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Everything posted by HmmZ

  1. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is working just fine, just take off the javascript popups, i dont want to die even if thats my only option maybe your problem was the www?
  2. http://www.gamesload.it/java.htm [has quite a list of free java games downloads, but is in some foreign language other then english, where to download is pretty clear though ] http://www.jpowered.com/free_java_game/ [has 2 java games, but does say in the description that it's easy to put into your website or play on your pc, and its english ] http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ [has a very large collection of free downloadable java games, sorted alphabetically (you'll figure out)] http://tagtag.com/site/index [Also a large array of games] Hope that helps you \o/
  3. Replying to Stevey's last post about this (was in the wrong thread/board) First of all, it would already be a monster size for the index.php, while these only are the header and menu boxes =/, anywayz, I tried it and it returned the following error on my webbie: Parse error: parse error, unexpected '}' in /home/ridouan/public_html/Online/Index.php on line 171 Tried to lookup line 171 (sucks when the lines are not numbered ), this is the closest i got (it's somewhere in this piece): //you really need to be care ful with what is posted dont trust your users//e.g trim the post variable for any characters, and you may want to use regular//expressions to see if the values are valid . here is a small example/*$user=trim($_POST['user']);$pass=trim($_POST['pass']);*/$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE user_name = '" . $_POST['user'] . "' AND user_pass = '" . md5($_POST['pass']) . "'");$result = mysql_num_rows($query);if(empty($result)){echo "<script>alert('Login Incorrect.'); document.location.href=('Index.php')</script>";}else{while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){$user_id = $row['user_id'];}/*this is your other mistake you sent the header then registered the sessionvariable that wont happen the session variable wont be registerdyou need to register the session variable then redirect the browseryou may want to use relative links they are easy to maintaininstead of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ should use index.phpor ../index.phpif index.php is in the root directory.*///if everything is okay register the session//you may want to start the session heresession_start();session_register('user_id');$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id;//redirect the user to the main page.header("Location: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; Of course i checked on the }`s, but seems they are all positioned correctly :s
  4. Since Firefox 1.1 came out I am using it, for the following reasons:-Easy navigation through integrated tabs-pop-up blocker-ad-blocker-bookmark quickkeys-optimized performanceI cannot say I prefer IE because of the many many advertisement, spy/adware installations (automated installs that is), causing many toolbars to appear.
  5. 1: I would call my girlfriend to come over..2: I would call my girlfriend to come over..3: I would ask my girlfriend why she has been touching the wires..
  6. That really is a nice clock..lolzand pretty oiginal too :DJust has a huge size (690k bytes) wich is less nice
  7. http://www.picsplace.to/ easy to use, they display a browse form right away, you select your pic and it gets uploaded instantly with multiple results: forum link (clickable thumbnail):[url=http://http://www.picsplace.to/5/1112/sneeuw1.JPG;forum link:[img]http://http://www.picsplace.to/5/1112/sneeuw1.JPG; html code (clickable thumbnail):<a href="http://http://www.picsplace.to/5/1112/sneeuw1.JPG src="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; alt="Image hosted by PicsPlace.to" ></a>html code:<img src="http://http://www.picsplace.to/5/1112/sneeuw1.JPG&%2334; alt="Image hosted by PicsPlace.to" > direct link:http://http://www.picsplace.to/5/1112/sneeuw1.JPG
  8. Same opinion as stevey has, i'm not fond with these kinda programs or projects. Investing money in something is risky anywayz, the interest rate SEEMS great, until, indeed, the programs goes down, or corrupts.To be safe, i rather invest in authenticated programs, such as real life safe investment programs (stock exchange). There you don't have to worry companys go down next day, the whole progress is highly detailed and reviewed, and the safe programs through banks make sure you invest in a long-term company, such as insurance companies.
  9. your supposed to put that in " " anywayz, is there a difference between <iframe> and include? And why would that mess up your website code? Also, nice upgraded version, you seem to put some nice work in it
  10. Lol, yea this is 1 crazy thread Anywayz, it is already uploaded and online, the error i showed you is one of the outputs FROM the page: Gamer Online
  11. Meh.. I have seperated the menu part and the header part, so all index.php now has is includes atm XD. Anywayz, it still wont work the error i now get: Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/ridouan/public_html/Online/Index.php:7) in /home/ridouan/public_html/Online/Members/index.php on line 7 and these are the first few lines of the memberindex: <html><head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;{ if(isset($_SESSION['user_id'])){ mysql_query("UPDATE tbl_users SET user_lastactive = NOW() WHERE user_id = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'") or die(mysql_error()); setcookie("last_active",true,time()+5);}}If you'd like to see the whole script: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and for the record, all is showing the way it should be, but seeing this error everytime is not correct
  12. lol, it's pretty funy people make scripts like these then isn't it?. Anywayz, its installed and showing correctly, not going to edit that part anymore
  13. I think it would be hard editing them with percentages instead of px positoning, what about relative positioning instead of absolute? (wait, relative=%? )anywayz...I seem to have fixed, it's showing correctly now , but the question stays whats best to use, it seems absolute positioning works good enough?
  14. Thanks again Bjrn, Because of your continuous support at the moment, I have increased your reputation, that's the least I can do Now, I might aswell stick with this thread concerning my questions, you can ignore the above posts as they all have been solved... I have made a member system (it's not done yet) and I can't seem to get rid of an error: Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/ridouan/public_html/Online/Index.php:7) in /home/ridouan/public_html/Online/Members/index.php on line 33 the session_start() should be working just fine , so I don't know what this error means. If you want to see the index.php code, go to this link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Since it's a pretty big file i don't want to mess up the overview of the thread even more hehe
  15. yay it worked when i used a stylesheet for everything ^^thanks for helping me bjrn
  16. Very nice tutorial,Easy to follow,Good to apply, you motivated me :DJust a question, i used a stylesheet, in that stylesheet I included some "absolute" positions for my website tables (main menu, stats, shoutbox, etc..) and it shows fine in Firefox, but in IE it looks like crap, the tables are overlapping each other (main menu and stats) so what do i need to do?
  17. echo "<span class="stats">".$giorno[$gisett]." ".$mese[$mesnum]." ".date("d")."</span>"; is not working . Must be some stupid typo somewhere
  18. I have a php script thats is fully written in php (no html at all). Now for my question, how can i edit the fonts? Ill make it easier to understand, the following is a data script (found the script): <?$mese[0]="-";$mese[1]="January";$mese[2]="February";$mese[3]="March";$mese[4]="April";$mese[5]="May";$mese[6]="June";$mese[7]="July";$mese[8]="August";$mese[9]="September";$mese[10]="Octobre";$mese[11]="November";$mese[12]="December";$giorno[0]="Sunday";$giorno[1]="Monday";$giorno[2]="Tuesday";$giorno[3]="Wednesday";$giorno[4]="Thursday";$giorno[5]="Friday";$giorno[6]="Saturday";$gisett=(int)date("w");$mesnum=(int)date("m");echo $giorno[$gisett]." ".$mese[$mesnum]." ".date("d");?> Id like to edit the font that will come out of the echo, right now its a normal font, while I want to keep the same font i use on my sites tables, is it possible?
  19. when you uploaded the "kshoutbox.php" into your root folder (where your index.php is also located) Just use the following command to show it in your index.php: include("kshoutbox.php"); It will include the shoutbox script and just display it the way it should be displayed (depending on your settings). REMEMBER: it's case sensitive, so if your shoutboxscript is called "Kshoutbox.php" you MUST use Kshoutbox.php, and not kshoutbox.php
  20. I don't think theres a pre-programmed function for that, you could, of course do it manually, updating it manually when your folder has new content: <?php $folder_content = 'echo "The following files are content of the selected folder:"echo "$list"';$list= "new.txt, left.gif, download.zip, dc.exe";echo "$folder_content"; ?> You could put that in a new file called "folder_content.php" and then (for example in your indexpage, put the following line: include("folder_content.php"); That way you can easily edit the content it should display manually, while using minimum bytes for your indexpage. Hope that works for you (im just a newbie phper )
  21. # 20 mb with 500 mb Bandwidth ( 15 posts )# 50 mb with 1 GB BW ( 25 posts )# 101mb with 2GB BW ( 50 posts ) [D]# 150 mb with 3GB BW ( 100 posts :: FREE WEB Hosting Features :: 1. Sub-Domain or Domain Hosting 2. Cpanel 9 [9.4.1-RELEASE 64] 3. Fantastico 2 4. 50 - 250 mb space [ 50 mb provided initially ] 5. 500 - 20,000 mb Bandwidth 6. Ip Address [ Shared ] 7. Unlimited Sub-Domains 8. Unlimited Parked-Domains 9. Unlimited Addon-Domains 10. Unlimited MySQL Databases 11. Unlimited Email Accounts 12. Unlimited Email Forwarders 13. Unlimited Mailing Lists 14. Unlimited Email filters 15. Unlimited Ftp Accounts 16. PERL version 5.8.X 17. TCL 18. TOMCAT 19. JSP 20. PHP version 4.3.X [ Safe Mode OFF with FULL GD Support ] 21. MySQL version 4.0.18-standard 22. File Manager 23. FTP Manager 24. and MORE!!
  22. no9t9Could you share the code for "most users ever online" here? :Dand yea, simplicity is the key here, love the script!
  23. *bump*Please, I don't think the answer is hard for any "experts" or "pros" out there, if i know this solution I can continue working on my site :/
  24. Nevermind the above posts guys, I (finally) received my free hosting (yay ) But I started nearly completely over, because it looked like crap lol.. Anywayz, I have a new question now I started from scratch, so that everything comes to its place.. Only, it's not on its place, Go to this link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You notice how the logo (top image) doesnt position correctly? Its abouts 5-10px from the top, and Thats my first question, how do I get that to position to the top, I tried the following but apparently didn't work: <table style="pos" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" background="#ffffff" valign="top"> <tr> <td height="150" bgcolor="#ffffff"> <a href="/"> <img border="0" src="images/logo.gif" width="800" height="150" valign="top"/></a></td> </tr></table> with .pos {position: absolute; top: 0px; left:0px; } Any help there, appreciated Now for another question (doh!) The menu (as you can notice in the link) is positioned miles away from the logo (top image) I want that to be positioned 10-20pixels BENEATH the logo, I tried this: <table class="pos1" background-IMAGE: url(http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; width="150" height="250" align="left" valign="top">/////MenuLINKS (EDITED!)</table> with .pos1 {position: absolute; top: 160px; left:0px; } Any help here ALSO appreciated (if you solve one, the other shouldn't be too hard too ) Thanks in advance..I hope
  25. Hmm, thank you for your info mobious.First of all, I have to wait till i get my free hosting (waiting for 2 days now for a reply ) then Ill need to make my site the way I want it to be (It seems I want it to look and act just like a CMS, but I wanted to learn webdesigning in php first before Using some noobsystem like phpnuke (noob as in "you don't have to do much").If that's done I do would like your help on integrating phpbb, i just can't offer you anything, im an 18yr old student with no money hehe
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