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Everything posted by HmmZ

  1. Damann,The eye is on the rightJohnny,You mean putting the eye some more on the foreground? (by giving it some orange-like color)? I will get on to the border and the eye tomorrow, now im sleepy hehe :rolleyes:Thanks for the feedback guys,It's an honor to actually get a compliment from 2 of the best sigmakers in Xisto
  2. took me quite a while to make The eye has the most work...>.<
  3. To be honest, I kinda love it!You used a pretty different style then what you usually see in sigs, but even besides of that it still looks pretty cool, and then keeping in mind this is done in MSPAINT, you can see the difference, but it does give the sig some kind of style.
  4. After seeing many people do GORGEOUS works on their sigs, i decided to try it out myself (yes..uh oh!), well this is the very first signature i "seriously" worked at, it's not any good, but how is it for a first sig? Also, maybe somepointers will help me develop my sig creations
  5. well i tried all answers on question 1, to see wich answer was right and process it in the script, but either 1 of the answers to question 1 gave me 0points out of 25, are you supposed to do the whole quiz to get points?and why i used 11 instead of 01, as explained in my note, question 1, answer 1=11, but you can use 01 if you want..The script i made for you is just a version that you can learn from (like the for() statement) and it's also something i like to do to learn it to myself, learn through practise is my motto
  6. Yes, there have been discussions regarding a revote in a few countrys, but France has already stated before the voting, that they will not do a re-vote, if the people vote no, it's no, although it sounds very democratic, the french are known to be stubbarn like this, the 'non' was expected by many sides, because france is too proud to share their information (aiming at military intelligence and files about criminals and such). Although this pride could affect some countrys (seeing as they are somewhat jealous of France, in many aspects), the eastern block won't be affected in any way by this, they are so eager to join because of the many, many benefits they can acquire by joining the european union. As i said before, the netherlands is most likely to vote no (this is a distorted message to euopre though, seeing as the upcome in the netherlands rarely reaches 40+%). The dutch government has already stated that a re-vote is not out of the question. And MaryAnne, I think it's really wrong that you say that france and the netherlands are just a small group of people, both countrys do a great deal in the european union. the netherlands, one of the smallest countrys in the union, pays the most "european tax" per person, france is somewhere around 4th place, so they are certainly not a small group of people. also, you say europe can't ignore the will of disaffected frenchmen...wrong, very wrong France is one of the leading countrys in europe that held the biggest constitution campaign, so calling the no-voters disaffected is just plain wrong.
  7. What Tyssen, elevenmill and Opaque are aiming at (to my believes) is the tiny errors that can easily be prevented by previewing your posts and see for those tiny errors like enought(check your post guangdian). At some point it does get very frustrating, but with relatively a tiny amount of people on the world that have english or american as their full language, you can't expect the whole world to speak it fluently. People want to post too fast and right there it makes it's errors. Previewing would solve most of the tiny errors that are easily overlooked. On the real sentence grammar of people, you shouldn't give a judgement, because that is an element of learning the language through games and communitys like this one. English has always been my second language, but I rarely make big mistakes, putting an 'i' instead of a 'o' or 'u' is a small mistake that is too easily overlooked, a spelling check feature to big commercial forums like IPB and PHPbb would be the solution.
  8. you're making it harder then it is moldboy, a quiz with radio buttons is easy to setup, if you know how to do it, here it is: These are the first 2 questions note: the radio names are setup like this: question 1, answer 1=11 <?php$score="0";?><form action=simpprocess_gui.php method=post>Simpsons Trivia Challenge!<br><input type=text name=challenger value="Name">1. What device does Dr. Hibert use to get the glued on gag pieces from Bart's face? <br><input type=radio name=11>Shotgun<br><input type=radio name=12>Button Applicator<br><input type=radio name=13>Fly Swatter<br><input type=radio name=14>Tetanus Shot<br><br> 2. According to Grandpa, what phrases origins are long and rambling? <br><input type=radio name=21>It Takes Two to Tango<br><input type=radio name=22>Don't have a cow man!<br><input type=radio name=23>Long story short<br><input type=radio name=24>At the end of the day<br>After that it's easy to add to the score:note: i could not get the right answer from question 1 (all answers results in 0points out of 25..) so let's say answer 1 was the right answer. for both questions.. for($11){ $score++ }for($21){ $score++ }//... going from $11 to $251<input type=hidden value=$score name=score><input type=submit value='submit' name=submit>simpprocess_gui.phpnote: this is only part of the page $total="25";$score=$_GET['score'];if(($score<=0) && ($score<=5)){$title="Ralph Wiggum"; }if(($score>5) && ($score<=10)){$title=".."; }if(($score>10) && ($score<=15)){$title=".."; }if(($score>15) && ($score<=20)){$title=".."; }if(($score>20) && ($score<=25)){$title=".."; }$name=$_POST['challenger'];print "Congratulations $name, you scored [b]$score[/b] out of [b]$total[/b].<br>";print "This gives you the intelligence of [b]$title[/b]!"; Hope this helps you
  9. If you're installing it from Fantastico...just click inVision Powerboard and then insert the name of how you want the ipb forum directory to be called. it has to be a top-level directory, wich means: this is wrong: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ [forum/invision/] this is good: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ [invision/] then go to: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/[forum_dir]/index.php go to admin panel and from there you are guided intensively, although to my opinion cPanel guides you good too on installing addonscripts like Invision..
  10. Well, seeing as France had a pretty clear "non" with 54.86% of all votes, it's obvious that the european constitution is out of the question (for now). People in the netherlands that have the voting right (18+) are insecure and doubtful about what to vote. The dutch government began with their campaign only 1 or 2 weeks ago...wich is far too late to my opinion. The "no" has their pros and cons, but so does the "yes". This is why the upcome in the netherlands is often low, we dont get the information we need. when theres elections, you get a gigantic list of names where you dont even know 3/4 of the names. France has made it's decision in this big step to European Unity, most likely the following countrys will get the "non" aswell, I hear politicians say it's still important what the people vote, of course it is, but it won't have any effect. and for the record, these public voting events could even have no effect at all. that's the democracy in countrys like the netherlands, they ask people to vote, but if the government doesn't support the vote results, they can swipe it off like it's nothing. that's what they call democracy..
  11. Whoa! thanks for the link there realsheep. This is one lovely feature of PHP i didn't know about! Wonderful! Oh im so excited! I must try it out! (in other words, thanks for the link)
  12. HmmZ


    If im right, here it is: Database Server Hostname: Rhino Database Name: your_preferred_database_name Database Username: login_name ( NOTE: your login_name has a prefix too, your cPanel username, mine is ridouan, so it makes ridouan_dbusername Database Password: login_pass *the username and password are the ones you use in your cPanel, you could of course create a new username and password, but if you already have an existing username+password in your mysql_databases (in cPanel), i suggest you use that one Prefix for tables in database: your_preferred_prefix *example: if you have 4images_ all your tables start with it. If you have a table called users, it will automatically be 4images_users, instead of users. Hope that helps you P.S. If that program asked you before (or if its stated in the README) to create a database, username and password, heres your step-by-step: >login to your cPanel >click on Mysql Databases >create a database (note: if you create a database, it will automatically get your cPanel username prefix, wich makes cPanelusername_databasename >when you successfully created a database, scroll further down and create a mysql_database account (wich will also be prefixed by your cPanel username) >when you successfully created your account, grant "all"(checkbox) privileges of your account to your database. >that's it! Then. it shouldnt be too hard to insert your info into the form ^^ (all i'm not sure of is the database server hostname, in cPanel it says that the server name is "rhino" so i'm assuming that's it) good luck!
  13. It did slowed down a bit, thats where the reloading button kicks in if needed :rolleyes:It could be due to bots and such, but also maybe because there are an increasing number of members that all eat up Xisto`s bandwidth, But let's stay optimistic and say it's cause of bots
  14. like I said..google is your friend..don't be lazy and search before asking please searchterm: mysql tutorials select count(*) http://www.developerfusion.com/article/3998/mysql-tutorial/7/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and tons more..
  15. like Tyssen said, you're doing it the wrong way. always start with the new variable that you are settingso $vartotal=$var1+$var2but if you are gonna use if arrays you should do:array($vartotal)=$var1+$var2i think
  16. Very nicely written tutorial. I do would like to mention that this is not a tutorial for beginners, although you explain things well. the scripting type used here is more advanced then a beginner would do, making it confusing for the beginning PHP-scripters.Overal..great addition to the Xisto tutorials! :rolleyes:And for your great tutorials and dedication to Xisto i have given you a rep point, keep up the great work mate!
  17. well i take it you use an image editor such as imageready (wich creates a fair amount of html for rollover images and such)if you do get the html code of an image editor, then you should use the include statement rather then including it through the <img> tag, the image tag could work (i wouldnt know) but im 100% sure it works with include, soinclude "blah.php";and for the record, what kind of image will it create? if you actually use php functions to control your image i would love to know..
  18. google is your friend.when i look fora specific statement, such as counting table inserts, i search google and i so far always found my answer :rolleyes:i have not mastered mysql nor any other language of programming, but i do learn alot from making scripts that need new statements, learn through practise
  19. Yea theres a way: >log on to gmail >upperright corner there is settings >go to the Labels tab >create a new Label >you can move any important mails for example to the label "important!" I have yet to check for auto-directing to labels tho...but maybe theres a way maybe with a mailto its possible like: <a href="mailto: yourname@gmail.com?label=important!">only important mails!</a> Probably doesnt work
  20. HmmZ

    Myql Commands

    as stated in the previous post, PHPMyadmin is already installed on your cPanel but also here, GOOGLE is your friend: first result second result third result-_- YEP! another result OW GOD DOES IT EVER STOP!? does that help you?
  21. PHP-Nuke is a Content Management System and is basically a fully pre-coded community-website. cPanel currently offers PHP-Nuke version 7.6, wich contains: source: Official PHP-Nuke website As for the logo, check what your current theme is (admin panel/configuration/theme[dropdownbox]) Then, when you know what theme, go to your file manager and go to phpnuke(root dir)/themes/current_theme/images/logo.gif then rename your own new logo to logo.gif aswell and upload it (confirm overwriting) then reload your phpnuke page and you should see the change Chrisville, even the most basic free package that Xisto currently offers has more space then you require for the PHP-Nuke CMS, just go to your fantastico, select PHP-Nuke, there, it asks you to input a directory name for your PHP-Nuke (it is not http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ by default) REMEMBER: it must be in a top-level directory, meaning it must be http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Then click install and it should work fine to go to your website you can use: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ OR http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hope this helps you guys
  22. ow and these are the most relevant scripts i could find (that were actually NOT based on some CMS) phphits MP Stats Pro
  23. Well, I know exactly what you mean...and here will be my attempt.. im going to the point right away btw.. Ow and im assuming you got a config.php and know your mysqltables.. Dont wanna go all over that line again For one, you need to alter or create a new table that has user_active field, this field contains TIMESTAMP and you are to make a line to update this field once a user logs in..like: session_start();$user=$_SESSION['user'];$time=date("F j, Y, g:i a");$active=mysql_query("update usertable set user_active='$time' where username='$user'"); anyway.. It requires alot of coding from what i know and i dont have that much time right now, so heres the "first part" (sorry =/) <?php//latest registered user..{ $sql = "SELECT username FROM usertable WHERE username='' ORDER BY user_id DESC LIMIT 1"; list($lastuser) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query($sql)); return $lastuser;}//total users{ $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM usertable WHERE user_id > 1"; list($numrows) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query($sql)); return $numrows;}{ $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM usertable WHERE user_regdate='".date("M d, Y")."'"; list($userCount[0]) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query($sql)); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM usertable WHERE user_regdate='".date("M d, Y", time()-86400)."'"; list($userCount[1]) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query($sql)); return $userCount;} Hope this gives you a small step forward..you know im not a pro at this hehe
  24. Snil..will that make the nav.html static tho? i mean..the thing im trying to chieve is making sure it doesnt have to reload for example the navigation every page you browse through in the website..never payed attention on the included pages tho...:rolleyes:But that site is as good as done i guess..im working on my first BIG project now...a game :s *wish me luck*
  25. Alright, to make it more clear (although i think you fully understand what i meant), heres the install description from the creators website Source: Mayukh
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