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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. wireless in france Living Room PC Getting Low To No Wireless Signal I live in a very old house in france. The main router is separated from my laptop by very thick, ancient walls. My landlord has the main router, being french he has been trying to help me make the signal stronger. When I take the laptop closer to the router, of course the signal is better...But I am wondering if there is some sort of antenna or other option. I am not very computer literate in ENGLISH much less in FRENCH, and everything here is very expensive, so I don't know what to do! Can you help please????? -isabel
  2. Windows XP Dumps MCP Windows XP exam dumps Hi Can Any one tell me which is the latest dumps of windows XP /MCP Thanks & Regards Venky
  3. Cinema Cinema 4d Or 3d Studio Max I'd recommend Cinema. It's extremely well designed software that is very intuitive to use. You can really jump right in. And it comes with training videos. They also have great customer service, real people answer the phone, and they actually read your email and give you a real response that answers your questions. Studio max has the advantage that it's industry standard. But I don't think it's work flow and interface is as well organized as Cinema. Cinema has a lot of packages based on how much you want to buy. I would recommend the middle one, because then you can have advanced render and thinking particles. Which give you really nice effects, if you plan on using it for graphics. -Name
  4. Dear All,After moving the .Xls file I want delete that file.Am trying this its moving .Xls file, but its not deleted.I develop this code in corejava. Outside my project its deleted but in my project its not deleted.Can you please tell me what is the reason? -sreelatha
  5. Replying to MeadockAlright, it isn't found out until very late into the series (in fact, it JUST came out in Japan about four months ago, I believe...), but Naruto's parents were revealed. The reason they were not revealed in the first place, was because, it was not that they were a big huge secret of Konoha, but that it was such common knowledge, as if everyone knew about it, that it was never really discussed.Yes, the fourth Hokage (Namikaze) was in fact, Naruto's father, but I believe that answer has already been provided, and you're itching for Naruto's mother.His mother, Kushina (I believe that's her first name...) Uzumaki, was a member of the village hidden in whirlpool; one of Konoha's allies. As it seems, the Whirlpool village was destroyed, but members are said to be still remaining. It is unclear what happened to Kushina Uzumaki after the birth of Naruto, and it has become an assumption that she died after child birth, or just up-and-left. Jiraiya makes the comment that Naruto takes after his mother, in personality, but his likeness of the Fourth is uncanny. Kushina was said to have boyishly short hair, and was very tomboyish. She was just as strong as any of the boys as a child, and was often mouthy and hyperactive (obviously seen in her son), but the Fourth seemed to have melted her heart and they had a fling, resulting in our favorite blonde knuckle-headed ninja! Hope that helped!-reply by Tiko-chan
  6. dude you should play lg gunz Gunzonline ! Another Nice Game You should play lg gunz it has more lv's more items. And the cash shop is free you can find cash shop items in the normal shop. Go to legacygamers.Net to download.
  7. Command Prompt Run Internet Explorer From Command Prompt Replying to Sarith Pallewela Yeah, but if you're creating a batch file to execute several commands at once, one click will be better than several. -reply by weaponsguy007
  8. It seems ColdFusion is faster then PHP Coldfusion Vs. Php I love PHP and wouldn't chose any program above PHP but when it comes to performance! PHP HOGS resources when it comes to multiple users. I'm only a beginner, IIS is okay and Apache is Okay, the main issue what each would do with limited resources that in itself is business model... I think, instead of allowing us building scrips to run on servers, they should build a framework, that actually run's the server itself that way it eliminates the use of the server searching for a third party to run the program... -reply by Lutchy Horace
  9. iGuest

    Game Maker?

    Sploder Game Maker? Use sploder if you want easy. You don't need to download anything just make an account at http://www.sploder.com/ and start making games. It doesn't have much options though :/ -Nick
  10. Replying to Mastero FX Yo, and thanks for the tips. I am 10 yrs. I figured to cut yews I already figured before these tips. I figured that a full inventory of yews(28) would if sold fer 350 each would end up with about 10k. Tel others this kk? My wc lvl 47 and my combat is 61. I hope you post this. See ya. (like the slang?)-Ephraim
  11. fragmented files Defragment: Cannot Defrag All Fragmented Files I have tried to defrag my hard drive but it is 75% full of defraged files which can not be defraged due to my hard drive being 97% full. -question by Andy
  12. Security Sandbox Violation Security Sandbox Violation? Yeah, this is really annoying. It doesn't make sense to me why the violation prints in the output window on every keystroke. What does the user typing in an input have to do with access violation of a .Jpg loaded from the net? It's not like I'm typing into the picture. ! -sean
  13. Naruto's father is monito aka yondaime(4th) hokage. His mother was uzamaki something I forget. I beleive she was from rain village. Tsunade and jairya talk about it before before he leaves and ends up getting killed by pain(an akatsuki). Just read the manga.
  14. You should all use frostwire!Check homepageP.S.: turbocharged connection is free and no ads, viruses etc. I think it's also open source-Haik
  15. Thank you War Replying to Trap FeedBacker Thank you for saying the first intelligent argument I have seen on this website. Anyone who has studied military history, social history, modern politics, or even have ever played a strategy game can see that the US would not lose in a war against China. I want to point out that while the Chinese Hegemony is consolidating power in south-east Asia and building a shaky alliance with the old dinosaur/flowering dictatorship called Russia, the US is rebuilding the NATO alliance to become easily the most powerful and important alliance in history. Oh and don't get me started about technology. I admit I may be biased though. My wife and I are studying theoretical physics and are very aware of science and technology. I in fact hope to someday work for an agency called DARPA. If you want to end this debate now I suggest going over to their website and checking out some of the stuff they are working on. While China is still trying to figure out the definition of Capitalism we are working on stuff that would make E.T. Get nervous (well not quite, but you get the overly dramatic point). By the way I do want to point out that this is an almost pointless debate because asking who would win between the US and China is like asking whether the Empire (from star wars) or the Federation (from Star Trek) would win. In the end you are dealing with a hypothetical event set in a hypothetical time, between two powers without taking into account allies, geographical distances, resources, or moral resolve. -reply by United_Federation_of_Me
  16. narutos Naruto's Father Replying to thebluekirby They'd probably show who naruto's parents are at The end of the whole series! Like, after all the episodes are done, they'll Be likely to show us in the very last episode! -reply by *blackfox_ninja*
  17. Chess is it a sport? Real Sports From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Sport is an activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively. Sports commonly refer to activities where the physical capabilities of the competitor are the sole or primary determiner of the outcome (winning or losing), but the term is also used to include activities such as mind sports and motor sports where mental acuity or equipment quality are major factors. See also http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I personally think it is. -reply by Homer Jarvis
  18. beat this kill streak Halo 3 Xbox Live Ranks I got a kill streak of 50 on halo 3 ranked free for all and received recon armor for not dieing once and just used a battle rifle and grenades. -reply by runbacknow
  19. I think this is a great idea. The trap feedbacker is very boring.-alex7h3pr0gr4m3r... Er... I mean.. Uhh... Saint Michael-reply by Alex
  20. There Girl Troubles Okay, so there's this girl in band, and I make her laugh all the time, and when we were at the academy awards dance, she gave me this huge, seductive smile. I asked her out a week later, and she got mad becuase I was a guy friend and she hates it when guy friends like her. She refers to me as her stalker. Why? (this is not the full story, it's long, if you want it, reply telling me so, and I'll get back to you) -reply by Nathan Owens
  21. Replying to biscuitratDoes anyone script themselves these days with html? I'm 15 and I have created many websites with just html alone. My latest website <a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to do Site" took me about 5 days to do. It is not the best I could do but I just wanted to finish it because halfway into it I decided I did not like the idea.
  22. need a rap song to battle with my couisn Rap Lyrics Like a burnnnnnnnn rap that will make berybody screammmmmm and my name is jessica so rythm with that pleaseeeeeeeeeee I cant think of anything -reply by jessica
  23. change outlook express addresse Problems With Outlook Express I am trying to send an e-mail through outlook express but with my new e-mail> I can't seem to change the to my new email -question by Belinda Palafox
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