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Posts posted by mrdee

  1. Thank you very much for the advice, comp2.However, I'm afraid it has barely made any difference.I followed all the steps you described, and did so in safe mode.The only difference I noticed was that now, my desktop opened up with blank icons, where before, the desktop started up as it shoukd be, but after a little while all my icons went blank.I have also noticed that , after the reboot, the file is still called IconCache.db.old, while I have always known in the past (unless i am very much mistaken), that, when you renamed a filename, such as in this case with adding "old", this forced Windows to build a new file, one with the correct name.However, i only see the file ending in .old, there is no new file ending in .db.Is that normal?And should I leave the filename or rename it back to IconCache.db ?Once again, thank you for your advice anyway.

  2. I was wondering if anyone could advise me further about what I call MIS (Microsoft Icon Syndrome). :)It seems to have been around in about every Microsoft Operating System I have used, and now I have it really bad.The "Syndrome" itself is, when you boot your machine up, your desktop appears as normal, but then, after a while, your icons on the desktop go blank, so they look like blank pieces of paper with a dog ear.It is not only annoying, but it also seems to take a lot of time.I remember that, in a grey past (I believe I was still using Windows 98 at the time), some one gave me a solution, which, if I remember correctly, had something to do with rebuilding the icon cache.Is there anyone who knows a workaround or remdy to cure this highly annoying bug?(It appears to be a bug in Windows which has never eally been fixed).At the moment I am using Windows 7 Ultimate.Any advice will be much appreciated.

  3. I hope I have spelled but here is another recipe.

    I believe it is of Indian or Pakistani origin, but, no matter what, when they are around, I cannot keep my hands of them.


    It is a simple, yet delicious snack.





    Gram flour





    The amount of ingredients depend on how many Pakoras you want to make.




    Boil some potatoes in water as is usually done, and when they are cooled cut them into slices.

    Slice the onion, and mix with the gram flour (also known as chickpea flour, garbanzo flour, or besan) and water until you have a half runny structure.


    Dip the potato slices into the gram flour mix,heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the potatoes in the oil until nice and crispy.


    They make a delicious snack or starter.

  4. Hello Graeme,too right you can get her done, certainly for fraud, you have evidence from the insurance firm, and the fact that they refunded you says enough, doesn't it?But, if I remember correctly, will the fraud people themselves not start an investigation, after all, they will probably want the refunded money back, also, have you reported it to the police?If I were you, I would not hesitate in reporting it, referring to the fraud company you dealt with.As for the "no insurance" bit, well. most probably, after what happened, it is likely that your girlfriend (or should I say "ex"?) will not have any car insurance, since the money was refunded to you, I assume the only thing you can do is report it to the policce along with the fraud, and also give them her car details (registration, make, model, colour) if you know them.However, there is a big chance that, if anyone takes the car on the road, they will get stopped, as the police, in co-operation with the DVLA have now got a special system in place that automatically reports irregularities, just by pointing a special device at the car's registration plate.But I don't think it will hurt mentioning it to the old bill while you report the fraud.Good luck to you.

  5. I knew I had forgotten something.Yesterday, when looking trough the post titles and then reading Vitaly's post, I thought the title "Warning" sounded a bit strange, especially when I read the contents of the post.Anyway, I have put this straight now with posting this addendum to my previous post.Or maybe the title comes from the same fact as the one that makes Vitaly ask whether he can post in Russian (his mother tongue, I assume).

  6. Since this is posted in "Introductions", I might as well say hello and welcome our member here (which is what this topic is for).Vitaly, you are very welcome here, and I shall (and not just me) look forward to reading your contributions to this forums.Another nice thing about the forums here is that you can not only earn your hosting, domain and all that, but you can also use the place to get problems solved by asking your questions in the right topics, and, of course, you to can also help lots of members by giving them advice on how to resolve certain problems.There are a big variety of topics on this forum, take some time to have a read through.

  7. Yes, or "Listen to my words, but do not look at my actions" :) .I would not personally associate it with the stuntmen on the motorbikes, it is of course right, they know the risks (or, they should know the risks), but they are willing to take the risk, but in their case it is more like advising people what to do and what not to do and going totally against their own advice themselves.But sometimes, they get it right too, like the doctor who says to an old man who has come to see him: "you will certainly live until at least 85", the old man says "I am 85 already", to which the doctor answers "You see? Didn't I tell you?", then the doctor goes on "Do you smoke", the old man "No.", the doctor goes "A pity, or I would have forbidden you to do so".Or, a more serious case: A doctor and his wife have been on holiday for two weeks.When they come back, the doctor says to his wife "We are ruined, totally finished", his wife asks "why, what happened?", to which he answers "you know, that young doctor I asked to replace me during our holiday? Well, he cured all my patients".(Or just to say a doctor's life is not always moonlight and roses). :huh:

  8. My thoughts exactly.And then you have doctors, 10s of kilos overweight, who sit there with a straight face, telling you you have to lose weight immediately.Or the ones, stinking of booze, who would advise you not to drink.Or even the best one, the doctor I saw, he worked in A&E at my local hospital, and he went out every so many minutes to have a cigarette.

  9. The problems are fairly new.The HD is defragmented regularly, so that will probably not be an issue.I also attach a spec of my video card.Not so long ago my machine ran quite a bit faster, I used to use it as my main music recording studio machine.Thanks for your input so far.Sorry, you'll have to do without the spec of my AMD Radeon video card, I keep getting an error when trying to upload.

  10. Hi, I have a Fujitsu-Siemens P5S2D PC, which I have had for some time.The spec is:Intel Pentium 2.80 GHz processor2 Gb of RAM233 Gb Seagate HDD with a measly 36 Gb of space left.I run Windows 7 Ultimate Edition.The thing is (as I said, I have had the machine for a while) that it is crawling along sluggishly, some applications take ages to load, streaming videos stutter and shake all over the place, and booting up, rebooting and shutting down take ages.I was wondering, since my HDD is very low on free space, if it would help the PC's speed if I upgraded to a ! Terrabyte or bigger HDD, I assume the PC would have less problems using a bigger swapfile space then.Of course, I am thinking of doubling my RAM to 4 Gb too, but I have done this to several machines in the past, and to be quite honest, I never noticed a significant difference. So, am I right in thinking of getting a bigger HDD first or would that be a waste of money?Please advise me further before, in frustration, I put my foot through the tower.Thank you in advance.

  11. They have not started me on any treatment yet, however, Amphetamines??? They are stimulants, it is my sleep pattern that needs improving.But, as I said, once I have been to the hospital in Oxford, I will see what difference it makes to sleep while getting a constant oxygen flow.I am a bit scared to think how I will cope as I do not lie still for 5 minutes while I am in bed, but, I'll soon see what happens.And, yes, ONE of the reasons (not THE or THE ONLY reason) for me getting angina and heart problems might have been a lack of oxygen supply that went undetected for goodness knows how many years.Funny it took a Romanian doctor working in England to mention having an investigation into sleep apnoea as soon as I mentioned my symptoms, while I have been complaining about my situation and my inability to stay awake to British doctors for more years than I care to remember, only to be fobbed off, no one even mentioned the word "sleep apnoea".So, I am now awaiting my therapy and hoping for better times.Thank you for your interest, everyone, and I'll keep you posted.

  12. I have indeed tried Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer.Sure, the code might be basic, but any better suggestions will be welcomed, that is why I am posting here.I took a look at different web sites explaining HTML5 and offering advice and tutorials on how to use HTML5, and, in all honesty, in practically all the places I have visited, the code is just as basic as mine.Thanks.

  13. I have now made a test page at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and it seems to work when it wants to.
    Sometimes DivX interferes with it, sometimes it doesn't.

    Yet the code for the page is short and contains just enough code for one film:

    <table border="0"  width="100%">  <tr>	 <td><div align="center">  <a name="Dancing">Dancing</a><br />  Een blik in de toekomst.<br>The future foretold.<br>Dit is hoe onze dancings en discotheken er over een tiental jaar zullen uitzien:<br>This is what our discos will look like in about 10 years time:<br><video width="450" height="300" controls="controls">  <source src="onzedancingsbinnen10jaar.mp4" type="video/mp4">  <source src="onzedancingsbinnen10jaar.ogg" type="video/ogg">  <source src="onzedancingsbinnen10jaar.webm" type="video/webm">  Your browser does not support the video tag.</video><br /><a href="#Top">Weer naar boven/Back to top</a></div></td>  </tr></table>

    Yet the page still sometimes gives an indication that Shockwave Flash has crashed, although it is not involved.

  14. Thank you, k_nitin_r.


    First: about the loading and other problems on my page, I am in the middle of doing a complete rewrite of my media page, so I hope to get that sorted soon.


    Then, about the DivX issue:


    I have the following DivX plugins:

    DivX Plus Web Player

    DivX VOD Helper Plug-in

    I tried disabling them in turn, and also disabling them both at the same time.


    First of all: let me say that I was testing with HTML on my local machine, and films that were on my own Hard Disk Drive.


    When I disabled both of them simultaneously, I was left with a video screen in my browser, which had a VLC plaer logo in the middle, but nothing played at all.


    When I disabled the Web Player plug in, I pretty much had the same result.


    When I disabled the VOD Helper, and left the WebPlayer running, I got a normal screen, but when I clicked "Play", I got the message that the film was of an unrecognised format and hence could not be played.


    All this was in Firefox.


    In Google Chrome 24.0.1312.57 m (latest version), however, any setting of the plugins made no difference and played as they should.


    I did alter a bit of the code and also added a .webm video to the pack.

    However, I am wondering, do we have to have the mp4, ogg and webm on our server for the code to work?

    This does take up quite a bit of space, I would think.


    By the way, here is the updated code:


    <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en">  <head>    <meta charset="utf-8">    <meta name="generator" content="CoffeeCup HTML Editor (https://coffeecup.com/)">    <meta name="dcterms.created" content="Mon, 18 Feb 2013 00:13:35 GMT">    <meta name="description" content="">    <meta name="keywords" content="">    <title></title>       <!--[if IE]>    <script src="http://html5shim.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script>    <![endif]-->  </head>  <body><video controls="controls">  <source src="onzedancingsbinnen10jaar.webmhd.webm" type="video/webm">  <source src="onzedancingsbinnen10jaar.mp4.mp4" type="video/mp4">  <source src="onzedancingsbinnen10jaar.theora.ogg" type="video/ogg">  Video tag not supported. Download the video <a href="onzedancingsbinnen10jaar.webmhd.webm">here</a>.</video>  </body></html>

    Not sure what is happening with Firefox at the moment, but I hope my explanation made some bells ring.


    Thank you.

  15. Hi everyone,

    I hope some HTML5 specialists will read this:


    I am trying to slim down the code on one of my websites, and at the same time trying to use as little Flash as possible or even better, trying to stop using it altogether if I can.


    This is why I wrote the following code on my media page:

    <video width="450" height="300" controls="controls">  <source src="onzedancingsbinnen10jaar.mp4" type="video/mp4">  <source src="onzedancingsbinnen10jaar.ogg" type="video/ogg">  Your browser does not support the video tag.</video>
    The code page also begins with the HTML5 tag '<!DOCTYPE html>'.


    Whenever I try to access the film, the DivX logo appears within my film screen and then I get a message the film cannot play as it is not a DivX file.


    However, I never intended it to be a DivX file.


    My question is: 'How can I let HTML5 execute the file and stop DivX from interfering with it'?


    Incidentally, my media page can be found at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and two of the video examples in HTML5 can be found at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.


    All help will be gratefully appreciated.


    Thank you in advance.

  16. Well, here is a further update.

    (Hope some of you are not going to say "Oh no, here we go again...", but many of you have asked to keep you posted).


    Anyway, the good news was posted in a different topic, the bit about me winning my tribunal, and now being in receipt of full ESA (Employment and Support Allowance) benefit.

    At least that is something positive, however, it does obviously not sort my health problems out (as you will read further on).


    Now for the latest about the health situation itself:


    Two weeks ago I had to go and see a doctor who is highly specialised in sleep apnoea.


    What is sleep apnoea?


    Sleep apnoea ​is a disorder where the sufferer stops breathing several times a night, as a result the oxygen levels drop, and the patient wakes up briefly, although he/she does not necessarily notice it.


    However, due to the waking up, there is a serious lack of quality sleep, because of which the sufferer can have chronic fatigue, sometimes fall asleep during the day (this could even happen while driving a car) and lacks energy and could also become very irritable.

    The patient also often snores during the night.


    There is no cure as such, ie. no medicines that can be prescribed or operations that can be performed to make the disease better, but there are some things that can be done to help.


    Weight loss is one of the things that could help, but there are further things that can be done too, they shall be described further on.


    Now, it had been suspected for some time that I suffered from the disease (and probably have done for many years) and when the doctor examined me, his suspicions became even stronger.


    He then gave me a little machine that I had to strap to my arm one night and it had a tiny microphone, a sensor to put on the finger (like they put on you in a hospital to measure your oxygen levels) and a little hose attached to it, a plastic hose which you attach to the inside of your nose.


    After using it for one night I had to send it back to the doctor so he could analyse the results.

    I then had a phone call from the doctor, confirming I definitely suffer from sleep apnoea, so what is going to happen next is:

    I will have to go to a specialised hospital in Oxford, where I will have to spend about half a day as an outpatient and be taught how to use a certain machine with an oxygen mask attached to it, which will improve the oxygen flow during the night and (hopefully) help me sleep better.


    A final word about the result of the data analysis from my night, attached to the machine:


    Although I had a very bad night that night, I slept very badly and very little, the doctor had found out that that particular night, I stopped breathing 33 times, and my oxygen levels dropped 69 times.


    Hopefully the treatment will help me lead a more normal and relaxed life.

  17. I am not a great fan of flaming neither.One possible good reason for not flaming in a case like this might be because the person writing is a paraplegic person, writing his post with a stick in his or her mouth.The other possibility, of course (although you can usually spot that) is that we are dealing with typos, but that would, of course, not go on all through the post.As for people whose first language is not English posting here, well, so what, they too are entitled to be members here and to ask their questions, and, who cares if their English is not perfect, they might even learn and manage to improve their English by posting here.I must admit however (although this has been a very rare occurrence) that I have read posts (not necessarily here) from non English speakers that were so appalling that I could not make heads or tails out of them.Then, as for having to post in English, some people could learn a few lessons in politeness though (especially the English): I have often noticed that, even on forums that are unilingually non English, that English speakers, especially people from England, just post in English, without even an apology in the way of "Sorry, but I don't know your language.." or something like that, and then get offended if they get no reply, or get a reply in the language of that particular forum, but, when someone posts on a unilingual English forum in their own language (even through ignorance), they get flamed no end.There was a case I once knew, I was posting on an English speaking forum, and one day, a Dutch boy, probably not realising that English was the only language that was used there, had posted a question in Dutch.He then almost immediately got a very rude reply in the sense of "You stupid foreigner, can't you read, can't you see we only post in English here....", or something similar, to which I then answered politely but harshly that the man probably did not immediately realised that it was an English forum and that there was certainly no need to treat him so rudely, especially since (what I mentioned above earlier about the English posting in foreign language forums).The thing I liked then was that the flamer got a public reply from a mod which said "You are once again one of those people who make me ashamed to be English....".By the way, I then answered the Dutch boy's question in Dutch, but the point I am trying to make is: this is an English speaking forum too, and if ever anyone posts here in a foreign language (except for spammers, of course), just point it out politely, but do not flame immediately.If, however, they keep ignoring the message about this and keep posting in their own language, then I do not have a problem with the appropriate action being taken.By the way, English is not my first language neither.

  18. It does indeed, Jim.A nice insight there, end, furthermore, there is also a good bit of further detail about the Monty Python scetch.Thank you for bringing this to our attention.Believe it or not, the first thing I learned is that "spam" is actually a contraction of the words "spiced ham".Thanks again.

  19. Very true, Jim.However, did you (and everyone else for that matter) realise that the name "spam" as we know it in computer terms, comes from that film by Monty Python?Just like they keep repeating the word "spam" over and over again in the film, spammers also send the same emails (or emails about the same things) over and over again to people, and it is just that repetitive character that lead to the term being used, via Monty Python and his flying Circus, to start the annoying, useless, but above all, repeated thousands of times, emails.So, yes, the term does have something to do with genuine spam.(and not "imitation luncheon meat", as Jim so adequately states. :) ).

  20. Yes, as good old Monty Python and his gang used to sing:
    Relive the good old days here.

    PS. I hope I have done it the correct way for posting a Youtube video here.

    If not, could someone refresh my memory as to how exactly it is supposed to be done/

  21. Glad you like the recipe.I thought (and hoped :) ) the title of my post was going to cause some controversy.But, coming back to your question: the fritters are fairly crispy.Even frying them golden brown leaves a crispy batter, the spam itself can still a bit soft, however, if you fry them a little bit longer (obviously not until they turn out black) you can have them a bit crunchier.AAs with most things in cooking, do a bit of experimenting and go on feeling.However, as I said in my original post: this is the kind of spam I do not mind. ;)

  22. Please folks, don't stone me or burn me at the stake, but this recipe involves spam, and, no, I do not mean the kind that us, forum users, and internet users in general curse. :unsure:


    Anyway, it is a nice bit of grub, eaten with chips.


    You will need


    1 tin of Spam.


    For the batter:


    125 gr (4.40 ounces) of plain flower

    125 ml (4.3 fluid ounces) of milk

    A pinch of salt

    (Optional) A teaspoon of oil.


    For the chips:


    A bag of frozen chips or 2-3 big potatoes

    Oil or chip fat to fry the chips.


    Prepare the batter:


    Making the batter is just like making pancake dough or Yorkshire pudding mix.


    Just put the flour in a bowl, make a hole in the middle, pour the milk in the hole and add the salt (if so desired, the oil too) and start mixing the ingredients with a guard until you have a nice and smooth mix.


    Battering the spam:


    Open the tin of spam and slice the spam into equal slices.

    Dip every slice into the batter, then fry in oil (you can do this in your chip fryer if you wish).

    (The spam slices should be fried until nicely golden brown).


    In the mean time, cook your chips, or, if you do the spam in the chip fryer, cook the chips first and keep them warm, frying the spam does not take long.


    When ready, serve the chips with some slices of battered spam and eat to avenge your mailbox or forum. :D

  23. Well, to begin with, I chose "TALKSENSE" for the simple reason that I rarely talk sense myself. :ph34r:Another thing I could suggest might even be "EARNYOURHOST", as that is what many members are doing here too.Now, about the revamping, I think the forum could definitely do with some re-organisation of some of the forums and subforums, as it is sometimes difficult to see the wood through the trees.I have not given any possible constructive solution for that, but I soon will, as I was only mentioning right now what I see at first glance, but I shall be having a scan through the division of the general forum and talk about some of my findings, and probably suggest some possible solutions.One very positive thing, in my very humble opinion, is that the chosen domain will directly load the forum.I think it is a time saver, as most members who visit here (or at least, so I assume) probably come here to read through and post in the forums.But, anyhow, I will be back soon with (hopefully) some constructive talk.

  24. Thanks, Sheepdog.I really hope for some more quality life too, but, I'm afraid that will take time (if not.....).The thing is, I still have lots and lots of examinations and so on coming up, where, for all my different conditions, the right kind of treatment will be established, so, I gues the light at the end of the very long tunnel is still very weak.But thanks to everyone for their sympathy.

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