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Posts posted by sonesay

  1. On my site I have built a basic counter for tracking how many visits I get. Unfortunately I'm not sure how to go about distinguishing bots from legit visitors so I end up counting every visit including bots. This does not give an accurate count of visits to my site. How I went about doing it was just basically having a session variable set flag once a user visited the site. Its very basic and If that session flag is not set then just insert their IP into the database table which is then counted for the total of visits. I probably should of looked at already made scripts for this since the problem is most likely solved but I want to ask if anyone has any information on this ready.

  2. Everyone needs to chill and understand that there isn't a simple fix that will magically bring your websites back online. Something screwed up and obviously it wasn't their intention so just try to understand. There are way too many variables involved in this hosting service to provide a quick fix when things go wrong. Your having trouble not getting into cpanel so maybe you should just try the password reset just like many of us did. Yes some did not get the email but that could be from a number of reasons not related to Xisto. I found the email in my junk folder from one of my email addresses I hardly use anymore. If you don't want to risk only 10 credits to get your account back then you will have to wait till they fix it.

  3. I see here that people have problems with cpanel passwords, well, I simply do not have access to my cpanel at all.

    It simply says

    So, I cannot change or reset anything.

    Same for my site http://www.vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk/, nothing at all displays, i can't even access my files as my cpanel is completely down.

    i cannot send or receive email from my domain neither.


    Access your cpanel through your old Xisto subdomain name. for example I had to acess my cpanel at sonesay.trap17.com/cpanel first then readd my parked domain so now i have access to sonesayi.com/cpanel or what ever. Hope that helps you out.

  4. This is an interesting point. I don't want to seem like I'm bashing God but common sense would suggest if you are all knowing then you would not make a mistake and if you did you had prepared counter measures and put them in place so that any damage would be dealt with and there are minimal repercussions (I'm talking about Satan here). Sure we shouldn't expect to understand everything our God has done or planning to do but I don't think this idea would be too much for us to grasps? And letting Satan roam around for this long and miss leading people and expecting us to rely on stories that were written before our time that we can hardly verify for our selves because the world we grow up in is all we know. Doesn't make sense to me, This and many other ideas I've thought about still lurks around in my head preventing me from fully believing this God or any other ideas of God.

  5. And Yahweh is one of Allah's names. ALLAH is the only god that all Muslims, all Christians, and Jews believe in.

    I do not get what your saying here. It does not make sense that all those different religions believe in one god. So ALLAH == Jehovah? I think thats what your saying but please clear it up.

  6. I'm having some issues with working with objects [][]. I get an index out of bounds ex.Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0heres how I'm using it----------------------------Object[][] contestants = new Object[][] {};contestants[0][0] = "test";any ideas appreciated. Do I need to specify the initial size on creation or something?It seems I answered my own question I gave it an inital size then I was able to add things. But is there a way I can add to it on the fly without knowing its require maximum size?

  7. I doubt it lol. Sure there are things like WYSIWYG editors but the code they produce is nothing compared to a professional coder can do. Understanding the correct usage and ways to do things with HTML and all the other languages to do with websites is something thats not easy to automate. Its been what over 10 years since the web really blew up but still there is always new standards and technology coming out. There is no one out there with the resource to create a good WYSIWYG editor the best we have is dreamweaver and it is a joke haha. I just don't think its possible even if one did come out I'm sure new standards and technology would make it useless within a short time. We can all dream I guess.

  8. Does anyone here use Xcode and Objective C to develop for the iPhone here? I started reading through some documents but still don't fully get the structure and syntax of the language. I couldn't find a place where I could put a stopper on the source code and run through each line like in other IDE's to get a better idea of how it works.for a simple hello world app it creates 4 filesHelloWorldAppDelegate.hHelloWorldAppDelegate.mMyViewController.hMyViewController.mHelloWorldAppDelegate.h

    #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>@class MyViewController;@interface HelloWorldAppDelegate : NSObject <UIApplicationDelegate> {		IBOutlet UIWindow *window;	MyViewController *myViewController;}@property (nonatomic, retain) UIWindow *window;@property (nonatomic, retain) MyViewController *myViewController;@end


    #import "HelloWorldAppDelegate.h"#import "MyViewController.h"@implementation HelloWorldAppDelegate@synthesize window;@synthesize myViewController;- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {		// Set up the view controller	MyViewController *aViewController = [[MyViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"HelloWorld" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];	self.myViewController = aViewController;	[aViewController release];		// Add the view controller's view as a subview of the window	UIView *controllersView = [myViewController view];	[window addSubview:controllersView];	[window makeKeyAndVisible];}- (void)dealloc {	[myViewController release];	[window release];	[super dealloc];}@end


    #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>@interface MyViewController : UIViewController <UITextFieldDelegate> {		IBOutlet UITextField *textField;	IBOutlet UILabel *label;	NSString *string;}@property (nonatomic, retain) UITextField *textField;@property (nonatomic, retain) UILabel *label;@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *string;- (IBAction)changeGreeting:(id)sender;@end


    #import "MyViewController.h"@implementation MyViewController@synthesize textField;@synthesize label;@synthesize string;- (IBAction)changeGreeting:(id)sender {		// Set our model value -- it's not used anywhere else at the moment, but it illustrates the principle	self.string = textField.text;		NSString *nameString = string;		// If the user entered an empty string, set the name string to "World"	if ([nameString length] == 0) {		nameString = @"World";	}		// Create a new string for the label	NSString *greeting = [[NSString alloc ] initWithFormat:@"Hello, %@!", nameString];	label.text = greeting;	/*	 The greeting string was created with 'alloc', so to adhere to memory managment conventions, now release it. It's the label's responsibility to take ownership of the greeting string when its text is set.	 */	[greeting release];}- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)theTextField {	// When the user presses return, take focus away from the text field so that the keyboard is dismissed.	if (theTextField == textField) {		[textField resignFirstResponder];	}	return YES;}- (void)dealloc {	// To adhere to memory management rules, release the instance variables.	[string release];	[textField release];	[label release];	[super dealloc];}@end

    Thats basically it 4 files but there is a bug when run in the iPhone simulator I don't know what the cause is. Can anyone explain what file is run first and whats called etc. I still have no idea what one of the four files are executed first.

  9. The action attribute on a form is used to specify where you want the posted data to be submitted to. It has nothing to do with a missing main.php page if that is what your asking. If no action is specified then the form will submit to its parent page being the page where the form is in your case index.php.

  10. Hey and welcome. I know your new here since you've been posting a lot of content that is either in the wrong forum or contribute little to what is already present at these forums. I just want to say that your only going to get credits deducted because they will have to be moved or deleted later by the moderators. Make sure you understand how this forum works if you are serious about getting hosting here and eventually a domain. So my advice is make sure you understand the rules by reading the read-me page for new members and refrain from posting just for the sake of gaining credits.


  11. If you want to make custom pages without using a CMS for your site then you need to know web programming a fair bit. The more complex (more features) the more harder it is to build so if your not too keen on the idea of learning PHP to that extent then you can settle for a CMS like joomla or what ever is out there. I'm going to estimate it would probably take you a few months to learn and build your own site in PHP from scratch so that may give you an idea of how long it can take.

  12. I sort of didn't want to go that route since I didn't want to do the queries required to try and match existing post to new ones being submitted. I found out using header() direct to redirect to the same page is possible you just need to track the URL and it will clear post vars without the user knowing.

  13. Yeah something like that. I'll give it a go and update.update:

    $enabled_comment = true;if(isset($_SESSION['msg_creation_time'])){	if(time() - $_SESSION['msg_creation_time'] <= 15)	{		$enabled_comment = false;	}}

    Thanks for the example, I am using the above code and it works fine. Is there a way for PHP to destroy posted variables? Reloading page after the 15 seconds stills makes double posting possible but at least there is some flooding protection.

  14. Is there a way to create a session variable that expires after a set time e.g 15 seconds or so users hitting reload or trying to submit twice wont be able to. I've disabled my comments function on my site at the moment until I find a solution. I would rather not use javascript as PHP code would be more transparent I think. Any ideas?edit: I forgot to add the whole process is in one page so I have the form action unset so it submits to its containing file. I would like to keep this structure. I know having it submit to a new file and redirecting back would remove the double post and reload problem but I'm looking for an alternative solution.

  15. I agree with Thingcubed you have to be honest to your current boyfriend and let him know you still have feelings for your ex and need some time to think it through. Your current boyfriend will rather know about it sooner then later and its not fair on him that you are with him and still have feelings for your ex. If your with someone you should be totally committed to them. Thats my opinion on this kind of thing but its up to you to decide.

  16. I just watched this movie last night and I have to say its a great movie. Sure not everyone will like it but I think it was original and made well. It was a good Sci-Fi in my opinion and I tend to watch many of them. OK the monster was just totally awesome looking and I don't think I would of created him any other way if I was to be the artist or designer of it. Great job there. What I think happened is this. At the start that alien thing came in a big *bottom* space ship or capsule that landed in the ocean near NYC or what ever, thats what caused that tremor and the lights to go out for a moment at the start. The ship in the water capsized or what ever as stated in the news report from that impact and because its night they don't see or notice anything else. Now this thing starts to wake up and the first thing it sees is the statue of liberty so what does he do lol. He rips its head off and tosses it around at our stinking human buildings and all the chaos begins. Now the military starts soiling their pants if they haven't already knowing that something alien has landed and about to wipe out everything on this planet considering its size and strength. Their bombs and missiles do nothing to it. You don't ever see a scratch on it ever I think through out the entire movie. He must have some mad armor skin and mega regeneration or something :D. At home base the aliens are watching and cheering their solder on as they know we don't stand a chance. NYC in a few days then everyone else after. The time line in the move goes on for 7+ more hours I believe and at this stage I think they should of started using nukes on it or something. Obviously the regular bombs don't even phase it. The rest of the world should of known whats going down and started sending their nukes over who cares of they kill a few people still stuck in the city right if they get a chance to take out the monster now before it comes for them. Thats what I would be thinking.What do you think? :D

  17. This sounds like a challenge but I don't think I will be attempting this anytime soon. I've come across articles dealing with using JS to dynamically alter layouts on window resizing by the user but never looked into it. There would be no need for AJAX as JS alone should be enough since its all happening on the client side. If anyone comes up with a solution let us see!

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