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Status Updates posted by mandla

  1. the peas wouldnt be jumping if the water wasnt hot

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. anwiii


      if they were mexican jumping beans, they would.

    3. web_designer


      oh really??

      mexican foof could jump!!! i would love to see it jumping in my kitchen...:)

    4. mandla


      hahahahah jumping all over the kitchen. Now thats something I gotta see when i finally got to meh-kiko

  2. good day trappers, whats happening

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. deadmad7
    3. anwiii


      ahhhhh poor deadmad. a girl is beating him....haha now how many times am i going to have to hear about wd's spam :)

    4. web_designer


      forever anwiii...forever :)...

  3. License Validation Failed. in my xistosupport area anyone know whats going on

    1. deadmad7


      wait for a while...and try again

    2. FouGilang


      it's always like that

      take it easy

    3. mandla


      after how long

      will it be ok its bee 2 hours


  4. just wondering if this is the new shoutbox

    1. web_designer


      hi there...how are you...long time no see...and yes we have now a chat room...

    2. anwiii




  5. is MYcents now working automatically or is it Manually being calculated

    1. anwiii


      it was never manually being calculated as far as i know

    2. missy2205


      so when do mine kick in. I have 14 posts at least even one penny is good for me

  6. yeee hawwwwwwwwwwwwww

    1. rob86


      Ride 'em cowboy!

  7. is asama really dead? i smell a rat the way everything was done is suspicious they shot him killed and buried him at sea in like 2 hours

    1. anwiii


      no- they burried him a little more than 2 hours after they announced his death....not two hours after he was shot....

  8. is a Sxy Mfckr

  9. welcum bak. hope you over the thigns that got you suspended and you will be a lil more mature about everything. DOnt take things to heart too much just have fun bro. Wish you all the best.

  10. hahaha i am feeling cold today. its been raining all day

  11. what ever you do dont read this to the tune of the happy birthday song.

    here goes

    happy birrrrthday to youuuu

    happy birrrrthday to youuuu

    haaaaaappy birrrrthday web designnnnnnnner

    haaaaaaaapy birthdaaaaaay to youuuuuu.

    Hope you had a wonderful birthday and I hope the cake i sent to you in the post arriived on time. hmmmm

  12. oh my gow its sooooooooo cold today. Wish I was in southern hemisphere were ti s summer. if only i could affford a holiday I would go to Cape TOwn and soak up the rays of sun on the beach

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