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Posts posted by scab_dog

  1. I have started a new website called 3Dolla Gaming:


    I was able to make an Army System there, and i'm woking on a banking system for the army system. Well yeah..its pretty kool..My bandwith is boosting up so i might get a paid account. Please Review my site, and register there. Thankyou very much. I'm willing to add link to your site on my site, so register there and PM me there. I need more traffic how can i attaract more trafic, please help!!


  2. Everyone is waiting for the New consoles to come out, but heres some sneak preview, well its the Press Release:


    For PS3 Got To:



    For XBOX360 Go To:



    These are not Fake, these are the offical Press Release of The New consoles (PS3 and XBOX 360)


    I like the XBOX360 Console, but the PS3 and The XBOX360 Controllers looks weird, The PS3 ones is very long, but is koool, What do you think about these? Which is Better XBOX360 or PS3? Which do you like XBOX or XBOX360, PS2 or PS3?

  3. In China We Study the whole day

    Whoo dude are you serious, well I'm is St Philomenas Its alright,

    Primary (From Kindi to Year 6) Starts at 09:00am, Break at 11:00am Break finishes at 11:20am, Lunch at 01:15pm Finishes at 02:15pm, And School Finishes at 03:15.

    Primary (From Year 6 to Year 10) Starts at 08:45am, Break at 10:40am Break finishes at 11:00am, Lunch at 12:40pm Finishes at 01:30pm, And School Finishes at 03:15. So Yeah Secondary Get another 30mins extra but We have to swap classes for each period and that taked about 5 min for each class so it all equal.

    Whe I was is India, The School Starts at 9:00am and finishes at 02:30pm (that is for the primary), but In Secondary in India the School startes at 07:00am and finishes at 03:30pm, thats a huge difference But yeah, i left India before i went into Secondary, YAY :lol: , So yeah thats Australia and India, I would like to know about other schools too.

  4. I had the same problem, If I tried to delet it manually, it comes back, so I used Ad-Aware, And Spy Ware Search And Destroy, I moved the virus to a vault so its not bothering me, as FuChelle said its a spyware, I think the same so if you want to dedelte it get AVG Professional or Spy Ware Search and Destroy. Hope that helps you :P

  5. Well if your domain supports DNS you can point it to Xisto's name server:ns1.trap17.com, Then you add your domain name in the Parked domain section which is in your cpanel. And wait for Two Days and wolla, when you go to that domain to redirects it to your site, then you go to the mail accounts section in your cpanel, then your create your mail account. Job Done. Problem Solved. :P

  6. Well, I only use it for simple programs files, like making a shourtcut and making it so you can unzip zip folders and stuff, bUt To Make a bat file its simple: like if you want to start paint with on click what you do is:

    1. Open Notepad
    2: Enter This:

    start C:/Program Files/Adobe/Photoshop.exe
    3.Then You save the file as .bat or.exe

    Wollla This would make a shortcut thingy, So yeah, as other people said if you want to make a proper exe file whcih runs a program, you need to know some languages :P, Anyways Hope I helped you. Lots of typos but naah.

  7. If you want to use PHP, Go To

    This is By Snilidude All Thanks goes to Him

    Quoted from Snilidude's Topic

    Today, I'm going to show you how to make an email script using PHP and HTML. Most people usually put <a href="mailto:blahblah@blah.blah">Email me</a> if they want an email link on their site, but there are several cons to this.
    First, it's very inconvenient for those people who use web-based mail such as Yahoo!, Hotmail, or Gmail because that darn Micro$oft Outlook program comes up if one accidently click the link.

    Second, you are very suseptible to spam bots because they scan your HTML source code for anything with the same pattern as an email address and add it to their database. If you are pretty popular on Google, you can expect mails like "Unlimited Bandw1dth!!1" or "Cows F0und 1n 0utersp4ace!!" in your inbox soon.

    The Tutorial

    Make a new file called mail.php in Notepad and copy and paste the following

    <html><head> <title>My first email script</title></head><body> <?php if($content) {  $from = $_POST["from"];  //gets the name of the person  $email = $_POST["email"];  //gets their email address  $content = "This message is from $from whose email address is $email.\r\n-----------\r\n ";  //little intro of your email message that you will see in your inbox  $content = $content . $_POST["content"]; //concatenates the intro with the real content  $content = wordwrap($content, 70); //message must be no longer than 70 characters per line (PHP rule), so we wrap it  mail('snlildude87@gmail.com', 'Someone Sent You Something!!!', $content); //first argument = your email address; second argument = subject of email (make it very catchy so you won't miss it); third argument = the content (DO NOT CHANGE THIS!!)  echo "Your message has been sent, and if I like you, then you will receive a reply. Thank you."; //what you want to tell the user after sending } ?> <form method="post" action="mail.php">  <p>Name: <input type="text" name="from" title="Your name"></p>  <p>Email: <input type="text" name="email"></p>  <p>Message: <textarea rows="5" cols="15" name="content"></textarea></p>  <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </form> </body></html>

    That's it! If you want to see the email script/form in action, I have set one up on my site here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Also, when someone sends you something with my script, you have to manually type in their email address. So after someone sends you a message, you will get the following in your email:
    This message is from [the person's name] whose email address is [their email address].
    [content of message]

    You will have to copy whatever their email address is, and go to Compose in your mail provider to send them a reply. It's a hassle, but I promise, it won't take more than 1 minute.

    If you have any questions, concerns, comments, or ideas, feel free to post them below. Thanks and good luck!! 

    Yeha, Thas It!! Just Change Da EMail address, and as i said all Thanks goes to snilidude, Hail Snilidude, Hail Snilidude, Hail snilidude :(:P

    Ahh and if you want another working example, go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Thats It,

  8. Yeah as Hype Said I've been using GMail Lite for ages, I got it from snilidude but yeah, i think the scritp sends the unsername and password to the Gmail Server and sends the info straight back, I use this at My School, Their Internet is realllly slow, so GMail.com take a while to load so I login using My site!!, I dint think its hacked or not, because if it was google would have banned it by now.

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