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Posts posted by mrdee

  1. Well, Nitin,


    They call it that because it is a practice used for "cleaning up" "dirty money" (in some countries it is also called "black money", meaning money that was obtained illegally, for example money that was earned and not declared to the tax office.


    So, obviously (according to the state anyway), that money is "not clean" (in other words, they can't get their hands on it).


    So, something that is dirty has to be taken to the laundry to be cleaned up, hence the name.

  2. Yes, Opaque is certainly helpful, and he'll look at problems from all angles and he'll keep trying different options until a solution is found.

    He did it with me too, solved a stubborn problem I had.


    Although, I think it is time the MyCents were adjusted.

  3. Hello,

    I have my own domain name, which I use on the hosting at Xisto, and at the moment I am experimenting with an internet radio station.


    The instructions on the internet radio's website say:



    You can use your own domain name for this customized website service. Just ask your provider a CNAME on your domain name towards : www dot playtheradio dot com


    I would like to know how exactly to do that (I have done it in the past for other things, but it is too long ago to remember).


    If I enter the above address in the CNAME records on CPanel. will the other services (eg. my website at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ dot vlaanderen-flanders dot org dot uk not be influenced or stop working?


    Please give me a few pointers on how exactly to enter the CNAME record so I can use my radio station with my own domain.


    Thank you in advance.

  4. The health is still very wobbly, still hearing, "it might be this". "it definitely is not that", "I will leave diagnosing things to the cardiologist", so, the usual British competence of doctors.


    Yes, it has become quiet here, hasn't it?

    My MyCents do not seem to update neither (like everyone else seems to say), and what strikes me is that I have not heard or read anything from Velma here for a while, or is our favourite moderator on holiday again?

  5. It is there now, Sheepdog.

    It wasn't before, but now they have changed my account to the way it should be and I can see my credit balance now in the green box.


    I was not kicked off the site by the way, my account got suspended for non payment of my invoice this month, so my site was unreachable, however, that should never have happened as I did have sufficient credit but for some reason the system assumed it had been used.


    Anyway, I am back in the land of the living now.

  6. Hi Sheepdog,

    I am definitely not happy with the way that was handled.


    Anyway, I am signed into my account at Xisto - Support, but all I can see is:

    Number of Products/Services: 0 (2) - View »

    Number of Domains: 0 (0) - View »
    Number of Support Tickets: 23 - View »
    Number of Referred Signups: 0 - View »
    Billing Information: MyCENT



    However, I cannot see my amount of MyCents credit like I could on the old website, it used to be at the bottom of those things I posted above.


    Anyway, good to hear from you, hopefully for a long time to come.

  7. Well, my account was suspended, even though I have enough credits ($20).

    I was also wondering where you can see the amount of credit on the new Xisto - Support website, in the past that was the first thing you saw, now it seems to be disappeared from the face of the earth.

  8. Hi,

    I have a networking USB 2.0 print server, which connects to the router with an Ethernet Cable, and to my Samsung CLP-300 Colour Laser Printer via USB.


    I have used it successfully for some time (after a bit of toil to set it up using a TCP/IP port) on 3 machines running Windows 7, but for a few days now, I have tried to set it up on my new laptop running Windows 8, and I get to setting the software up, but then, all of a sudden, the software tells me there are no USB devices found, mind you, it will be a coincidence about the new laptop and Windows 8, I guess, as the same happens on the other machines as well.


    The funny thing is, when I disconnect any of the cables (Ethernet or USB) from the print server box and then put them back, everything acts normal again for just a little while, only to stop recognising the printer again.


    I know I am not giving a lot to go on, but that is about the only information I can give out myself.


    As far as I am aware, the PS Box did not get a knock, or did not fall or did not get stepped on, I also tried a new Ethernet cable, to no avail.


    Does anyone recognise what I am writing here from personal experience, or does anyone know whether it would be the box or the router that has a problem?


    Like I said, the PS box itself is only a few months old.


    Any help will be much appreciated.


    Thank you.


  9. Well, if it is all the same, I would like to have a good old Flemish brew, like Kriek (made of cherries) or a great dark Trappist (as the name implies, brewed in the monasteries of the Trappist monks).


    By the way, i had no idea you were in "the habit", especially the way you congratulated me for "kicking the butt" (or, giving up the f*gs, if you like).


    I did start to watch the video, but I will watch it in its entirety, just to see how those people think they invented the religious wheel.


    It is really disgusting to se how some of those groups brainwash people, and even worse to see how many people fall for it, and how easily they do.


    Fine, it might lead to a post in the Vent, as you suggested.


    Oh, before I forget, what the Americans call a f*g, we sometimes refer to as a f*ggot here, but, f*ggots are also a kind of meatballs in onion gravy, so, none of us can win, can we?

  10. Yes, what the others are saying is quite correct.

    If you want to protect your audio files, do not make them public.


    There are quite a number of different ways people can get your material off the internet, so, the above solution is the one to think about.

  11. Hmmmmm, quite looking forward to that beer on offer.


    Yes, I have seen quite a few unconventional things in the post, and will most probably do some further research, and then I might take you up on your offer.


    Only one thing I noticed made me laugh: the fact that you had the word "*BLEEP*" censored.

    In British English, the word "*BLEEP*" is nothing more or less than a slang word for "cigarette". :D


    So, when I tell people here I have been off the *BLEEP*s for a while now, please do not give me funny looks, angry comments or a ban from the forum, as I have not said a single thing wrong according to the way English is spoken here, hence there is no reason at all for me to censor the word "*BLEEP*". :)


    Just thought I'd mention it. :unsure:


    (By the way, I just noticed the word "f*g" has been replaced by the forum's profanity filter by the word "*BLEEP*", which is why I just show it here in its censored form).

  12. I don't know whether it has a lot to do with Facebook or not.(By the way, Xisto and Xisto have a Facebook account themselves).However, what I do know is that it was time there was another MyCents update, it looks like my total has remained unaltered for some time, even since before I posted some new content.I am right about that, aren't I? Surely even I cannot be THAT confused.

  13. I have a Samsung CLP-300 colour laser printer, have had it for a few years and I have always been happy with it.However, lately, the printer seems to have developed a little (?) fault, in that, when I start to print a document, the machine spins up as usual, making the usual starting noises, but before the page begins to print, I hear someting going "tac, tac, tac, tac".After that, the page prints normally, only once did I see a small black stripe on top of the page which shouldn't be there, but it normally prints with no problem.As far as I know, the printer has not dropped, or has not had a knock.What i do see, when I take the paper tray out, is a sort of black plastic hook hanging down, I cannot remember seeing that before.Also, when you open the back of the printer, there is a sort of metal box there, and that seems to be slightly loose.Does anyone recognise the symptoms, or even better, know a cure for them?I obviously do not want to spend an amount of monay on it which would be able to buy me a new printer.Thank you in advance.

  14. Thank you so much for the comforting words, Sheepdog.I know I have to take care of myself, but things are getting quite difficult for me at the moment, and I have quite a few hospital appointments coming on.However, to briefly come back to my brother-in-law's death: I said his heart condition did not bother him, or hardly, years ago, but then something else came to mind:His son-in-law siad "he stopped living 12 years ago", that was when he lost his 19-year old son (my godson) to cancer.I don't know whether there is any medical evidence for that, but it often happens that, when people lose a loved one, something inside dies too, it was the same thing with my dad after my mum's death.Anyway, in those twelve years, he kept going down hill, he never got over his son's death, and I think too that is one of the main reasons for his death.My sister still goes through difficult times these days, but she managed to process her grief somewhat, although it still hurts her.Anyway, thank you again for the nice words, Sheepdog.

  15. I must admit now that the quiet times seem to hang around longer than I had anticipated.Like I posted before, it sometimes used to go up and down here, and I also thought that people might have been on holiday over Easter or something, but things do not seem to have improved much.As comp2 stated "this forum used to be booming", well there is indeed not such a lot left of that, it seems, also, the place used to be full of techie wizards, you only had to post about a certain technical problem you had, and five minutes later you would have received four to five replies, and replies that were really relevant to the solution of your problem.Unfortunately, those things seem to belong to a very grey past too.We can only live in hope that the forum will be restored into its former glory one day. :(

  16. I thought I'd give an update on the situation.


    I feel I have made progress, the router now recognises the Ethernet connection, and the server website recognises the printer too.

    (See added screenshot).


    However, the printer still refuses to print from any of the nachines.


    Has anybody spotted yet where I could be going wrong?


    Please help if you can.



    Posted Image

  17. I am really desperate to get some help, so, if anyone can assist me, please, do not delay.My problem is very difficult to explain, especially in great detail, but I will do my best to be as accurate as possible.I bought a generic USB 2.0 print server, because I wanted to share my Samsung CLP-300 Colour Laser Printer with 1 PC and 2 laptops, without having to leave one of the stations on constantly. So i bought the device in order to plug the printer into my router, ie. it has an Ethernet Cable on one side, which goes into the router, and a usb port on the other side, into which you plug the printer.The machines connect to the router wirelessly.As soon as I install the software which came on the CD with the device, and then run the setup, strange things begin to happen.The latest I have encountered, after installing the printer driver on all machines and effectively seeing it in Devices and Printers on all machines, when I start the Wizard, I get "No network printers are available", although they do exist on all machines.Even when the wizard did let me get through, either because the printer was previously installed by using the "Have Disk" function and leading the wizard towards the printer, it was still not possible to print from any of the machines.The outcome was different every single time, either on one of the machines a further printer (Copy 1, Copy 2, Copy 3.......) would be added every time the wizard was ran,, making it difficult which printer to choose from (but none of them would print anyway),Sometimes the printer would begin to make a noise like it was about to start printing, but that would cease after a while, and the power light would go from green to red,Then, on other occasions, I would look at the status of the printers, and the default one would be marked as "OFFLINE", and the others would show "Error", but nothing that could change the status of any of them to online, let alone making them print.I also tried, instead of running the USB LPR Printer setup, to run the Networking USB Server Utility, where I could then open a website (locally, like a sort of control panel) with information about the printer, but most of the time, it would be listed as "Busy", and, as you probably guessed, no printing.When setting up the printer driver, I get the option to install it as a single printeror a network printer, in the latter category, i have the options "TCP/IP port", "Shared printer (UNC)" and "Add TCP/IP port", but i get nowhere trying to install it as a network printer, as the first option finds nothing, the second does not find anything neither, and for the last one, when I enter the IP address my printer has, it is not recognised.When I go into my router's Control Panel, I see there is no indication of anything being connected to the Ehernet port, but, I don't know enough about it to know whether that is normal or not.So, I hope my explanation was a bit understandable and rang some bells with some people,so, PLEASE, PLEASE, if anything recognises my problem or knows of a solution, PLEASE post a reply here, as I am getting very frustrated.Thank you in advance.

  18. Has anyone ever had the feeling nothing more can go wrong in their lives and then all of a sudden "BANG!!!!!", life gives out another blow?Well,near the end of February, my sister informed me that her husband was really in a bad way, and that the doctors had given him only months to live.I later found out that they had given him about six months.This time, it was not cancer, but, he was getting demented and deteriorating quite fast, and, to be honest, I think an age of 68 is still a bit soon for going through that.What caused it basically, was the fact that he had a sort of shell surrounding his heart, which he had known about for many years, but it never really bothered him in the past, he was a football referee and hence did a lot of running and had quite some exercise.But then later, after retiring from refereeing, his condition began to get worse, and he had to have bypasses, while they were doing that surgery, they tried to remove the shell, or at least as much as they could, they sort of chiseled it away, but they had to stop as they did not get anywhere.He then started developing all sorts of complications, because his heart was not pumping properly, and in the end, as a result of that, his brain was not receiving enough oxygen, which caused the dementia to step in.Now, they had said in February they were giving him about six months to live, he died six weeks later, this was last friday, the 5th of April.We know we could expect it, as my sister had told me that, two days before his death, the staff at Palliative care had told her they were losing him, because he was going into a coma, but still, when my siser rang me at 6.30 am on Friday, it gave me such a shock i was getting chest pains again.He couldn't even live to see the fact that his favourite foorball team became champions, that was two days after his death.He will be buried on Saturday April the 13th, I won't even be able to be there as I am not well enough to travel.RIP Roland, you will never be forgotten.

  19. I thought I'd post an update on the situation here, not only on the icon problem, but also some other things I keep experiencing and I am not sure whether they could be related to the icon problem.But first, here are my specs:Laptop E-machines E520, manufactured by Gateway.Genuine Intel® CPU 575 @200GHz.3 Gigabytes of RAM.148 Gigabyte Hard Disk Drive.Windows 7 Ultimate with Service Pack 1.First, about the icon problem:It has now also come to my attention that, when I install a new program, the desktop icons also go blank while the icon of the new program is placed onto the desktop, however, it does not take as long for the icons to re-appear.Then, about the other problem (because I want to know if the two are related):My processor seems to run at 100% CPU usage most of the time, and, whatever I keep doing, there is bound to come a time when I see the message "(Not Responding)" after the name of the program, also, many programs, or even websites, seem to crawl at a snail's pace.I recently had the motherboard changed (or so they claim in the shop), and they advised me to clear some space on my HDD to make the laptop run faster, which I did, my HDD space gauge was in the red before, but now I have 33.1 Gb free space.However, they cannot have done a good job (I am taking my laptop back, as a matter of fact), as there is a "weak spot" on the case of my laptop, when I slightly touch it, or put my mobile phone on it, the machine cuts out.At first they wanted my wife to believe they had forgotten to turn "Sleep mode" off, which is of course a load of rubbish, Sleep mode only becomes active while you are not using the machine,Furthermore, my processor keeps getting very hotIf I get no joy this time, I will investigate whether they really put a new motherboard in.Now, to get back to the CPU usage and all that, I have tried everything they advised on the net, disabled some of the "services", disabled some of the Startup items, all to no avail.Also, AVG scans for viruses every day, I have done spyware scans with Spybot Search and Destroy and cleaned up lots of problems, I even ran Microsoft Malicious Software Removal tool, both in normal and safe mode, NOTHING.When I do absolutely nothing the CPU usage goes down (I have become obsessed lately with leaving the task manager open to monitor the CPU usage).So, no idea whether the problems are related, but if anyone could point me into the right direction, I would be extremely grateful.

  20. Well, Sheepdog,maybe most of them are suffering from indigestion after eating all their Easter eggs.However, you are right.It has been quiet here lately, some people might be on holiday over the Easter holiday too, but, as i have experienced with this forum, there are times when it is very quiet, and then it is usually followed by a period when you would not know where to look first.The best thing is to give it some time, but, as you mention, when it is silent in here, it is difficult to get some ideas or inspiration to post here, isn't it?However, I am confident that things will pick up soon.

  21. Yes, the same here, might be an after effect of the database crash, who knows?Sheepdog, if you are worried about your credit balance, especially if you have not collected enough credit through "force majeure" or an "act of God". or whatever they call those cases, just raise a ticket at Xisto, listing the same concerns you did here.The staff at Xisto are very understanding people, i am sure they will propose some kind of compromise or something.

  22. Unfortunatly that is the only solution I have at the moment, however I will keep this in the back of my mind when talking to fellow nerds. I personally use ubuntu and I have not booted into windows in over a year. Let me know if you do ever come across a solution.

    I will certainly let you know if I manage to solve this.

    Also using .old should of forced windows to generate a new one. Weird that it did not!

    My thought exactly, I assumed when you renamed a filename like this, it forced Windows to create a new one with the original name.

  23. Interesting recipe, I would love to try it out. One question would the onion burn in the oil? Just a thought.

    If it is done properly, there is no need to worry about that.

    Don't forget, you shallow fry the Pakoras, not deep fry.
    Just make sure the oil is hot enough, and they only have to fry until they are crispy, which should not take too long.
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