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Posts posted by Archangel_Baw

  1. LMAO! I know how you feel brother, I've had that happen so many times I am SICK of it. So I'm going back to school to take Carpentry & Cabinet making so I can design & build my own furniture to my own liking:) I'm 33 years old now, and I have use a LOT of diy pre-made furniture, but no more! I'm too old to bother with the stress it causes me. Being that and I have my second child on the way, (my first child is already 11), I want everything to be JUST PERFECT by the time my baby is born!Most women nest by moving furniture, cooking, cleaning & doing crafts, but I'm taking it a few steps further, my husband thinks I'm too much, but he knows better than to argue. :)

  2. Dear Carson:

    Well I have great news for you and everyone else who thinks they can't cook because they need directions: EVERYONE DOES! THAT'S WHY PEOPLE WRITE RECIPE BOOKS & PUBLISH THEM:)


    It is not possible to learn how to cook without using someone elses recipes at first. So using a microwave and making pre-packaged meals is JUST as much cooking as making your own meals from scratch.


    By eating pre-made meals, you learn what your body likes and doesn't like, from there, you learn to make things without what you dislike and add ingredients you enjoy. This is how we all get started, so yes Carson, you are a cook.


    I've been cooking since I was 8 years old, and I started by making Kraft Dinner, I had to read the box, hell, I've even burnt it, A LOT! :) But Then I started adding different things, like cream of mushroom soup, instead of the cheese packet, and ham or tuna, etc, and after that, I was able to do it without the directions on the box. So I took it one step further and bought different pastas, with no directions, and added whatever I felt would taste good and so on.


    So now I take a recipe, lets say I find it online, and I copy it into my recipe book, however, I do not copy foods I don't like from the recipe, instead, I substitute them with foods I love, and voila, I have made my own recipe.


    When I get some time, I will start a recipe topic here at trap 17, with my own recipes & everyone else is welcome to post their own favorites, wether they include a canned or packaged food or not:) All recipes are great, they keep us fed and alive, and all cooks are awesome because they feed themselves and others:) :P

  3. Re: benzkids


    I'm sorry to hear that happened to you. I know how it feels to lose someone you love, but there is so much to look forward to, like finding your true soulmate.


    If this person left, perhaps on some level, she knew she wasn't right for you, and I know it doesn't feel like it, but she did you a favor.


    In time you will meet the person who was made to be with you, so keep your chin up and your heart open and this will all be a bad memory that will be replaced by newer and greater experiences:)


    Brightest blessings and love form thy resident Archangel:) :)

  4. Well love, here's the deal, you're not a stupid moron, you are a person who is healing from heartbreak, and waiting like you did is respectful both to yourself and the girl you like. I don't seee any reason why she would not still like you. Just explain to her that you had feelings for her when she did ask, and that you were NOT rejecting her, you wanted to give her all of you not part of you and everything will be fine. If she is no longer interested, thats fine, you have made yourself a true friend, who is there when you're down and everyone needs a friend like that:) Either way it's all good. Congradulations for being such a REAL man about it, and being truthful about your feelings:) It's usually easier to lie & jump right in without thinking, but waiting shows how responsible you are. Good for you:) Ps the strangers on Xisto are more like brothers & sisters who love giving advice:)

  5. As a woman, I can advise you that its much better to be asked out in person. And also that you're not stupid for being too shy to ask, you're a normal human being who, like everyone else, is afraid of being rejected. So, My advice is to get her to go out with you, on regular outings just as FRIENDS first somewhere, like coffee, or ice cream, or even lunch, since you work together, (you get the point), instead of putting the "OMG I HOPE I CAN IMPRESS HER" pressure on yourself this soon. By going on regular outings with her and befriending her FIRST, you will both be more comfortable in eachothers' presence and it will show her that you care enough about her to take the time needed to get to know her for who she is. Trust me, if you become her friend, she will tell you all the things she loves, like favorite foods, flowers, and all the things that you need to know to sweep her off her feet. And from there, you can take the info she gave you and do just that.Get back to me on this, I'd love to help you get your girl:)Blessings-Archangel

  6. Just be yourself. Don't lie to impress her. If she said you are her type, then you are, you don't need to do or say anything you wouldn't normally say or do. Talk to her about how nervous you are, she will be just as nervous as you, and it is much better to get those feelings out in the open, than to try to hide them. The Harder you try to hide it, the more foolish you will end up looking because nothing will go as planned. So just be who you are, do what you do, and let her know you've never dated before. If anything she will feel glad to be the only person you have chosen to date. It will be fine. Enjoy yourself and getting to know her. You will see that there is nothing to be afraid of. Blessings-Archangel :P

  7. Aromatherapy Recipe Links

    Stop buying expensive oils, try these recipes to make them yourself.



    -Aromatherapy Recipes Using Essential Oils



    Dreaming Earth Botanicals

    -Aromatherapy Recipes, Massage Oil Recipes and Essential Oil Recipes



    Natures Gift

    -Hints tips and aromatherapy recipes for every day use of essential ...



    Aroma Thyme

    -Aromatherapy Recipes Essential Oil Recipes



    Sunrose Aromatics

    -Aromatherapy Recipes & Blends


  8. Cosmetics & Make Up Tips & Recipe Links

    Ladies stop paying out the wazoo for brand name cosmetics, Make your own instead:)


    >> Somerset Cosmetic Company

    All about Homemade Cosmetics as Makeup, Eyeshadow, Mascara, Face ...free make up, free beauty products, free beauty products samples, ... history of make up cosmetics, eye shadow techniques, cosmetic formulas, ...



    >> Beauty Feast.com... Be Beautiful

    Beauty tips, skin care n Makeup Tips, Beauty Cosmetics Product Advice.Get best fresh beauty cosmetics things and find new makeup tips ... We can provide various tips on make up, skin care, cosmetics and about beauty products ...



    >> Open Directory - Health: Beauty:

    Advice and EducationIncludes an on-line macrobiotic cookbook and recipes for natural cosmetic preparations. In Touch With Jeannine - Tips on diet, exercise, skin care, make-up ...



    >> Beauty Cosmetic Guide.com

    Makeup Tips, Beauty Tips, Skin Care, Beauty Cosmetics Product AdviceMakeup Tips, Cosmetic and Skincare, eye make up beauty products tips. ... home made recipes, beauty products and cosmetic surgery and many others that will ...



    >> Ultimate-Cosmetics.com

    Makeup Tips, Beauty Tips, Cosmetics, Skin and Hair Care AdviceBeauty Advice - Get all sorts of tips on cosmetics, makeup, beauty and skin care, skin disorders... recommended products, homemade recipes, articles and ...



    >> Cosmetics Diary.com

    Best Cosmetics, Beauty Tips, Makeup Tips, Skin Care Advice, CosmeticsOnline Guide to Cosmetics, beauty care, Beauty Tips, Makeup Tips, makeup, Skin care, ... Home Recipes for hair. Latest Home recipes. Other Home Remedies ...



    >> Kitchen Cosmetics: Make--Up Recipes. Basic Lip Gloss 1/4 cup beeswax 1/4 cup castor oil 2 tbsp sesame oil Beet juice ... Back to Kitchen Cosmetics Index ...



    >> Cosmetics Recipes

    As you use up any commercial cosmetics, make sure to save the containers. A nice wide mouthed cosmetic cream jar would be great for this recipe. ...


  9. Pet Treat Recipe Links

    Links to sites with FREE recipes you can make for your pets. Enjoy! :XD:


    Dog Treat recipes<->My Google Search Results:)



    Pet Treat recipes<->My Google Search Results:)



    Homemade Bird Treat Recipes<->My Google Search Results:)



    Dog recipes cook for your dog!

    Dog treat recipes, and treats, meal recipes - cook for your dog.



    Robbie's Recipe Collection:

    Hundreds of tried and true recipes, from old family recipes to newfound favorites, ... Your continued donations keep this site running! Pet Treat Recipes ...



    Dog Treat Recipes from Two Dog Press

    We've been adding seasoning amounts of garlic in our dog treat recipes for years without incident. The small amounts we use are mixed into hefty batches of ...



    GourmetSleuth - Dog Treats Recipes

    Recipes for making dog biscuits and treats at home. Includes links to dog biscuit bakeries, books, and over 200 recipes.



    pet food recipes | recipe goldmine pets

    pet food recipes. ... Recipe Goldmine featured in Quick Cooking Magazine ... Basic Dog Treats (for dogs) ? Beefy Dog Bone Biscuits (for dogs) ...



    Cat Treats - Cat Treat Recipes From The Cat's Meow

    - Easy recipes for cat goodies and kitty treats: moist kittycat morsels, bland diet for finicky felines, kitty taco, tuna treats , fishy kitty pudding, ...



    Homemade Bird Food Recipes : bird treats recipes

    Download a collection: Bird Food Recipes. 182 recipes for domestic birds and a few wild bird recipes.



    BIRD TREAT RECIPES - HomeMade Animal Treats - AnimalSnackables.com

    Homemade, natural, nutritious treats for your 4 legged friends! Treats for your dogs, cats, birds, horses, and small animals!


  10. I suffer from insomnia whenever I'm stressed out so I concocted a herbal tea that knocks me out gently. Here's the recipe:In a teapot, steep the following herbs for 10 minutes minimum in bolied water: -(3 pinches of each herb below)-Catnip leaves, (Active inghredient to cause sleepiness).-Chamomile flowers, (Active ingredient to calm nerves).-Peppermint/spearmint leaves, (Inactive ingredient For better flavor).-Sweeten with sugar or honey to taste.It takes about 30 minutes to work, but you will get great rest and wake up feeling much better. Make sure to drink this while in bed, it works faster on some people.Let me know how it works for you. If it isn't strong enough, just add 1 pinch more of the above ingredients.

  11. Over-The-Counter Medications You Can Give To Your Pet


    Info is Listed in the following order:




    How Often


    Buffered Aspirin

    For dogs only. Pain relief, anti-inflammatory.

    1 tablet per 60 Lbs.

    2 times per day


    Baby Aspirin

    For dogs only. Pain relief, anti-inflammatory.

    1 tablet per 15 Lbs.

    2 times per day



    Treat allergies, itching, reaction to insect stings, etc.

    1 mg. per 1 Lb.

    2 times per day



    Not for animals with glaucoma or bladder problems. Reduce car sickness.

    3-25 Lb. pet - 12.5 mg.

    26-50 Lb. pet - 25 mg.

    51 Lb. + pet - 50 mg.

    Give at least 1 hour prior to travel, no more than once a day



    For dogs only. Relieve vomiting or stomach gas, diarrhea.

    1 tsp. per 20 Lbs.

    Every 6 hours


    Hydrogen Peroxide 3%

    To induce vomiting after accidental ingestion of a poison.

    1 Tbls. per 10 Lbs.

    Up to 3 times, 10 minute intervals, until vomiting occurs


    Mineral Oil

    Eliminate constipation.

    Dogs: up to 4 Tbls.

    Cats: up to 2 Tbls.

    Daily, as needed


    Never give the following meds to animals:

    Acetaminophen, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Nuprin, or Alieve.

    -Kind of makes you wonder why WE take them, Hmmmmm!


    Notice from truefusion:
    Seems similar to this: https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/

    Putting majority of post in quotes for two reasons: For being similar and for being a list.

  12. Yoga is not really a kind of sport. It is being one with mind, body and spirit. And I think guys do it to?

    I would never do yoga I think it is kinda stupid. Anyone can sit down and say ummmm ummmm...

    Re: TypoMage


    Yoga doesn't involve "ummmm ummmm..."

    That's called Sacred Chanting and it is done by Monks, Priests, Priestesses, Healers, Warriors, and people of Religious Authority, who enter a meditative state in order to prepare themselves to do a blessing on someone else. Which is NOT something you are in a position to MOCK! Please do at least basic research on the subject.

  13. Honey Recipes HEALING WITH HONEY When you select honey for medicinal use, always buy a variety that is produced by an apiary local to your area. Ingesting local pollens found in honey can build resistance to allergies over time. The honey should be raw, not heated or processed. 1 HONEY FLU REMEDY Take a six-inch ginger root and slice it. Put it in a non-aluminum pot with about 3 cups of fresh water. Cover the pot tightly and bring to a simmer. Allow the water to simmer (not boil) for about twenty minutes. Remove from the stove and add the juice of half a lemon, a pinch of cayenne pepper, and honey to taste. This is a great remedy for bronchitis and flu. -Author Unknown HONEY THROAT SYRUP Take several cloves of fresh garlic. (Please don't use the genetically altered, odorless variety. It has lost its healing virtue.) Place the garlic in a blender with the juice of half a lemon. Blend until smooth. Add 1 cup raw honey and blend again. This mixture can be taken as it is in teaspoon doses for a sore throat, or strained through a cheesecloth and bottled for later use. GARLIC AND HONEY WOUND DRESSING If you have a cut or a wound, wash it carefully and then apply chopped or mashed raw garlic, which will kill any bacteria or viruses. Cover the garlic with a slather of honey and apply a clean bandage. The honey will keep the wound anaerobic (without oxygen) so bacteria will be unable to grow in it.


  14. HYGEIAN HEALING: In ancient Greece, true healers, those who sought to cure the whole person, body, mind, and soul, were followers of Hygeia, the goddess of health and healing. Nature and a healthy mind are powerful healers because the entire healing process exists within the body. When you use external treatments to attain wellness, you are activating natural, inner resources that normally serve to make you well without any outside help at all. The body can magically heal itself, provided you know what to do to keep it running at maximum efficiency. Hygeian healing uses preventive measures to enhance internal resistance to disease. You can promote healing by getting appropriate exercise and rest, holding good thoughts and mental images, fostering positive spiritual beliefs and practices, and eating less fat and protein and more grains, fresh fruits, and veggies. Hygeian tonics are especially effective for enhancing and toning the natural healing system and neutralizing harmful influences in the body. GARLIC lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, is a powerful antiseptic tic, antibiotic, and anticancer agent, and protects liver and brain cells. Add fresh garlic in any form to your food daily. GINGER known in ancient China and India, tones, uplifts, and warms the system, stimulates digestion and circulation, calms upset stomach, and relieves nausea, aches, and pains. Ginger can be eaten in candied slices, honey-based syrups, encapsulated, or drunk as a tea. GREEN TEA the national beverage of Japan, protects the body against heart disease and cancer. It offers a benign form of caffeine along with great benefits as a general tonic. Try green tea instead of the usual coffee, black tea, or cola for a healthy pick-me-up. MILK THISTLE an old European folk remedy, detoxifies and enhances liver function. Alcohol, pharmaceutical and/or recreational drug users or those who have suffered exposure to toxic substances should take this herb regularly. ASTRACALUS is a popular Chinese herb used to treat colds, flu, and chronic infections such as bronchitis, sinusitis, and AIDS. It restores immunity, and increases vitality and resistance to disease. Take encapsulated astragalus if you lack energy or feel stressed. GINSENG usually recommended for men, is stimulating, sexually energizing, can improve the appetite, aid digestion, tone the skin and muscles, and balance hormones in women. It is a great rejuvenator for the tired, the elderly, and the chronically ill. Ginseng comes in candies, teas, wines, and elixirs. DONG QUAI is a Chinese herb, used predominantly by women to build blood, increase circulation, and regulate menstrual and reproductive disorders. Try dong quai in tincture or capsule form to restore balance. MAITAKE MUSHROOMS are highly esteemed for their healing properties. Add maitake tablets or capsules to your diet to protect your body against cancer, AIDS, chronic fatigue, hepatitis, allergies, environmental illness.



    -Author Unknown




    Studies show that this herb has antibiotic action. how to: For tea, 1/2 to 1 teaspoon powdered root per cup, steeped 10 minutes. Up to 2 cups per day.



    The "hip" is the part that remains when the petals fall off the flower. Rose hips contain vitamin C.how to: For tea, 2 to 3 teaspoons per cup, steeped 10 minutes. Drink as needed.



    This popular beverage herb can calm jangled nerves, relieve stomach distress, prevent ulcers, speed their healing, and help fight infection.how to: For tea, 2 to 3 heaping teaspoons per cup, steeped 10 to 20 minutes. Up to 3 cups per day.



    When chewed or chopped, garlic is a potent natural antibiotic; it also has anti-viral properties. It reduces cholesterol and helps prevent the formation of internal blood clots that trigger heart attacks.how to: In food, season to taste. For tea, steep 6 cloves in a cup of cool water for 6 hours.



    Historically used to soothe sore throats, coughs, and upset stomachs, this beneficial bark is still available in bulk and in herbal cough drops and throat lozenges. how to: For tea, 1 to 3 teaspoons of powdered bark per cup, boiled and simmered 15 minutes. Up to 3 cups per day.



    Ginseng stimulates the immune system, helps protect the liver from toxics, and increases stamina. In one animal experiment, it also increased sexual activity. how to: Follow package directions for teas, capsules, tablets, and tinctures.



    Despised as a weed, dandelion can help relieve premenstrual bloating. Preliminary studies suggest possible anti-inflammatory effects. how to: For tea, 1/2 ounce dried leaf per cup, steeped 10 minutes. Up to 3 cups per day.



    Several studies confirm feverfew's value in preventing migraines. how to: Chew two leaves a day, or take a pill or capsule containing 85milligrams of leaf material (feverfew is quite bitter).For tea, 1/2 to 1 teaspoon per cup, steeped 5 to 10 minutes. Up to 2 cups per day.



    This premier pregnancy herb is widely used to treat morning sickness and uterine irritability, and to help prevent threatened miscarriage. how to: For tea, 1 to 2 teaspoons per cup, steeped 10 minutes. Up to 3 cups per day.



    For indigestion, try a cup of mint tea after eating.how to: For tea, 1 teaspoon fresh or 2 teaspoons dried per cup, steeped 10 minutes. Reheat if desired. Up to 3 cups per day.For a relaxing bath, fill a cloth bag with a few handfuls of dried or fresh leaves, and run water over it.



    This plant contains allantoin, which promotes the growth of new cells and gives it value as a wound treatment. how to: Place a bruised leaf on clean cuts or scrapes. Cover with a bandage. Warning: Do not use internally.



    This herb is a powerful laxative. Senna tastes terrible, so most herbalists recommend a tincture or a commercial product. To avoid abdominal distress, do not take more than the package directions specify.



    Research has shown that this bitter herb has diuretic and urinary antiseptic effects. Use it in addition to mainstream medical treatment. how to: One teaspoon per cup, boiled 10 minutes. Up to 3 cups per day.



    Ginger prevents motion sickness and may help prevent the internal blood clots that trigger heart attacks. how to: For motion sickness, take 2 to 3 capsules of 500 milligrams 30 minutes before departure. For tea, 2 teaspoons powdered or grated root per cup, steeped 10 minutes. Up to 3 cups per day. Ginger is also useful for lower back pain from muscular fatigue. Use in a massage oil with Lavender and Marjoram. Use 12-15 eo drops per 1oz. carrier oil.



    Commonly used to treat colds and asthma, Chinese ephedra (Ma Huang) can also raise blood pressure and cause insomnia and other problems.warning: Prior to using Chinese ephedra, seek advice from a health care practitioner, especially if you arepregnant or nursing. It should not be given to children under 13.



    Licorice can soothe sore throats and treat ulcers. how to: For sore throat, add a pinch of root to tea. For ulcers, 1/2 teaspoon of powder per cup, boiled 10 minutes. Up to 2 cups per day. warning: Large doses can be dangerous.



    Basil is a stimulating and antidepressant oil which relieve mental fatigue, clears the mind, and improves concentration. It is expectorant and antiseptic, used for all types of chest infections, also good for congested sinuses, chronic colds, head colds and whooping cough. The antispasmodic and carminative properties of basil help to relieve abdominal pains, indigestion, and vomiting. It works well on tired muscles, especially in massage oil used after hard physical work or strenuous exercise, it also eases arthritis and gout. It is reputed to be one of the best nerve tonics among all essential oils.


    A mixture of Peppermint Oil and Lavender Oil work wonders on contact dermatitis from such things as Poison Oak, Poison Ivy or Sumac Mix 12-24 drops of Peppermint essential oil in one ounce of cider vinegar or witch hazel to help with burning and itching. Add ten drops of Lavender to protect against infection. -Author Unknown



    If you've ever had hives you know how itchy they can be. A simple remedy: Place 2 drops of German Chamomile into 1/4 cup baking soda and add to a bath. -Author Unknown


    Jewelweed Salve

    -For: Poison Ivy/Oak, Bug Bites Stinging Nettle Etc

    First make an infused oil using the Jewelweed.

    2 ounces of dried herb or

    4 ounces fresh herb and

    2 cups of any vegetable oil- (you can use olive oil, almond oil, sesame oil, soy oil).

    Combine ingredients in a double-boiler on low heat and let the herb "cook" for 1 to 2 hours.

    Strain into a sterilized jar. (If your not going to use the oil right away to make salve, then add:

    1/4 tsp. Vitamin E oil or Tincture of Benzoin for preservative).

    To make the salve:

    Gently heat 4 ounces of the infused oil in the top of a double-broiler type pan.

    Add approximately 1 Tbsp of beeswax or paraffin.

    Let melt. Add 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon Vitamin E oil or Tincture of Benzoin to act as a preservative.

    Mix well. Pour or spoon into a jar. Let cool and cap.

    This is great stuff! You can purchase dried Jewelweed Herb from a Health-Food Store or by mail-order.

    -Author Unknown


    How Jewelweed Works:

    Jewelweed is a great poison ivy cure as well as a natural plant remedy for poison oak, stinging nettle, acne, hives, insect bites and most skin irritations. Instantly goes to work to cure poison ivy rash by counteracting the effects of urushiol. 1. Calms the itch immediately-This soothing salve goes to work instantly to calm itching from poison ivy, oak and many other causes. You will feel better the first time you use it. 2. Anti-inflammatory-Reduces inflammation of blisters and hives and speeds healing. Please use on a small area at first, and wait an hour or so to make sure you are not allergic to the product. About 1 in 200 people have a mild allergic reaction to Jewelweed and see an increase in redness. If this happens, discontinue use and remove with your regular mild soap.

    Hope This helps :XD:



    I made teabags of 3 parts spearmint, 1 part sage & 1 part clove because I have horrible toothaches, and I found the sage does get rid of the infection while the clove numbs the pain;) it's a rather odd tasting tea so I tossed in tripple amounts of spearmint to make it more drinkable and less harsh on the tastebuds--


    ;D I have a funny personal story to share on this subject:

    Lmao, the first tooth tea I ever made was a small handful of cloves in one coffee mug steeped for 7 minutes in boiling water-

    -this was NOT a good Idea! oh yes my toothache was gone, but my mouth was so numb, I couldn't operate my tongue, I had a horrid aftertaste that refused to go away, and... lol,

    [smiley=shocked.gif] -(this is embarassing but needs to be passed on to prevent others form reapeating my overkill mistake;) : I kept drooling when I wasn't speaking, (my mouth would NOT stop watering) and OMG: spitting whenever I tried to talk- i was going to name it Camel Clove Tea, but just decided not to ever make it again.


    So, I hope sharing my experience spares even one aspiring herbalist from enduring this embarassing initiation of how NOT to make tea;).


    Infact, just to remind all of you... Print out one of these pictures below & tape it to your Clove Jars:) You can even Name the Camel after me: (Archangel) if you so choose:)


  18. OH LAWD!
    Lol, at the moment I only have a cat called Ziggy. He's got a slight hint of Siamese in him because of his pointed ears and thin face. He's incredibly lazy- and often kills baby birds/mice because they're the only thing he can catch. He did get a pigeon once though. He's about six years old and I've had him for five and half.
    My ambition was always to get a dog- but because of my location (West London terrace house) having a dog would be cruel because we lack the facilities like parks or big open spaces of grass. Oh well- maybe when I'm 18. :XD:

    ok so if it's cruel to have a dog there, what the hell are you doing there?????
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