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Posts posted by scab_dog

  1. I just got a fresh idea on my new site. I got every thing planed out, the content and the colours i'm going to use for the layout.But osmething else came to my mind. I have seen site when if the text is bigger, the hegiht of the layout increases, without affections the layouts design. A good example would be blogs, where when you make more entries they go down the page rather than making new pages.I did think about i frames, but that is not what i was looking for. I dont mind if it is in PHP, as most of my site is.

  2. Ok, as far as i know, Windows Vista is going to come out January next Year, it is the most anticipated windows release yet. For the sake, Bill Gates was at the E3 for his first time to talk about Windows Vista. So it should be good.

    Ok according to a text file i have There are two versions of the two version out. One is the 64bit, and the other is the 32 bit. I have got a copy of Windows Vista, but i will continue no further.
    One is because of the legal matters and two because my computer doesn’t meet the system requirements.

    I trying to get a contact with someone who is in the MSDN (Microsoft Developers Network). SO i could try to get more information, it would be cool, if it works like the Windows Live invites.

    Microsoft should make it that people can download the beta version at their own risks, but that version will exterminate it self when the real version comes out. So people would have to go and buy their own. And would probably provoke hackers to find some kind of crack and that’s the end of that idea.

    I really can’t wait for it to come out.

    The cool thing about is the Games Live, so someone could be playing a Xbox Live game on his 360, and they could invite a person having the same game on his POC (Vista Running) for a game. I can especially wait for that feature. PC vs. XBOX30 LIVE, and they can use their XBOX360 gamer tag in Vista, without a new user creation. That would be cool.

    Here is the microsoft windows vista fact sheet:

    Notice from rejected:
    Download Microsoft's Vista is ILLEGAL! Do NOT instruct members on how to download illegal materials! Warning increased.

  3. I wouldn�t be surprised, if they launched a new OS (Operating System) to back down Windows, wonder what they might name it, Google Goggles, I don�t know, but I can wait. They just released the Google Calendar, now Spreadsheets that would be good, like if you make a score card for the local weekend game, and you can get the other judges to edit it and so on. It would be good software. But I don�t think it will be a big threat to Microsoft Excel, Excel has already grown so big in the business world. It is even in the school curriculum to teach how to use Microsoft Excel. There are TAFE courses on it, so it wouldn�t make it to the top. But it would be useful for sharing. I bet you that the New Microsoft Office 2007 will have features similar to Google Spreadsheets. I might download it now, and see if I�m right I found a link to Google Spreadsheets..


    Just enter your invitation, and they'll send you and invitation. It is alright, but only the editing bit was cool.

  4. The site looks really professional, did you create the layout for it?So the idea of the site, is like HiFive? Add you friends, communicate with them and so on, am i right? Is that what you wee planning on creating?The site looks professional, i can really complain about anything, i think it covers everthing.Two Thumbs Up,Now you have to advertise a lot, get more users on it, and get into the market.I see that your site isnt in Google.Do you have a domain name?Make it Three Thumbs up actually :rolleyes:

  5. I have heard and that there is a Windows Vista Beta version going around. I have been to a torrent site and found few there. But I?m not going to download it because i'm guessing it is illegal.Do any of you here have Windows Vista Beta? If you do what are the system requirements for it to run.And i have heard there are few versions of this beta, one without the graphical 3D software (decreasing system requirements), and one with it.Is this true?

  6. hey, there was the e3 which happened receantly i really really wanted to go there, to view the new gaming consoles in particular. But i woulndt have minded spending the whole time there. But i couldnt go, and it made me sad.But i did watch like 4 hours video on it, from google videos and gamespot.Did any of the people here go to the E3?What was the favorite thing you saw at the E3?Did you get to have a go at the New Nintendo Wii (Revolution) ?The Windows Vista looked pretty good, Bill Gates was there, this his is first E3 press conference he's been to.

  7. Before i show you what i think is the best have a look at some buyers gudie i found:


    Hard Disk Drives: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Video Cards: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Motherboards and processors: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Soundcard Speakers: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    Have a good look at the buyers guide, and that might itslef give you the idea.


    Ok here are the best specs i think you can buy, they are both for Value and Perfomance:


    1) -- Processors

    Value: Dual-Core AMD Processor: Opteron 165 CPU

    Perfomance: Dual Core Intel Xeons 64bit (Best in the market at the moment)


    2) -- RAM

    Value/Perfomance: You cant really group rams into value and perfomance, all of the ones i know cost the same, it depends on where you buy it. If you buy it at your local store it will probabely differ from buying it at China Town. But Best i know owuld be to get a Motherborad which supports 4 DDR 2 Ram slots, and get 1Gig DDR2. If you do that then there is no need to wait for you computer to boot up, just turn it on, and it will load really, REALLY fast.


    3) --Motherboards:

    Value: Gigabyte - GA-K8N51GMF-9 Motherboard

    Perfomance: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ HAve a look

    Cheap: Gigabyte - GA-K8NE


    4) --HDD - "Baracuda"?? You can get a Terraabyte HDD for 1000 Australian Bucks. You can chose any harddrive, just as long the company is reiable.


    5) --Video card - Sapphire - Blizzard X1900 XTX

  8. Ok, some people here have probabely been trying to make their computer look like Windows Vista.
    I have to, i found themes and so on but nothing i like they were all crusty, i searched and searched.
    And found one, The Vista Transformation Pack 4.0 (They will probabely make new versions of it).


    It contains everything
    # Icons
    # Themes
    # Visual Themes
    # Bootscreen
    # Login Screen
    # Sounds
    # Transparency
    # Start Menu Changes (WIth Vista Button inseat of start)
    --Thats all i can think of but there probabely more.

    Downside..I changes all you system files, so you get a lot of warning when you install it, the bootscreen is in 16 bit.

    But it is Awsome..for instance have a look at my desktop, i took a screenshot of it:

    Size: 14mb

    Ohh and nearly forgot to mention, it changes the clock look to.

    Plus you have 4 Visual Styles, one of them is dar, other changed the start menu, and the side menu you get when you go to My Computer, it goes to the top.

    It is pretty cool, so far i have used it. The Tranparency gets anoyying at times, and you can control the opacity rate. So thats good.

    Sister Software you can get:
    # Sidebar
    # Widgets Bar

    If you know any other Software addon please post it.

    And yes, it does come with an uninstallation program.

  9. Was wondering, i'm currently using CS2, i was using 7 before but my dads office got CS2, so i scabed it of them. I dont see a lot of difference in CS2, but just the logo and the toolbar effects.Ohh i was happy with paint before. but when i discovered Photoshop, it changed my mind.(I was searching for the right thread to post, and this was the closest one i found, isntit a pain to find the right thread to post on)

  10. yep, i'm betting that i;m going to make typos while i type this post. I dont care about grammer, but i do find that when i read through my post, i find that i use a lot more commas than full stops. Dunno it just comes to me.ANd when i type i just stare at the keyboard and type, i dont look up even when i'm deleting, i just know what to delete. I type it, then i hit enter. And BAM it is posted and i go through it and i find thousands of typos.I dont make 5 typos in 6 words or something like that, but it is more like 5 in a paragraph.Most of my spelling is right, as i dont use "big" words. But more of just hitting two buttons at the same time. And if you are wondering my fingers arent stuby.

  11. Yeah, I have to agree, it is the fun bit which makes the new nintendo sound better, i do care about the grafics as in i dont really want to be playing reallly low qualtiy games, like snes and so on, but if the gfx is better than game cube i'm more than happy.About the name, i'll say what the guy at e3 said, it is not word for word but of what i remember, he said that when google came what, and what people thought of that name, probely crap, but now every one knows it. And Wii is meant to sound like we, as in every one can play it.

  12. Ok, I'll type this topic really really slow, so i dont make any typos.Yep..If you go through all my history of posts and topics you will find at least 10 typos in a single post. ANd if you went to an extenct to look at my website, well you'll be on it for a long time counting how many typos i have made.I type really fast, and i do mean fast. When i do it in word, i just run the spell check and BAM its all fixed. But when i do it in other programs which dosent have Spell Check, i makes lots of typos.I think i know what some of you would say, preview it before posting. But for some unseen reason i have this reflex of hitting the RETURN button as soon as i have finished typing it.This annoys me a lot, i'm not a bad speller, it is just that my fingers keep on hitting the wrong button, just say i think of writing "toilet" when i type it fast i usually type it "tiolte" or something like that.Ohh and i dont touch type, lets say that i know where every keys are, and i use just four fingers to type everything.I would like to know if there is a way of fixing this, and if you have similar problems.And ohh, forgive my typos during this topic, and yep i made something for my signature.

  13. The new Nintendo Wii, as seen in the E3 (if you havent gone to e3 , i guess no one here as neither have i, i found a good video on http://www.gamespot.com/e3/ if that link dosent work go to gamespot and search for it.


    Yep, i had a look at the newest Nintento Console, Wii. And i reckon it was awsome, weel better than good. I real badly want to give The Golf a go. For those who dont know, you can move the controler and the man of the tv moves the club according to your movement. So you can use the controler as a golf club.


    Good: The controler, movement and everything.

    Bad: The gfx of the console, it is not that good.


    So what are your opinions?


    Yep..forgot to add..Nintendo Wii is used to known as Nintendo Revolution. And can you also comment on the name change, i reckon Revolution sounds better, but after hearing that guy on the video, i changed my mind, it might be better... but i dont know, i prefer xbox thou


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