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Ridwan sameer

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Posts posted by Ridwan sameer

  1. Hey Abyx.I always like to welcome people who are ready to stay in Xisto. My above two friends posted everything you need to know ( They always steal my thunder) ( don't worry they'll get theirs some day :)). well if you are confused on where to post a certain subject or post feel free tocontact me or moderators or the admins. We have two admins here ( OpAQue and BuffaloHELP). Don't worry although security is tight you can make a breakthrough :). OK seriously we don't like any spam. If your unsure on what is spam read the rules provided by imtay22.Well have fun and PM me for anything

  2. OHTm what a scary question to ask. Actually maybe i would want to know maybe i wouldn't it's a toguh decision ( luckily you gave us a maybe option to vote :)). But still it would be nice to knwo to prepare and it would be horifying to know especially if you know how your gonna go. Well anyway i don';t want to know at this stage it comes to a certain stage whrer you mmust know sometime. Arggh i hate death

  3. Yeah actually i too get dreams and i suddenly have them in real life but these are just short dreams like me picking up a glass or breaking a glass ( im clumsy :)). Well i think their might be a 6th sensewho's to say. But i think if tere was sucj=h a thing as a sixth sense scientists or biologists would have found it with accordance to the other senses know what i mean? well i am glad you opened this topic i'm gonna like my visit here :)well cya later

  4. The Template seems too dull for me actually. It is just a brush based logowith a render. and a solid color with scanlines for the bottom part. I mean there's no effects on this it is just a siple template. If that was the area you were lookingfor in this template it's good. Buti would not actually use it for any site. It is too dull for me. If you were using PS put on anti-Aliasing for the text. Like TF said. Or GIMP you can do the same actually. Well anyway i don't see the special affect on this sig. well kudosCya later

  5. Hey blessed.Nice rendering you got there. But maybe the car would need a little smoothening itlooks like it is some dry cement or soething thst is wrinkled. But i don't know your plans you might be putting something on top of that who is to know right?. well can you give me a link to the homepage of 3Ds Max?Please?I think you got good rendering skillz considering you made that wicked 350Z before. oh yeah when finished can you send me a full version of the 250Z and Audi? ill use it in a sig

  6. hmmmmmLet me seetext:- Well the green day text is actually nicebackground:- Pale black. It just goes with everything :)Splatter : - A little too sharp in the right but the one behind the logo looks fine. But on the right it just all stuck together. That doesn't do wonders for me :) But it would do wonders for Stevie Wonder :)Well that's it If it is your first i would give it a 8.5/10If it is your second or more i would give it a 7.5/10Considering that if you did some before you should've got the hang of itWEll nice anyway

  7. OHHHHH.


    Yup there definitely is a sixth sense you know what it is called?


    Well heres how i found out. Have you ever noticed a person always has to talk something not to the point of the question? they say something of utter stupidity. Yeah well i researched it and found out the sixth sense is actually





    HAHAHAHA i kill my self :):):)


    Well actually i think dejavu might be correct and i too believe slamangkero

  8. I feel sorry for you booze.I don't know really how it might be to loose a father but i do know it will be terrible. This uct've been tragicfor you.And you had the courage to post it just so you can warn others. Man you have a good heart. It must have been horrifying knowing your dad was dead and that too time moving slowly for you in that period of time. When This happen?Well anyway my regards and good wishes to your family booze. And prayers as well-Ridwan

  9. HAHAHA.I just set up an IP Board and i have to tell you it is much better that PhpBB i have used PhpBB for long time it is really old and get's updates only like once in 2 years and the updates still dont match uo with that century. :)IP Boards are a new Forum looking to advance in every forum aspect. Since they are new they try to keep up with the odern times of forum needs and therefore are good. To take an example you can do this.1. Go to http//:http://www.forumsland.com/free-forum-hosting.html2. Set up a PHPBB forums.3. Customize it the way youl ike it4. Now compare that forums to Xisto :)5. Of course T17 is better because it is hosted by IPB.Ofcourse the thing in IPB is skins are hard to customize whereas PhpBB has Mad many Skins alreadyBut anyway IPB is mucho mucho extravaganza better.Hope you like my input

  10. As SN said dude. This is great and if people innovaye on this idea They can Create good things. You hve not given a Simple version but an intermediate but wuth some innovation Many advanced materials can be made. Really i will try it out later.Cya

  11. Hey crazymindThis tutorial is nice except for the Picture you add for the backbround and the colour changes. The render work you have done is good. But just that image is what is bothering me. Maybe you could change it . heres why:-There is a lot of space left aroung the sig maybe duplicating a lil' more would do. But i will try this out later ( BTW your using the same Photoshop as me. ( CS3 extended))

  12. WOW.I must say your work is excellent forfireworks. For the fact that fireworks doesn't have brushing at all. I had fireworks and it was difficult for me to make sigs so i purchased adobe photoshop CS3 extended version. and downloaded the GIMP. I have to tell you that you have alotof potential. Using photoshop you would be great and using GIMP you would be beter :lol:. i really love your outcome Since your using fireworks i rated your sig accordingly10/10W0W dude really

  13. Hello.

    And welcome. Today i shall write a review on the following site offering many products. TeachUcomp.

    I have recently purchased a HTML tutorial name "Mastering HTML Made easy" from this site. This tutorials are the same as poffesional individual training. The producers of these tutorials have offered many other tutorials such as some photoshop tutorials and word etc. These tutorials have helped me many times. The HTML tutorial is the best. I have learned everything i need .

    TeachUcomp inc.'s tutorials teach you the most essential skills every user should know. Covering the same information as clasroom trainings. watch, listen & kearn as expet instuctors demonstrate every lesson.

  14. hm. i think you are new t sig aking?. Well i actuallydon't like either of it in a proper way. Well let me explain.The first version i don't like Because of the Sudden Glow. It really affests the sig. Try Blurrung ita lil. Oh even better addin a nicee lil shadow? Or darke it.v.2 i ldont like because ifyoulook closely. Where i said it was bright right? well look inside it is black. Hyh? Well this is because of a sudden Change of black. What i mean is See at first it is a solid white ok and then it just turns in to a greyish black. So what you sould do is smudge it maybe. Like. this is what i mean. Youcan make it form white to a darher white then another darker white and then to gerey greyish black. Got my drift?Wel other than these points it is good.My ratingof v.17/10My ratingof v.28.5/10. I dint know what does it that makes me like both of it

  15. Hey,Nice Find over here wenster. But basically i woudn't pay 100$for it. I mean people like us. But this is surely one of the greatest things i have seen. You know why? I'll tell you why. As you said US$100 That's pretty cheap for a laptor right. So, Thinking of the people in Nigeria, Algeris, IRaq, Iran and other countries in war and countries Where even the Pres. has Had a streak of poverty Just thinking of them. I would like to thanks Nicholas Negropantefor this amazing artifact. Just ine qauestion. Is this one of those kiddy aptops that tyeaches you nnumbers or sumthing? LOL or is it a real laptop Maybe with just some small Liabilities. Well anyway a real nice find here. Is t Already out? or when will it be out?.Thanks anywayMight Buy one myseld :)Thanks. Hope Nicholas has helped people on The stroke of povertyThanks alot. :)Cya

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