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About Archangel_Baw

  • Rank
    Super Member
  • Birthday 05/21/1974

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Ontario, Canada
  • Interests
    Witchcraft, web design, guitar, pyrography, painting, writing, sewing, and too many more to list...

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  1. not that you log on anymore, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :) hope all is well!

  2. How is my favorite Pagan? I long for your wise company....

  3. heya ...Archangel> nice to c u dear !! .. i also havnt been here for a long time .. was packed up wid my xams .. now i ll b here daily .. Sssup .. n how u doin buddy !! .. how u doin !!

  4. hey flame I havent been here in sooo long, how have you been?

  5. I just checked out one of your galleries and made the STUPID mistake of clicking the helpless puzzle, like the retard I am, got as far as the prompt & almost typed in WTF? You're hillarious.

  6. OMG no One can Hate you, You're infectious (in a good way I mean)

  7. Glad to hear all is well, my esoteric Lady! Do stay in touch...

  8. HEy I

    'm Back, I was really sick for a while but I'm feeling better now:) Blessings I've missed you too xoxoxox

  9. Dearest Baw, where are thou? I can no longer see thee from afar....

  10. Um. You said on that one post that you have on your website more about psi balls? can you give that to me thanks.

  11. I get them all the time but only of BAD Events about to transpire. Like deaths in the family or of loved ones, or horrible accidents etc. I believe I get them so i won't be completely devastated when it happens. I do warn people but very few ever take me seriously. And then after it happens, I am treated like a weirdo by the survivors or people left in the wake of the disaster I just warned them about.It used to make me feel extremely uncomfortable, but now I think those who doubt me end up feeling worse than I do.
  12. MM! had to check out your page:) BB!

  13. MM Kittie, Love your posts:)

  14. I work with White Light, Etheric, Reiki, Kundalini & Chakra Energies to help myself & others on a daily basis, so I just want to explain something really misunderstood about them: Kundalini: Theres no quick way to awaken your Kundalini. Reiki won't do it for you. It takes time, sometimes years, of constant peace and quiet to meditate. Trying too hard will defeat the purpose. Reiki must be given to you by a Level 3 Reiki Master, you can't just decide: hey I'm gonna do some reiki today. It takes lessons and meditation to learn to use it properly. When using reiki to heal people or animals, the problems you are healing will get worse BEFORE they get better. It is NOT an Insta-heal technique. It takes several sessions for the patient to become fully healled. You do NOT need to touch or even be anywhere near the person at all to use reiki energies. Chakras are opened individually through meditation. You can use the energy from your own chakras (once they are fully opened and alligned) to heal, open and allign the chakras of others. This is easily done just by giving them a hug and sending the energy from your chakras to theirs. eg: your crown energy to their crown, 3rd eye to third eye, etc. Once you're used to the chakra energies you will be able to heal others much quicker with your own chakra energies than you can with reiki. You can also use crystals to open your own chakras and the chakras of others if meditation doesn't work for you. You do NOT need to touch the person at all to use chakra energies, (you can do what I do: ZAP strangers from across the street, lol- spy healing), but i find it more effective when I can actually touch the chakra I am healing for serious illnesses. How I heal others with my own chakras: When someone suffers from a heart condition, respiratory/lung infections or disease, or emotional imbalance, I shoot energy from my Heart Chakra to theirs- seriously, picture a green laser beam loaded with healing energy. When a person suffers from infertility, sexual dysfunction, or problems with the reproductive organs I do the same from my root chakra to theirs, picture a red laser beam loaded with healing energy. When a person is lacking in intuitive or psychic abilities because of fear or dormancy, I shoot white energy from my crown chara to theirs, and purple energy from my 3rd eye (brow) chakra to theirs. For ulcers, kidney, liver, bowel, bladder, intestinal and stomach problems etc, I shoot orange & yellow light/energy from my sacral/solar plexus to theirs. When a person is too quiet, shy, mute or vocally autistic, I shoot royal blue energy from my throat chakra to theirs. I do the same for people with low self-esteem but toss in crown and heart energies as well:) White Light Healing- ok we all know who Raiden is from mortal combat, so this one should be easy for all; simply summon (pray or ask for) white light to course through your body, and push it out of both of your hands with your palms facing your target. The only difference is obviously it is done with the intent to HEAL not harm. This is a catch all healing where you do not need to be aware of the persons ailments. The white light is distributed where it is needed. Keep in mind, that this is just a basic guide I can go on without end, but I'd like to give you all time to try it, so I'll be quiet now. Any ????'s PM me:) BB all
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