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Everything posted by Forsaken

  1. Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun/ Firestorm was a lot like the first in the scnece that it had about the same graphics. However the thing that I did not like about it was the futuristicness about it. I never could really get into space age things, even as a kid. I mean with command & conquer: tiberian sun instead of grenade guys they had guys called disc throwers, i dunno man? But despite all that I still bought it, and the expansion. I played them, and beat them both, because I am the Command & Conquer fan that I am.
  2. My site is a gaming site, well acctually it's a crew site for a gaming site lol. I has information about the game, information about my crew, loads of stuff anyone that plays the game would want, but its exclusively available to my crew.
  3. Ok, first of all I would like to say that most mexicans, not all, but most are very, uhhm what's the word... aggressive. Aggressive in the scence that they don't care who the girl is with or anything of that nature. My fiancee and I go out all the time, and now-a-days in this country they (mexicans) are everywhere. But anyway, when we go out they will litterally hoot and holler at the tops of their lungs at her while I'm standing right there. I usually throw them an evil stare and they usually stop in fear of the reprecutions.Now the thing that I am not understanding is why your husband (or b/f whichever) is telling you that you should have thanked him? The guy was obviously way out of line in approaching you and of all the nerve asking you if you were alone when OBVIOSLY you were not alone as you had been sitting there at a table with several men. So in my opinion he had no right to approach you, and if it was my fiancee in that situation and she responded to the guy in a calm, polite manner, I would have been disappointed that she had not gotten an BIG attitude with the guy and told him to F*ck off or she'll have me come in and... well you know... so anyway, I think you did what you were supposed to do, doesn't matter what your job is you weren't at work and you have no resaon to be treated in that manner, and your man should have stepped in and interviened. Nevermind Me, I'm just a violent person
  4. Ok this is more of a question than an acctual rant but I do think it is complete *BLEEP*!Here it is:WHY THE HELL DO WE HAVE HAVE TO PAY SOCIAL SECURITY EVERY PAYCHECK EVEN THOUGH WE WILL NEVER SEE A DAMN DIME OF IT!?!?!If you don't know what I'm talking about... this is it, at the rate of the US there will be more Senior Citizens than money to go around, therefor we will not get our social security as intended because the system needs to be reformed... but no worries BUSH is working on a reform right now but in the mean time STOP MAKING US PAY FFS!
  5. First of all I would like to say, i dont really like bush that much, and Im sick of paying 2 bucks a gallon for gas. Now to the good part, the quote above has to be the biggest load of *BLEEP* I have ever heard. I do know that we trained Bin Laden, and when you say they "Founded Al Quieda" what really occured, is that our government wen t over to Iraq to train them to fight a war since we were their allies. We didnt "Found" anything..... Also why in gods name would Bush (Our government in general) Allow something like 9/11 to occur, That hurt our economy very badly and almost put us in a recession. I guess im about done, but I would just like to say once again....Thats a load of *BLEEP*.
  6. Ive heard that they wont have a hard drive at all. People mod the sytems, my xbox has a 200gig hdd in it. What people do is install a modchip, install a larger hdd and flash a new bios on it, this enables them to use the XBOX, to FTP, backup games and dvds (This is where Microsoft has a problem obviously).... There are even a lot of people who have installed Linux on there xboxes, modded a mouse and keyboard for it. I heard the saving of gamefiles and stuff would be stored on servers, sorta like stats for XBOX LIVE.Im not sure if they dont have the harddrive, how well that would work. If they wanna store everything on servers then what about the people without internet access...Also it would cost A LOT..... To support servers for enough peoples gamesaves and stuff. A normal XBOX has a 10 gig harddrive, now imaging if they had to store that much for each user.....
  7. For some reason I was under the impression that norton didnt find trojans...... Guess so.
  8. If you do get the virus I saw a thing the other day explaining how to remove it........ Here is the info on removing. http://www.hackthissite.org/articles/read/269 Just follow along and you should have no problems.
  9. A Quick Background:-----Command & Conquer was origonally designed by a small design firm called Westwood Studios based out of California. Today it has become far more than the developers at Westwood Studios could have ever dreamed. However, the new Command & Conquer games are being developed by EA Games, which bought out Westwood Studios (It would appear EA Games is taking over).-----In case you were wondering, My favorite installment of the series would have to be a toss-up between, The First Command & Conquer (Gotta love the classics), And The Newest Installment, which is Command & Conquer: Generals. Reason being, The First Command & Conquer Seemed to have a quality about it in which you could simply sit there and play and play until you couldn't keep your eyes open because you were so sleep deprived. And Command & Conquer: Generals because of the High End Graphics are just stunning, but it doesnt seem to be able to capture the same quality as the first Command & ConquerSo now on to my question to you guys. If you have played all of the installments in the series of Command & Conquer, as I have. Which of these is your favorite, and why? (sorry if i've left any out )
  10. Because parsing is such an integral part of string manipulation, I took the time to make a quick and simple parse function. For you VBers, Delphi is a derivative of Pascal...it's powerful, simple, and (best of all) doesn't need external components (eg: ocx files). Hence the code: function TForm1.SimpleParse(MainString, BeginString, EndString: string): string;varPosBeginString: integer;PosEndString: integer;beginPosBeginString := Pos(BeginString, MainString) + Length(BeginString);PosEndString := Pos(EndString, MainString);Result := Copy(MainString, PosBeginString, PosEndString - PosBeginString);end; -----------For example, the code: ShowMessage(SimpleParse('This is a delphi parsing tutorial.', 'delphi', 'tutorial'));-------------- ...will return the string: 'parsing' Notes: 1) The instance variables PosBegin/EndString aren't needed if you replace their assigned values in the actual Copy function. 2) You don't necessarily need the function to parse. You can take those three lines (or single line) of code and put it in a procedure. That is all. I may make a parsing function that parses multiple items in the future. Enjoy. ---- Im more familiar with VB, but once I began learning Delphi I realized they are very much alike, checkout the comparison below ---- Visual Basic 6 Parsing iStart = InStr(1, MainString, BeginString, vbTextCompare) + Len(BeginString)iEnd = InStr(iStart, MainString, EndString, vbTextCompare)sText = Mid$(MainString, iStart, iEnd - iStart) ---- Delphi Parsing PosBeginString := Pos(BeginString, MainString) + Length(BeginString);PosEndString := Pos(EndString, MainString);Result := Copy(MainString, PosBeginString, PosEndString - PosBeginString); ----------------------------- Hope you enjoy! Look for Advanced Parsing Function tutorial soon... Will post as soon as I get time to write it. Thanks Remember to place all code in code tags:
  11. You could always make a mozilla version, and an IE version :-p....... You can find optimization tools if u just use the almighty g00gle.....
  12. Yeh marquees are kinda oldish, but they can be nice if they are manipulated correctly.
  13. LoL, i like how the fingerprits are "heads"......Anyways,decent job i guess. You should try shrinking the heads down to where they just fit over where the finger is...That may look pretty cool.
  14. I dont think you would even need t3. I mean I guess that makes you think (HOW COULD ANYONE NOT USET3), What im saying is that might be OVERKILL. I think t3 is mainly used for networks, such as a buisness or a school as mentioned above, also can be used if you host webservers. I would say unless you enjoy downloading lots of videos, and want them to be faster (Which not sure how that would work depending on the server your downloading from).....Just stick to the cable, or dsl.....
  15. Yes or maybe they can make an island of dinosaurs like in the movie Jurrassic Park. If they do that though I know I wont be visiting anytime soon Scarry Stuff!
  16. Wow, amazing I like it a lot..... Some realistic looking stuff there, I also would like to know what software you used when you created that. Im gonna checkout the tutorial in a bit. Good luck with your 3d stuff if this is your first creation I gotta fealing you will do some pretty sweet stuff. Good luck.
  17. Wow thats really awesome, it worked. Your a saint....... Not really, but thanks that helped a lot. Ive not been able to run a couple of sweet games for a while now. Tried this and got them all working.... I LOVE YOU! Keep up the good work.
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