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Posts posted by sonesay

  1. I've shown interest in God for a while, I wanted to learn all about him but the bible is is very big and the story of the beginning doesn't really start at the begging of the bible and go to the end. I was more interested in what happen in the begging more then anything as I was never a serious believer in anything most of my life to be honest. I had people give me some bible lessons and been around friends who are believers but I never had the nerve to ask too many questions. I was afraid I would offend them in some way if I asked specific questions that might border on inappropriate. They were kind people and I just hate to do anything like that to them so I kept quiet. There was one time when I did ask about what happen in the beginning like before God created earth and man but the response I got was we shouldn't worry about too much detail of that and focus on who god is and his intentions for us. I was a bit skeptic then because to me knowing about the truth and the beginning was something I wanted to find out and for them to tell me that I didn't know what to think.I guess I would like to ask where in the bible I can read more about this and if anyone can fill some void in my knowledge about this it would be very much appreciated. I want to know the beginning. I understand the story goes like this. God has always existed and we don't know what hes been doing all that time before he began to create us. I understand he first created Jesus and all the other angels. They all live in heaven and everyone served god obediently. Like us they were given free will so they had choice whether they follow God or not. I don't know what they were doing at the time but I'm assuming God was busy creating things and the angels were serving god, the time frame between creations would be millions of years but it would seem like a blink of an eye to them. Eventually Satan who was also an angel wanted to be worshiped like God and decided to start rebelling God, He gain some followers from other angels who defied Gods wishes. This is when evil was growing and eventually a war broke out in the heavens between Satan and his followers and Jesus and the faithful angels (is this correct?).Now this part I'm not sure but eventually God goes on to create the earth and man. If a war was breaking out between Good and Bad in the heavens then why would God create earth and man at such a time? It docent make sense so I'm going to assume God created earth and man before Satan started rebelling. After Satan's rebellion God had decided to cast him and his followers into earth as punishment where they will eventually expire. Now Satan knowing hes got a short time to remain takes his furry out on man kind and begins his deception on mankind wanting us to not know the real God doing everything he can to prove to God that he is right and not God (this is genesis as I'm aware of).So that is basically my knowledge from the beginning. I'm sure you guys can fill in the voids and correct any mistakes I have. I cant point out why its important for me to know the beginning but I guess if I did I would find it easier to continue my belief then not knowing. Am I wrong to want to seek the truth about the begging and should just be faithful in God with or without that knowledge? We are suppose to know him right and part of knowing him would be to know the full truth including the beginning IMO. I cant carry on if I don't know. I have not preyed to him as often for a long time and I think I may be losing faith. I know many stories about how hes caring, patient, and all the other endless good traits but I need to know more like other things.

  2. The database on your local machine and the one on Xisto are handled separately by their respective servers. Your Xisto account already has a default account setup for you I believe and so does the MySQL database on your local machine. Their user names and access will be different so you should configure your local MySQL to have user name and databases exactly as how you have it in Xisto. This way you can work on one version and upload it to Xisto and it should work fine since both user name and passwords are identical. The only thing you have to do is make sure your database structure stays the same on both servers.

  3. I don't I'm on a mac and we don't need any <_<. OK if your on windows then I always used AVG its free and does stop most viruses, If your always browsing porn sites and warez sites where you download a lot then maybe this wont help you as much but I don't know. Its a free anti virus program and I use it on my PC. They update regularly as well http://www.avg.com/de-de/free-antivirus-download

    Thes other ones I've used in the past were symantec but its not free. It comes with many other tools too for optimizing your system. https://www.symantec.com/ You may need to use a combination of spyware remover with this I dont know since I switched to AVG a long time ago since it was free.

  4. <?php$changepage = $_REQUEST['changepage'];echo " <tt>$changepage</tt> ";?><form action="pasture.php" method="post"><TEXTAREA class="text" name="changepage" COLS="80" ROWS="15" WRAP="OFF"></textarea><br><input type="submit" value="Change"></form>

    What you can have if this is your picture.php file is some code to process the chnagepage variable. Of course it will have to be adapted if this isn't how you want it.

    <?phpif(count($_POST) > 0){  $changepage = $_POST['changepage'];  // do any extra formatting you need to the string var $changepage here // output it back hereecho " <tt>$changepage</tt> ";}?><form action="pasture.php" method="post"><TEXTAREA class="text" name="changepage" COLS="80" ROWS="15" WRAP="OFF"><?phpecho $changepage;?></textarea><br><input type="submit" value="Change"></form>

    I'm not sure if thats what you were asking but if theres any mistakes just reply here. Oh by the way I would suggest you handle get and post variables explicitly since request vars are handle differently across XAMPP and Xisto servers. There may be more differences. So use $_GET or $_POST rather then $_REQUEST.

  5. Yeah the banner and other sections of the page dont look like they fit too well together. How did you go about designing this? did you just decide and build this as you went along? The design looks awfully too simple IMO with minimal borders and too many solid backgrounds. Try and and come up with something a little more original(Its just too basic I think). If you haven't already I suggest you draw out your designs on paper first and decide what you would want to include. This will help you gather your ideas a lot better and you have something to follow if you forget. The design doesn't have to be in real detail but it should provide you with enough information as to what you originally wanted. Don't worry designs can change and you can alter and add/remove things as needed. I think this process will help you conceptualize your ideas better before you even start coding. Heres what I think looks amateurish:- You sections spaces, navigation, content area, and footer are divided by solid BG color. I personally don't think this works well. I would suggest you come up with a more subtle way to divide them up. Use of different tones or borders can help. Maybe even texture images if they are of the right kind and can tile well.- Navigation is too simple. Again the text sitting on the background is too plain. Maybe use background images for the links and give them different states. This isn't hard to do in UL, LI list and if you code it right you can accommodate any number of links you wish to add later with ease.- Footer is too plain again there are many techniques to improve it visually.The overall text and background combination you are using for different sections of the page should be slightly different for each part. This will help break up content like headings, articles, and what ever else is in it. HTML doesn't give you much control so your going to have to make good use of what ever tags you can and also images. Just don't be afraid to try new things and move away from plain solid backgrounds and white text only. Like I always say the more you do the more you keep learning so keep at it. For your 1st, 2nd, 3rd site its pretty good.Oh one last thing I've noticed your html code is still using br's? your links aren't an ul li which is the best way to do them. Try and pick best ways to do things as well and move away from the easy route which is usually the bad ways. With ul li you can use css to further spice up the look in your case you cant or wont have much control.

  6. Looks amazing and a great concept but I hope they will have alternative color besides the green display. You wouldn't want to look at images or videos in full green would you? Theres more pictures at the main site if anyone else is interested. I had a look there and it shows the phone from different angles and modes. There was one where it turned into the larger sized keyboard which was cool. The main components must be based at the end where its not green. I cant see how else they could fit all the circuitry in the transparent parts.

  7. Yeah macs are awesome! I will never switch back to windows unless I'm away from my mac. OS X is pretty damn good OS and I just learned recently its built on top of unix. So basically unix is father of linux? does this mean we can run linux programs in mac os x? I'm a little confused since I don't that much about how linux operates. If thats true then we can pretty much learn linux using mac but it probably is abit different in some cases. I know in the shell we have acess to commads that are usually on linux based OS.I agree with ya on the part about the OS staying running smoothly. I've had mine for 1 year and a half and its still running strongly. If this was windows it would of slowed down for some reason even though I did my best to remove programs I installed as best I can. Windows just slows down after half a year it must be some law (winblows law). <_<. Are we ever going to be getting sub forums in the OS so us Mac users can talk about how great it is and other topics without fear of getting hated on by unknown OS X windows lovers.

  8. Man I know what you mean I wish I could stay in school and get paid for it. Learning is so much fun and I enjoy it way more now then I ever did in my entire life. I guess what we learn in high school does seem boring and we don't see it really helping us out in the immediate time so we lose interest easily. Your right many people can get a job without any qualification but that job might not be very high paid or very secure. I've worked temp jobs and I hate them. No security, low pay and be treated like slaves. If you have an opportunity to do well why not take it? Most people don't have the drive but it doesn't mean they don't have the potential. I'm just saying just because theres jobs out there for you at mc donalds or KFC dosent mean you have to settle. Some people like you say don't care and are happy with where they are and I agree they have the right to do what ever they like. But if its your child who's skipping school you better do what you can to change that. They will thank you when they are older and understand why.

  9. The way I would do this is have all your entire layout as one file. e.g html > /htmlThen pass $vars to the template for each section, $title, $nav, $content, etc. That way page is always consistent and you only need to update your template to reflect changes across all pages. Another advantage is when it comes to debugging your layout its much easier if its all in one template rather then across different files. If you already are happy with the layout and no longer need to change it it may or may not be easier to update if all sections are broken up into individual files. It may just be personal preference but I find having my whole template in one file makes it easier to update and change since my layouts done in HTML and CSS and its all there. I dont know maybe you guys find it easier if its broken up like header, content, footer files. Think about it if you had to restructure the layout would it be easier to try and do it with 3 different files?I just wanted to add thats how I do mine. its personal preference I guess.

  10. Everything affects the people around you, are there any problems at home, school, or anywhere else your child is around? If they aren't comfortable around where they are they will look to ditch school, stay away from home or where ever else it will be. If you want to help your child you need to find out exactly whats bothering her and try and fix that. She may not want to tell you but you need to get it out it in the open before you will start seeing changes. You have to know the problem before you can fix it right? I used to skip school to do drugs with friends back in high school because I was bored of school. I didn't understand school was important because my parents didn't tell me. Yeah your parents tell you school is important but whether they fully understand is another thing. If they really understand that if they don't do well in school then they will have a hard time getting a job or into the university of their choice then maybe they wouldn't skipping school and aiming for good grades instead of just a pass. Try and think back to when you were their age and did you really understand what the world was all about at that age? I doubt many do because they haven't been exposed to the real world before. This is probably why they don't take schooling seriously. I always said screw school I'd rather be having fun and doing drugs/drinking and worry about all that other things in life later when it comes around. I'm not saying your kids on drugs or doing bad things but if shes not in school what else is she doing? Find out whats going through her head even if it causes heated arguments, You show you love your kids by paying attention to what they are going through not by letting them do what ever they like. You should try and build a close relationship to them that they can talk to you about anything instead of turning to someone else. That way you can spot potential problems your child might be having and possibly stop it before it does.I hope things work out for you and your family. Good luck.

  11. What makes it so bad is its a puppy and people and dogs are very close companions. I feel bad just viewing it, that poor puppy probably didn't die instantly and may of suffered a long and painful death. My niece feel out of the bed today and broker her arm, she had to get a cast on it man I feel sorry for her shes only 1 year and 3 months. After she came home she was still upset but later on during the night she was back to her cherry self again causing havoc around the house with only 1 arm free. That dog falling that far would of hit solid ground or rock and I can imagine that would hurt bad. That guy and the guys who recorded that stupid act should be ashame of themselves.

  12. Check out apples main site they got a video about SDK for the iphone being released. I'm downloading the SDK right now (2.1GB). The videos about 1 hour long lol but its pretty interesting if your an apple fan. Not that I know how to build any applications for the iphone or I own one but with the SDK you can run a virtual iphone on your mac and test your code there without testing it directly on an iphone. Pretty neat if you ask me I'm gonna be messing around with it once it finishes downloading <_<. This is why I like apple they are always innovating new stuff. Get downloading the SDK you apple users :( and happy coding.update: blah I just found out I cant run it without OS X 10.5. boohoo.

  13. Does anyone know of a program to give you a visual view of your hard disk? I know there is one on windows but I dont remember the name here sorry. I've got only 80GB of space and only 10GB is free. I am not sure what is taking up all that space could it be the OS?. A program to give me a visual view of how much space is taken up by what would help a lot in tracking used up space.If there is any other method for hunting down used space and clearing it on OS X would be greatly appreciated thanks.

  14. I'm sure this sort of thing happens all over the world not just china. The worse I've seen done to a fish is from this documentary I think it might of been 60 minutes anyway what happens to the fish is instead of being killed before its eaten they keep it alive while eating it. Yeah I know when I saw it I was like eww. Its basically prepared I assume with scales taken out and I'm not sure about the gutting I don't so if its still alive. They cook it on a sort of grill or pot I cant remember and they pick flesh off it and eat it and the fish is like looking at them crying out no doubt if it could make sound. Remember indiana jones ? The scene where monkeys brains are eaten while its still alive :<_<

  15. On a bad scale of 1 to 10 thats like 100 right there easily. The article didn't say how many months pregnant he was even thought it shouldn't matter you shouldn't be doing that in the first place to someone. Man I thought I was evil but these guys are beyond that. The article said the injuries or attacks were from several weeks. What did they do lock her up there and feed her while they beat her? It also doesn't reveal how they are related to her if any. Are these guys hill billies?

  16. Yeah I've noticed many companies including major leading players in the IT industry don't even bother to make their code valid to html or xhtml w3c standards. I don't know why they would bother if their code works consistently across certain browsers already. They are probably experienced enough to code html so that it does display across the main browsers correctly without being valid html or xhtml. It makes you wonder if you should even bother learning to code valid to those standards if the professionals aren't doing it themselves. I see it as a good skill to have none the less and it is better to know how to code to valid html and xhtml standards then to not. All the other hacks to get something to work you can always pickup along the way if needed. The simple truth is most people only care if it works and the code was probably written along time ago before anyone even cared about html standards. Can anyone name a major IT company that has valid html or xhtml code? I cant think of any myself <_<.

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