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Posts posted by scab_dog

  1. I searched all the Xisto but i couldnt find the right thread to post, no suprise there why would the admins create a Goodbye thread when not so many are leaving this awsome host. Why would they want to leave it? Some personal issues, others <strike>they dont like that host</strike> Nah lets cross that last sentence people would be nuts not to like Xisto.(Damit HTML dosnet work)


    A sad news, I'm leaving Xisto for a while, not for good, for for few terms may be till Next Summer holidays. My school is going to start and i just turned into a teenager. Now in the coming years i'm planning to improve my knowledge by listing to the teachers at school, instead of wondering what i'm goign to post in my blog when i get home.


    Yep, and the only spare time i could find is the 4hours that i spedn on Xisto when i get back from school. I thought about crossing out dinner. But I'm a peroson who eats a lot, and dreams about food and computers..and other stuff*** you knwo what i mean.


    Yeah, It is time for me to continue on with my studies. I will not be hosted, and i dont think i need a webpage..for now. I will come and sneak into Tarp17 when i get bored, or when i just want to see what speed my moderm is wortking *random* or may be when i get those cute *yep cute=anyyoing but sometime interesting..trap17=interesting* Emails form the Xisto servers stating that i have had a reply to one of my topics.


    Promise, i will come back to Xisto in the next holidays..and possibely get hosted again.


    FOr those who is wondering who i'am here is a hint: I was previously known as daman. Got here 2years ago. Then was hosted, and a small breask, got hosted again, had a small break, got hosted then changed my username to omar. That is just about it.

    BYE BYE Xisto

  2. I couldnt find any other forums that this topic would fit into so i posted it here.


    'Windows Live Messenger'

    It is the newest MSN messenger out, you can download this from sites around the web like http://www.mess.be/. But there is a catch..it is like Gmail you need invites to use it. I have been searching the web for some but i couldnt find any, so like many i ahve to wait till Microsoft makes it public. But i have found some which require you to win a tournament. so YEAH THOUGHT I SHOULD KEEP POSTED ON THE NEW UPDATES.

  3. Hey, the other day i went to this Internet Cafe. I logged into my Cpanel, while i was logging in i clicked "yes" on the window which asks if you want to save your password. I just pressed Enter and it took it as yes. Anyways becasue it a a Public Computer I dont want my password saved onto it. ohh yeah, I hate Inter Explorer and guess what they didnt have Firefox, so i ended up using IE. I dont know how to delete it, I tried Deleting Temp Internet Files, Cookies .. Every thing i thought off. Before i wasted 10credits changing my password I would like to know if there is any way of deleting this.

  4. Hey there ComeToLife...Welcome to Xisto..nice to know that there is a religious person here on Trap. I'll be honest with everyone..I Dont belive in God..but sometimes it just gets to me.

    Take care, God bless, and trust me...God loves you!! lol.

    LOL, yeah i know i have to beleive in someting..but i'm having trouble chosing between Science and Relgion. And to say I just read the Da Vinci Code. :)

  5. *saliva coming out of mouth, drolling looking at the screen*damn you Americans, you always get everything first. An Australian is sitting is front of his beloved computer looking at the picture of a Xbox360, and waiting for March 2nd. To buy one. Or even play one. My friends flown to America just to play it and to go to Disney World. :)

  6. Even thou some would consider it to be illegal, i use it. I have EvoX on there have 300gig Harddrive..I really only wanted to get my Xbox modded because i have about 20 games..that are not of my region. if you go to Malaysia or Sigapour..You wont be able to by a orignal Xbox..so if you want to buy one it cames pre modded. And they sell game for about a dollar each (yeah they are burnt ones, but what the hell they are games). And the media center..I have found a lot of uses for it..doind powerpoint presntations...playing a computer game using the Xbox on the TV. the invention of Xbox is great, and the invention of EvoX is greater. yeah i kinda want Xbox360 just to play some of the new games on it. But This Xbox would do for me.

  7. OK, just a quick..say 100 people joined GMail. How many do you think is going to use use the 2gig on their account. My guess would be 5 out of the 100 people would just about used 1 gig. the rest wouldnt have used that much space. Eg myslef i have used only 20mg..and have only 5000 emails on my account. So if you think about it..GMail might only have about 10-50 servers with a total of about a terrabyte ot few. i think they only have 2.5gig space as a publicity stunt. So yeha i dont think they would have 2million gigabyte thou the google brothers would be able to buy that much.

  8. ohh no one nomianted me..:)..just kiddin i dont think i have done anything useful. But i will have to nominate Saint Michael, He is always online when i come. And he is kinda funny.So Saint Michael Lives here all day.Oh Comedian I would go form becca and SM, I was amazed to find that Becca walks around the hous naked like i do :P

  9. Well, i was just looking for a thread to post my new topic on but i didnt find a right thread. I think you guys should make a new thread called" How do you.."

    You can reframe it but, the thread should be for people where they can ask questions, to be answer by t17 members. Like i just posted a new topic asking how do you take a video of your desktop?


    i end my case :)


    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Edit to change 'vieo' to 'video'.

    An assumption on my part.

    Send me a PM if it is in error and I will correct.

  10. First of all i hope i posted in the right thread.Anyways..Can you actually take a video of your desktop using the already intsalled programs on Windows. Like Print Screen for example.?the way i do it know is connet my computer to the TV, and connect my TV to my computers Tv tuner card. and i use a PVR application to take a movie. But i'm gussing there would be a simpler way.If there is a freeware software that does this, can you post a link to it.

  11. These are both the work of Matt Groeing, thou Futurama isnt a long series as the Simpsons, I like it. I cant exactly choose which is better. But when you flick through the TV, Futurama seems to stand out. Dunno..but i think Simpsons might just beat Futurama, by few percentage. Just a simple pool to see if you watch cartoon. And if anyone of you people are a parent, i would specially like your opionion, i'am guessing that your children are always sitting in front of the Tv watching the SImpsons. And i want to know your opipnin about it.

  12. Tyssen* I just got firefox, and hey hey..it didnt save my password..well it did but i can delet it. umm..Firefox would do me.Gr4ve_Digger* I send lots of Top Secret stuff through the Gmail, like who my gfriend is, and some stuff regaurding Area 51. the last thing i want to know is that Bill Gates knows who my GFried is :D. Yep, but think of it in this point of view, if gmail is mointering your mails, it ia a bad thing for terriots. Am i a bad speller, i cant spell teroites, and too fat to look it up in the dictionary.

  13. Hey,


    Before I start I would just like to make it clear that I'm not against Gmail, I use GMail regularly..have have more than 3000messages in my Inbox.


    I read somewhere that other search engines delete the web address of their competion. So just to prove this I went to MSN Search and tope in "GMAIL". There i couldnt find a direct link to Gmail, but links to reviews of Gmail. The fifth link was this http://www.google-watch.org/


    This webpage is claming that Gmail is searching out email, and noe keeping up with their legals. A quote:

    Big Broother is well-connected

    Personally i have a problem with Gmail, when i was loging in i accidentally clicked save my password button. So everytime i go to GMail it have my password enterd and waiting for me to press the login button. And this is a public computer. I tried deleting my cookies and Temporary Internet files, but it didnt do the job. Then i found this: http://www.google-watch.org/


    This freaked me out, cookie expires in 2038. Well I would just like to make a comment on that: "Why?"


    FOr those who want a direct link: http://www.google-watch.org/


    A image i found, and it dose amuse me:



    Again, i would like to mention, I'm not against Gmail. I will still continue using Gmail, but i thought this topic would catch attention of some users, and become a hot topic.

  14. Holy crap...i only read Area 51 in books like "Are we the the smartest race in the Universe" by Peter someone. But it is always possible, and well because it is America it just seemed so, but still it didnt wrap around my mind. MIB, MIIB got to me. And it made me think it might be possible. But you just mentioned that you know someone work there[/] And you show me these images which make it look possible. um..i have explored Google Earth, and even used the coordinates you gave us..and i cant find anything..the Valcanos i cant see. The only this i saw clearly was Bill Gates House :D.

  15. microscopic_earthling:the site address=


    As i said there is a link to this address from the homepage of google: https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl



    No, They provide this service to serval other countries.

    For example the link to the Australian one is:



    The supported countries are:




    New Zealand





    United Atates


  16. Hey Every1,

    i just was browsing around..and went to google.com where i saw get Gmail account.. so i went to it. And i was amazed to see that GMail went public.

    Get your invitation code
    To sign up, enter your mobile phone number below. We'll send you a text message with an invitation code to create your account. If you've already received a code, skip to step two!

    Even thou I already have a GMail account, i was temted to try it. So I did..Entered my Mobile Number..and wholla got a code. and successfully created a Gmail account. I reckon this is awsome, if you ask me, Google is showing off. From now i just added four of my friends mobile numbers just for the sake of it.

    What do you think about Gmail going public through Mobile?

  17. ohh..and I have found this the old short picture animation are:


    https://www.google.com/doodles= This is on aliens


    https://www.google.com/doodles=This is for the Indepenance Day


    https://www.google.com/doodles=this is for the 2000 Sydney olympics


    https://www.google.com/doodlesThis is for the 2000 Christmas


    https://www.google.com/doodles=this is for the winter Olympics


    https://www.google.com/doodles=this is for the 2002 Christmas (i think)


    https://www.google.com/doodles=2003 Christmas


    https://www.google.com/doodles2004=Athens olympics/


    https://www.google.com/doodles=2004 Christmas


    https://www.google.com/doodlesthis Years Christmas..as you can see there is only one more to go..wander what that is.


    Yep sorry about the double posting..i only foud this information after i posted the previpos post.


    Why, why did you have to link that to us...why me??? i'm here saving every penny i could find..and i have to wait till March for it to be released. ANd you Americans sit there make a video of smashing a XBOX360, making thousands around the world wet their pants. :D:(


    This is a sad day for me. this is a said day for every Xbox owner out there who is waiting to get a XBOX360.


    But to tell you the truth it is kinda funny :D

  19. there are several games that are the best:



    HALO2 : Platfrom Xbox, That is probely the main reson. Well this game is just awsome on Xbox Live. The excitement when you play it, a guy come behind you. You see him on the radar, you turn around to shoot him, and he is standing over there with a sword. And he says "DIE" and he kills you. You respawn at your base..you go hunting for revenge. This game is probely the best Multiplaye game i have played. Counter Strike is alright but i would go fot Halo 2.



    FABLE: Platform: Xbox, PC, PS2. this is an alright game, You can eat chicken, you can marry a man (I'm not *happy*, but you are temped to do it because it is a game). You can choose which ever side you want to be: EVIL (have horns sticking over your head) or GOOD (Have a halo over your head)


    But The Best Game I have played is the GTA Series:(San Andreas)


    it is the best game around, you can call it simulation, adventure, action, RPG. It is everything put into one game. When i'm bored, i load a game, go into a jet..and get the cops around you. Shoot down the Army planes..it is the best game ever created. i would rate it 100000/10

  20. "Flying Cars"Well people are here talkiing about pilot licences..but How would you create a flying car..All i can think of are 3 concepts:1. The car are designed like a plane. Using the movement of air to control it.2. A jet pack..like a helicopter, keeping the car aflot by pushing air downwars..but that would mean who ever is on the ground below will have thier hats blowm off.3. using a secret formuls "Flubber". ;)thou like every one said..it would be a tough job for the police. And RUFIOKID where did you hear the information from...I know there are a lots of website but i want the one you got it from. Coming out in 2006 that is not that far away.

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