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Posts posted by Archangel_Baw

  1. Thank you. :) But wait.... there's more... I don't know if this would fit in the above post which is already very HUGE! So here it is...


    Assorted Printables


    Links To websites who offer FREE Craft & Homeschooling related printables. Enjoy! :XD:

    ABC Teach

    This is the place for kids, parents, student teachers, and teachers.

    Free Printables: 5000+ free printable pages and worksheets...



    Chart Jungle

    Printable charts, for baby, preschool, kindergarten, and other children. Charts include chores, awards, education, potty training, behavior.



    Mom's Break PMS

    ~ Printable Madness Syndrome n. 1 : a chronic condition characterized by an uncontrollable urge to find free printables on the Internet: sometimes known as PMS. Find printables in categories; Articles, Baby Showers, Birthdays, Christmas, College Parents, Dog Lovers, Daily Recipe, Easter, Halloween, Holidays, Iron-on Transfers, Military, Pregnancy, School, Scrapbooking, Thanksgiving, Watercolor Crafts, Working at Home & Valentines Day...



    Alenka's Printables:

    Here you'll find lots of free printables for paper crafting such as recipe cards, gift tags, labels, candy bar wrappers, calendars, magnets, note cards, bookmarks, chore charts, ready made scrapbooking layouts to print and so much more. My site is updated regularly, so check back for more stuff.



    All Free Printables:

    Free Printable Bookmarks | Chore Coupons | Checklists | Seed Packets | Mother's Day Printables | Christmas Printables | Valentine's Day Printables | Halloween Printables | Kitchen Prints...Etc


    Notice from truefusion:
    You should know by now what is not your own words and what is from outside of Xisto should be in quotes.

  2. To: BuffaloHELP

    I really wouldn't worry about the opinions above of you, The empty can rattles the most. Some people can not cope without drama or a crisis of some kind and they will create one out of nothing just to bring those around them down!


    I'm relatively new here, but even I find it very easy to get to wherever I want to go:



    It's very clean and organized here and as a forum Admin myself, YOU and ALL of the mods here are doing an excellent job of getting rid of the trash whenever it is posted.


    You are doing exactly what you're supposed to do here, and a forum this huge is very hard to admin/mod so whoever thinks it's easy to do your job can SHUV IT!


    The above complaints were spoken like a true idiot.

  3. There are only 3 kinds of people I despise, and it has nothing to do with fashion, religion, interests or race:1) Stupid people: those who refuse to learn, and continually ask me for advice they have no intention of taking. They waste my time, energy and insult my intelligence.2) Plastic people: those who are two-faced, pretending to give a *BLEEP* about me only when they want something from me, the same users who are nowhere to be found when I can use their help, and if they ever are, its the kind of help that makes everything worse instead of better.3) Toxic people: those who are bent on destroying my life by racking up bad karma (they *BLEEP* on everyone else), and then enter my life, because their *BLEEP* karma spills over into my life and I end up guilty by association. Karma doesn't give a damn.other than that i have no other dislikesLiars are great people, they cover your *bottom* so you can plan surprizes for people you love, and they are great at keeping your secrets. There are other kinds of liars who are capable of causing more harm than good, but those people are afraid of me, so I'm not worried about them. In some situations, it is kinder to lie to a person, to understate something is a lie, the same as embellishing. So even though I can be brutally honest, I can also bite my tongue, and thus be a liar. Theives are also awesome because when someone rips you off, your friend the thief will go steal your *BLEEP* back for you, if you're too afraid to do it yourself-which I am not. I am such a thief, and have stolen many things to bring them back to the rightful owner. Therefore, even though it's a good thing, I am in no position to judge.Nerds Are all my homies:) I defended them all through school from being bullied and I still do it to this very day, nerds are reliable people who will drop what they are doing to help anyone even if you've been cruel to them in the past. I love nerds, and lets face it, every person, who was ever a child meaning all of us, myself included, were all nerds at some point in time.I have a very live and let live policy in my life, and if I were to profess not to judge others, I would be a liar myself. I have days where anything & nothing at all p*ss me off, just like everyone else, and in those times I am impossible to get along with, kind of like grouchy smurf "I HATE EVERYTHING" we've all been there, and we'll all be there again.So Preps/Posers/whatever you want to label people) don't bother me, personally, I was a goth growing up, and even then, I never paid them much attention, they did their thing, I did mine, and that was pretty much that. there are more importent things for me to direct my anger at. I have a LOT of RIGHTEOUS anger, and that in large quantities is very dangerous, it's the stuff that can kill people.An example of righteous anger, is the mother/father who finds out that their child has been raped, the mother/father snaps and kills the rapist because the courts are letting him go, free to torture more children. Or the person who is kind to everyone, and gets treated like sh*t all the time. There are millions of examples, but I'm sure you get the point.Hate is a strong word and I try to never direct it at any person even after they have wronged me. I just wash my hands of them and I'm done with it. I have a saying: " You've wronged me, and now there's nowhere to hide, The Gods alone, your fate decide." and I wholeheartedly believe that. I've seen it happen and its some scary sh*t. If I were you, I would be more careful with my words, people too often underestimate the power of the spoken word, or the emotionally charged intent; especially when it comes to hatred or revenge, these things affect people just the same as prayers and blessings do. And that which you send out will always come back to its source, YOU, rip out your heart & kick your **bottom*. So the next time something *BLEEP* happens to you, or you feel misunderstood, think about the shallow reasoning you have for being deliberately cruel to others, really! And once you've done that, lick your wounds and ask yourself How does it feel?Then if it helps, FORGET PREPS EXIST, find something to believe in instead of a person to destroy. This is one of the more useless threads on here, what purpose does it really serve??? You have just been councelled By an Archangel, Take it Personally. I'm not trying to be unkind to you, I'm merely trying to push you to rise above it. Namaste!Brightest Blessings, Love & Squishes From Thy resident Archangel:)

  4. I empathize with you completely. I watched my own mother go through that. It is a horrible thing to have an identity crisis, not knowing who you are or where you come from, just before my mother passed away she at least got to meet her biological brother and sister. But her real name was totally different, her adopted mother wanted all of it kept secret until she died, which was only about 6 years before my mother died. and the kicker is that my mother spent her entire life except the last 3 years of it (she was 52) knowing she was adopted and being denied the information she rightfully deserved.On the flipside of that coin, I love my adopted grandparents, they were great, and they loved my mother very much, but i think hiding that info from my mother was cruel.

  5. This is hillarious and I had to share it... I have no idea where I first read it but i printed it out...


    What If Dr. Seuss Wrote Technical Manuals?

    Author: Gene Ziegler


    A Grandchild's Guide to Using Grandpa's Computer


    Bits Bytes Chips Clocks

    Bits in bytes on chips in box.

    Bytes with bits and chips with clocks.

    Chips in box on ether-docks.


    Chips with bits come. Chips with bytes come.

    Chips with bits and bytes and clocks come.


    Look, sir. Look, sir. read the book, sir.

    Let's do tricks with bits and bytes, sir.

    Let's do tricks with chips and clocks, sir.


    First, I'll make a quick trick bit stack.

    Then I'll make a quick trick byte stack.

    You can make a quick trick chip stack.

    You can make a quick trick clock stack.


    And here's a new trick on the scene.

    Bits in bytes for your machine.

    Bytes in words to fill your screen.


    Now we come to ticks and tocks, sir.

    Try to say this by the clock, sir.


    Clocks on chips tick.

    Clocks on chips tock.

    Eight byte bits tick.

    Eight bit bytes tock.

    Clocks on chips with eight bit bytes tick.

    Chips with clocks and eight byte bits tock.


    Here's an easy game to play.

    Here's an easy thing to say....


    If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,

    And the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,

    And the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,

    Then the socket packet pocket has an error to report!


    If your cursor finds a menu item followed by a dash,

    And the double-clicking icon puts your window in the trash,

    And your data is corrupted 'cause the index doesn't hash,

    Then your situation's hopeless, and your system's gonna crash!


    You can't say this? What a shame sir!

    We'll find you another game sir.


    If the label on the cable on the table at your house,

    Says the network is connected to the button on your mouse,

    But your packets want to tunnel on another protocol,

    That's repeatedly rejected by the printer down the hall,

    And your screen is all distorted by the side effects of gauss

    So your icons in the window are as wavy as a souse,

    Then you may as well reboot and go out with a bang,

    'Cause as sure as I'm a poet, the sucker's gonna hang!


    When the copy of your floppy's getting sloppy on the disk,

    And the microcode instructions cause unnecessary RISC,

    Then you have to flash your memory and you'll want to RAM your ROM.

    Quickly turn off the computer and be sure to tell your mom!

  6. You know Saint_Michael, I knew somehow that you were suffering from that form of PTSD, I just watched a TV show all about the war PTSD, that is the WORST kind, and although I didn't go through the war itself, I have endured the military training process which serves to de-sensitize us for the war. And that causes PTSD aswell. Ever since then, I haven't been able to 'fit in' to society like most people do. I'm always guarded, even in the supermarket. Told you I'm white bus special, hahaha but hey, NO ONE will ever steal my produce & get away with it:)Screw therapy, I've tried it, got diagnosed with a bunch of crap so they could pump me full of pills that made it worse. I weined myself off them. It was very hard to do.So far I've been accused of having depression, and I had to take effexor for over a year and that made it WORSE.and one ex of mine who was a control freak, told my doctor that he suspected I was bi-polar and had multiple personality disorder, (which is a load of crap), and tried to get them to shove lithium down my throat. Needless to say I left the idiot. He ended up stealing eveything I own, even drained my bank account, but its worth it to be rid of the loser.depression I definately have, but in all seriousness, all people get it at some point. The MPD is bs, and bi-polar is possible, i do have mood swings. But again, every human being does, so lithium is not my cup of tea.

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