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Posts posted by A200

  1. I am not the biggest fan of horror movies with heaps of blood and gore, I get a big squirmish :rolleyes: My brother only really made the movies in high school, last year, as he did a subject for 2 years called Film and Television... some of his movies are quite ok, but not as good as some other peoples ive seen, one guy at our school has made some simply awesome films!!

  2. I am sorry if this is in the wrong forum, butHow many languages can you speak? I can speak english (obviously) a decent amount of French (no where near fluent though :rolleyes:) and a bit of German. Ive been speaking English since 1992, and German I learnt in 2002-2004 but in 2005-2007 I switched to French so most of my German has left me ;)How about you?Avec vous?

  3. Hello Brett, welcome to Trap 17! *slaps your hand*I love movies, what type do you make? My brother has made a few good movies! I am sure there are other movie makers on this forum somewhere...Xisto is a great place to hang out you'll find, theres a subforum about pretty much everything, and for 280 credits (not posts) you are eligible for a free domain! :D but I won't be needing one yet ;)I am a high poster on a certain forum too, one day there were heaps of discussions going and I ended up making 250+ posts IN ONE DAY!!! On that board I also had 4200 posts since May 2007, but I have since left them as they are getting a little boring... But remember its quality not quantity. We would rather 100 really good posts from you than 1000 one liners :rolleyes: Welcome!

  4. I am utterly sick to death of the Queensland Government and Brisbane City Council constantly and blantly ignoring the need for a mass transit system... seriously they need to learn that buses are NOT the way of the future, and should only be used in tight nit suburbs where rail cannot be put in!


    If they would LISTEN to the people of SEQ, they would realise how shameful and disgusting the system really is. I hate to think of how much money they've wasted on pointless reports of how "beneficial" buses are, but they continously ignore the need for mass transit and trains. In a city/cities where 1600 people are moving in EACH WEEK and traffic is mounting, its time we got rid of this shoddy and unfair bus system. One very populous area in particular has buses every 15mins, 5am to 12pm, and every 8-10mins in peakhour, but get this: EVERY SINGLE TRIP ON THAT ROUTE IS OVERCROWDED. Even at 5am. The answer is not more buses, but a proper railway line, which would be far quicker and have much more capacity.


    What we also need is a proper ring road freeway system, if you look at a map of Brisbane, you would see that much travel would be by suburban roads and streets, and a lacking freeway system. This is absolutely disgusting.


    1 event last year should have bought the government to its senses and done the right thing:


    Tuesday 17 October 2006, a tiny crack occurs in one offramp into the city and the whole freeway is shut down...


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    This resulted in a 25KM gridlock that took 3 hours to end... 125,000 cars that normally use an already overcrowded expressway funneled elsewhere... which was local roads and streets... its a pity I cannot find a picture of Elizabeth St on that night, it was just a sea of cars... not moving.


    This lasted for more than a week, each night, and got quite a few people p***ed off completely...


    You'd think they'd be doing something immediately after that event to make sure it never happens again... but 13 months on and noones said a thing about any new freeway system at all.... O.O


    Thankyou for listening to my rant.

  5. I use firefox. I hate IE. Whenever I open it, 50000000 different tabs come up, for no reason what so ever O.O just blant advertising that they now *finally* have tabs o.O not impressed.I just like firefox, the text in it is easy to use, and it just suits my needs, I know where the settings are, and it now all flashy and annoying that IE is.... I despise IE...Well another thing I love about firefox is that all sites work in it, meanwhile IE distorts the text and I get a headache when I use it ><

  6. In my form of government there would be no parliament per se, so for each issue that arises, there is a committee that organizes the sending of voting cards for a referendum, and each day the citizens simply read the card and tick "YES" or "NO" and a committee van would drive down the streets, collect the votes and they are pumped into a big machine that determines all the results etc. At the end of the news that night, the results are shown to the citizens.There is a big cavern 200km below the surface where criminals are sent. They are stripped naked, have no cells, there just in one dirty cavern. Its a case of dog vs dog, one man for himself, and theres a big open fire where you can cook the meat of people you kill in a fight, like cannibals :rolleyes: the perfect punishment. There is no electricity either, so burning torches keep it lit up. When a storm comes, theres nothing to stop water going down, so they either learn to swim, drink it, or drown. And because its a hole they fall down, with a big net at the bottom to catch their fall, they have no chance to ever return ;) their families are then left to live in peace, with the knowledge their horror son is living a long and horrible death. After 20 years, each hole is sealed up as the criminals are presumed dead.Citizens must sacrifice 100% of their pay to the committee, which in turn divides it up 50/50 to everyone. You own nothing, you are worth nothing, once you visit the country you can never return back, as the airports and seaports are all arrivals only and there are no departures. Attempting to escape means you get put in "the hole" (see above). If you miraculously escape the hole, you get dropped straight down again. All your houses and items are owned by the committee and the public, so everything you own is also owned by everyone else.Haha the most evil country on earth :DBTW, everything is illegal, and breaking the law, the citizens push you into the hole!!! hehe

  7. now as far as this manager. no. he shouldn't have gotten fired unless it was a continuous ordeal with him drinking while on the job where customer service is #1 and where is is in a position to lead by example. he should have been let go for a week without pay to think about it. that should have been enough punishment depending on his past job performance.....and that little weasle who rated these two people out needs to be set straight....i hate narks and people who rat others out. if people aren't hurting others and you still disagree, just turn away and mind your friggin' business!

    He was a loyal worker for 18 years, and had been with Woolworths since 1988, from the article I believe he has been a good worker and one small slippup (i hate to call it a "slippup" as he didnt "accidentally" take the beer, he deliberately took it. Anyway, whats a good hamburger and steak without beer?

    As for the person who dobbed him in, I agree with you. I think he shouldve been punished for being unAustralian and being a spoil sport.

    The basic fact was that he broke the rules and he got punished for it. I do think that the punishment was very very big for the 'crime' he commited. I think a quiet word would have been sufficient.
    I agree with all that you said about companies putting small buisnesses out of buisness. There used to be a nice newsagents near to me, and they did quite well, even though there's a somerfield over the road. Unfortuantly, one day somerfield decided to start selling newspapers. About 70% of the money made by the newsagents was in papers. A few weeks later the shop shut down.

    So sad.

    Yep big companies get to stuff up local business as much as they want. But there are cases where the community has lashed back, I think it was in Nambour or somewhere they demolished part of a forest or wetland reserve for woolworths to build a massive (i mean massive!) shopping centre, but noone ever shops there :rolleyes: ha!

    Yeah it was pretty big getting fired just for having a few drinks!!!

  8. I'd like to go somewhere warm. I've never seen the ocean. I'd like to go to Australia and pet some kangaroos and other cute (and HUGE) furry creatures. I'm not sure if they'll let you pet them, but it's worth a shot.

    Yeah I wouldn't bother trying unless you have a death wish, want severe pain in your downstairs area, or want a severely scratched up face. Kangaroos are NOT warm and fuzzy, they are actually quite dangerous! I remember going camping 2 years ago and in the middle of the night we heard kangaroos hopping around our tent (0^0) so that was quite scary...

    I think the next place I'd like to go is Australia; I met a ton of Aussies while in Europe and our countries have so much in common.

    Well we were originally part of the UK and our country is only 106 years old!!

    I think a country I would like to visit would be France, then the USA, then the UK

  9. What do you mean by and ESHOP? The major supermarket chains in australia have little functions on their website where you can order your goods online and then they deliver it, is that what you mean?Or is it something like OZTION or Grey's Online where you sell items to other people, like ebay? As for the most popular, im not sure, I know oztion is pretty big, but here we mainly go straight to the shops to buy things we need :rolleyes:

  10. Another case of workplace dobbing, a man who worked at woolies for 18 years was trying to stop a mate from quitting...


    This has been all over the news and newspapers etc. today in Australia. A worker for an Australian supermarket chain, Woolworths, which is one of the biggest in the country, was fired after he worked there for 18 years.


    Now what he was doing was against the rules, but it was for the betterment of the company. See the man was out at lunch with a mate, having a hambuger, steak and beer for 30mins for lunch. When they returned to work, another employee told the company and they were both fired.


    Now this is a man who has been a loyal worker for 18 years, and was in a manager role. He had been working there since 1988, a time when woolworths and their competitor, coles, were rapidly expanding as big shopping centres opened across the country. He was one of the original people, hard working and loyal, and he was doing is a favour to the company as his mate was wanting to quit and he was trying to keep him an employee. In a country where we dont throw the fair go out the window, and mateship, loyalty and pride are a big community and social factor, woolworths were being unAustralian yet again.


    Yet again I say? Yes. Woolworths happen to have a big history of screwing (am i allowed to say that word?) their smaller competitors by putting them out of business with large amount of products sold for low prices. See they greatly under pay the farmers for their vegies, milk etc. and in turn make MASSIVE profits when they mark it up as much as 700%. This is actually quite evident in my local shops where theres a small fruit and vegie shop next to woolies. The owner of that shop is really nice and always gives us something free for being loyal shoppers there (we try to avoid that woolies like the europeans avoided the plague) but, whenever he lowers his prices, woolies lower theirs, so he ends up going so low hes actually LOSING money and woolworths are still making a profit.


    So the changes that that person who got fired getting his job back is practically ZERO, as woolies dont really believe in anything the public does, and its just TAKE TAKE TAKE, one small slippup and its goodbye mate your fired.


    If any of you are interested in the article in question, its here: http://www.9news.com.au/

  11. Oh hello its you, didnt i talk to you on MSN?? Well anyway I think its best if you leave the computer ALONE and go for a walk, or tell your mum or dad... i dont think looking at 15yr old boys on webcams will help in anyway at all... ok what we talked about is strictly confidential, BUT, your issues can be fixed.Now suicide is the worst thing to do... i think its just the cowardly way out, I myself have been in such a situation, but I have found getting off the computer and getting an interest helps a lot.. also think of the people who will miss you!!! it certaintly wouldnt help your friend. ok I know what my friend said to you was a bit mean... but thats the way you seriously look, go to sleep, wake up, go for a walk, and think!

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