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Posts posted by Archangel_Baw

  1. Personally I'm a 3rd Degree High Priestess of Witchcraft, (Not just Wicca/Paganism but Witchcraft in all of its forms).


    My bf however is an atheist, and we both agree that it doesn't matter what a person does/or does not believe in, people are just people and deserve to be respected as such regardless of religious belief.

  2. I'm from Ontario, Canada, and smoking in public places is illegal here. I am also a smoker, but I have no problem with this law. I can see why you would be so upset.I'm more considerate of others when I smoke, but a LOT of smokers are extremely rude toward non-smokers. I have seen people blow smoke deliberately into the faces of non-smokers and I have felt the need to intervene and actually physically attack the smoker for it, several times I might add. I don't even smoke in my home. Around my son or any children, and if there is an adult non-smoker around me, I will move far away to smoke.but your point is very valid to me:)

  3. you know I used to hate my parents too, Now I AM a parent and I totally understand where they were comming from:) My mother died 2 years ago, and although we had our ups & downs, it wasn't until she was gone that I realized she was my best friend. I miss her and wish I hadn't taken her for granted, and looking back, I'm grateful I had a mother who loved me enough to put me in line when I was being selfish.So I know how you feel, but cherish your parents while they are alive, because once they are gone, no matter where you go on this planet, you will NEVER feel at home again without them. And all the stupid things you do to insult their intelligence, hurt them or provoke them into anger just because you can, come right back around to kick you in the head as soon as you become a parent yourself:)

  4. lmao thats hillarious,


    I had a budgie named shaner who was retarded, I swear, he flew out of his cage straight into a wall, REPEATEDLY getting stuck behind my furniture & squawking like a psycho everyday.


    He had this thing with hiding behind things that only covered the botton half of his body, hoinestly, especially the back ledge of my couch, and he would peek his head up at me as if he were a soldier at war in the trenches. He was too much.


    Once he got stuck behind my stove, and I had to tear my kitchen apart to find him. IDIOT!!!


    He eventually committed birdicide by stressing himself out to the point of having a heart attack. poor thing. he p*ssed me off, but god I miss that stupid bird. The expression bird brain is no coincidence.

  5. *Updated*

    I currently have the following animals:

    1 Wild Spider (I don't know what kind, he lives in my garden) named Tobi.

    1 Hedgehog named Houdini,

    1 Brown Basilisk Named Cleo,

    2 Bearded Dragons: Named Prince Charming (Princey for short), and Walter.

    2 Dogs: A Rotwieller named Stormy, and a Bichon Frisse Named Keisha.


    In The past, at different times, I have also had:

    2 other Bearded Dragons Named Michael & Casey.

    3 fish: 1 Betta named Elijah, 1 Red Finned Shark named Jaws, A goldfish named Feech.

    1 Lobster named Lester.

    1 snake: a Bermese Python named Samson.

    1 bird: a Blue Budgie named Shaner.

    several cats: too many to name.

    several dogs: too many to name.

    2 turtles: named skippy & peanut, I will have another one one day and his name will be butter:)

    1 lobster named Lester-I spared one from being boiled alive, hey, I was 12 years old and I didn't know how good they taste.

    1 duck named Nelson

    1 chicken named Francais

    1 skinny pig named Sweetness

    2 guinea pigs named Oxxy & Isis

    2 Chinese Water Dragons named Pricess Elizabeth & Princess Fiona

    1 Ameava Lizrad named Steve. He was hillarious.

    2 Rats named Amadeus & Merlin

    1 Hamster named Hammy

    2 Mice named John & Jordan

    I'm sure Im forgetting some but I'll edit this post when I remember.


    If I could, I would also have the following animals:

    a squirrel, a giraffe, a seal, a goat, a wolf, a tiger and an owl, but I can't, I kind of want a porcupine too. lol. and something I can name Bernard!


    I obviously need an animal sanctuary to be happy.

    1 Ameva Lizrd named Steve. He was hillarious.

    2 Rats named Amadeus & Merlin

    1 Hamster named Hammy

    2 Mice named John & Jordan

    I'm sure Im forgetting some but I'll edit this post when I remember.


    If I could, I would also have the following animals:

    a squirrel, a giraffe, a seal, a goat, a wolf, a tiger and an owl, but I can't, I kind of want a porcupine too. lol. and something I can name Bernard!


    I obviously need an animal sanctuary to be happy.

  6. phpbb24.com & Jconserve vs Trap 17 review...

    Heads Up Bad Forum Hosting List... this list is for everyone to add to


    Horrible, Hacking, Stalking, Sabotaging, Free Forum Host... NEVER get forum Hosting by phpbb24.com...


    Hi all, I'm Archangel, the creatrix & owner of Born Again Wiccan: Witchcraft Community Forum.


    I've recently moved my forum from jconserv.net (because my members requested mods jconserv unfortunately doesn't offer), to phpbb24.com, and it was a terrible mistake.


    One of the employees at phpbb24.com keeps following behind me after I administer my forum and deleting the files I upload for my members to download. None of my files were in violation of their terms & services agreement, they are freeware & shareware->made to be passed on, none of the files are corrupt, I scanned them myself repeatedly to make sure, and the majority of them are my own created by me. Their themes are not compatible with their mods unless you use subsilver, and the mods are not properly installed, so you constantly have to administer & reset them. Its just a bunch of bs that no one needs.


    I am outraged and I am posting this thread to make sure no one else has to go through the aggrivation that phpbb24.com has caused me.


    Jconserv is NOT a bad forum host, their support is good, but the mods are very limited. For example they have a cash mod, but no shop, no lottery etc, nothing for users to spend their cash on, so why even have the cash mod at all????? I don't get it. However I can't knock their support, I had a problem where i couldnt log in nor could my members once, (because I installed a corrpt style), and I went to the support forum, in less than 30 minutes, they had the problem fixed.


    I am switching to Xisto because I have been reassured that none of that will happen to me again. Xisto is far better in comparison, and although I do not have hosting yet, I clearly see the way those who do rave about it:) I believe its worth the wait. There are too many forum hosts out there who take advantage of us, Xisto is NOT one of them. I just wanted to give everyone here a heads up.


    I accidentally posted this twice, it was a mistake due to my slow internet & my browser timing out. Could a forum mod please delete the extra copies, Thank you. This is the edited version that I would like posted:)

  7. The Wicca! -By Archangel


    Beloved Children Of God & Goddess Are We,

    Blessed With Their Powers & Divinity.


    With Their Perfect Love & Perfect Trust,

    We Use Our Magick To Help All We Must.


    We Spin Our Webs & Raise The Cone,

    Cast Spells To Heal Soul, Flesh & Bone.


    Banishing Evil, Conjuring Light,

    We Work Our Wills By Magick Rite.


    We Balance Karma, Free Lost Souls,

    Help Living & Dead Reach Highest Goals.


    Blessing All, Harming None,

    By The Lord & The Lady, Our Wills Be Done.


    By Archangel Copyright Born Again Wiccan 2006. All Rights Reserved. Posted By Author.

  8. Personally, I prefer Jujitsu & akido:) Thanks to my father:)The arts of grappling, bone breaking & if need be, killing. NOT that I would, unless it was a life or death matter.I also learned artillery & hand to hand combat when I was a teen/young adult (yay Army). And when no one's lookin' I do yoga & tai chi. shhhhhh! :P I remember an ex-boyfriend offering to walk me home one night & I laughed at him & said:Any idiot who is stupid enough to attack me, deserves what he f*cking gets!The poor guy just looked at me like I was insane. Then he got jumped by 5 guys and I saved his but. He was like: will you marry me?I am definately interested in Tae Kwan Do though and until I find the right teacher, I'm waiting.

  9. Definately. I learned css through using macromedia Dreamweaver 8, if you know html and basic web design css is much easier to understand. I learned it for fun, but in the future, I intend to use my skills to make money, via web design, which I love to do. Once you know css, as with everything else, it's less mysterious and confusing, you will be able to actually create whatever vision you have and you will be able to earn more money should you choose to teach it to others. Learning a new skill is NEVER a watse of time:)

  10. I think your plan A is much better: Kill it before it kills you! :P


    My computer used to have a lot of problems, but that was because I had a psycho ex who was logging on as me and installing malicious software into it while I was sleeping.


    I know it sounds paranoid, but I actually had to have the POLICE come in to remove the software. They also found email tracking software, which meant that everytime I sent any email from any of my accounts, and any email was sent to me, it was automatically forwarded to my pscho ex-boyfriend. How creepy is that?


    So the police removed that as well and are charging him with stalking, invasion of privacy, and a bunch of other things. It's sick that people get away with this but it happens all the time. I'm glad I was smart enough to get the police involved.

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