ebooks.mzwriter.comrapidshareebookss.blogspot.comfreedownloadrapidshareebooks.mzwriter.com
  11. I don't often ring people i mainly text so my fingers start to hurt after a while. hiaaaaaa I think mobile phones are very dangerous but i love them. i would die if i didn't have a mobile.-maja
  12. Just want to say thanks to MUSICHERE, I'm now downloading the cd/dvd free burner from https://cdburnerxp.se/download?latest. I will let you know how I get on :>-Corlene Greenwood
  13. I've burned very few cd's and I don't even think its let me burn a dvd yet. I have a new computer, and think that this could be cause the disc I have is not registered for a whole year, perhaps only part of? For instance, when I try to burn a dvd disc, the computer keeps telling me to put a new disc in, as the hardware doesn't recognize it. my laptop is brand new??? sometimes, you can hear it whurring and whizzing, and then next thing is says that the drive is empty. -Corlene Greenwood
  14. Hosting heaven is closing down. try to see their site and this is done without even a mail to its customers
  15. personally, depression songs generally make me feel better, instead of worse, and it isn't cause they are "whiney" as people claim, cause thats crap.... singers and song writers write how people feel and that dont make them whiney, that makes them have a heart to the people and show others that they arent alone in this *BLEEP* world.... however as for a couple good songs or artists that have some good depressing music is:the artist Plumb has allot of kick *bottom* depressing music like: CutDamagedSend Anglesand Phobicthe artist on this one is Blue Octoberthe song is called: Hate me
  16. when i make a new layer it does not let me add noise because it says the area which is selected is empty..-elena
  17. google-earn-money.blogspot.comHere you will find the different tips & ways to earn money with google adsense-Jobs Honey
  18. My least favorite sport is NFL, too much padding and protection too many players. like rugby on drugs. my favourite sport is AFL. though it has become too regulated, a good game to watch,fast and tough.-bobapple
  19. i want to know how to hack the administrator password without having the Admin crack cd. somebody told me admin passwd can hack through safe mode how we can hack the admin passwd with the help of safe mode.-vishal
  20. I think that switchfoot is one of the best christian bands out there. I got to go to one of their concerts and then i got to go backstage and meet them. They are really cool and funny.-Mariah Jundt
  21. The appeals always work the first time but 1 more report and your out. I used to play until I got it banned. I appealed it and got unbanned, but I screwed up and got banned permently, so watch what you say or do. oh and world of war craft is way better , trust me!-warrent
  22. I need to know how to make a new account for maplestory and i need to know how to get maplestory nexon game cards.-Daniell
  23. I got an easy money making method(its f2p to).mine 1k iron&2k coal.smith into steel bars,then smith them in2 plates.sell on forums&enjoy the money-btx371
  24. never get a dell they are totally awful!HP is a good brand and so is Toshiba.Acer is good too.i hope this helped.
  25. dude trust ME there is no game like http://www.runescape.com/ this is the BEST-wizzykid99
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