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Ridwan sameer

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Posts posted by Ridwan sameer

  1. Ah,Just what i thought someone might have asked. Well as you know there are many sites that have 2 versions of their site one in english and one with the preferred language. You can make your homepage in chineese. But there must be a link of the english version of the site ( it is a must ). So i hope you understood and continue to post on Xisto and get what you want.For more information on anything you might need help with please PM me.

  2. Hi surda.From your name i take it your a muslim? So am i.Welcome to the Xisto forums. You will never regret choosing Xisto as your web hosts. They offer the best Cpanel hosting with the most up to date version of Cpanel ( currently V10 ). So we at Xisto are always jumoing around to help someone. whenever your in doubt of something you can post it here and no matter what you will get an answer.Hope to see your activity in this forum

  3. WOW.Will xisto ever stop growing to provide the needs of everyman?. Well i hope not. Well anyway congratulations OpAque on this release. I guess lazy people who don't like to make frequent posts will go there.:) well i must say the design is quite intriguing. I love the colors. Love the hosting. Love Xisto. i must say i remember xisto back in the days. I thought they didn't have enough resources. ( This was before Xisto came alive ) and now i must say they have too many :PGreat workPraying for Xisto's continued success

  4. Hello.
    And welcome. Today i shall write a review on the following site offering many products. TeachUcomp.

    I have recently purchased a HTML tutorial name "Mastering HTML Made easy" from this site. This tutorials are the same as poffesional individual training. The producers of these tutorials have offered many other tutorials such as some photoshop tutorials and word etc. These tutorials have helped me many times. The HTML tutorial is the best. I have learned everything i need .

    TeachUcomp inc.'s tutorials teach you the most essential skills every user should know. Covering the same information as clasroom trainings. watch, listen & kearn as expet instuctors demonstrate every lesson.

    And Continuing,

    Follow along with printable classroom instruction manuals and practice exercises. Learn at your own pace, on your own time, in the comfort of your office or home. You're just a click away from discovering the true power and potential of your software.

    And not only that. TeachUcomp is.

    1 ) Convenient :-
    Learn in the comfort of your office or home- At your own pace

    2 ) Complete:-

    Covers the same information as expensive classroom trainings!

    3 ) Easy to use;-

    Clear, step-by-step instructions & user-friendly interface

    Now my review is complete. Please post your thoughts

  5. Hey Guys.

    I hope i a still able to vote.

    MY vote would go for Mich. Although the render looks like there are many parts of it and they are all being joined together. I really like the devilish look to it. Well if she ad named it "Devils Beach" It would be awesome. The text was an overall "OK" for me. I just loved the font and the placing of the font. But blending was not that good. You should have made a clipping mask and put a border around the text then it will be like the beach it self with a small 1px border.

    SM. The vectors weren't done properly for me. They were only coming out of the girl and not spread out as much as i would have ( That's just me). The render was loved by me. It was the best render from all three. But again it didn't give that beach look i was looking for.

    Will. The render was essed with too much i think you were going for the vector/Smudgy type?. The tweaking you made with the body was good. But you messed up the hair big time for me( Some may like it.).


    So there goes my vote.


  6. It is actually kind of simple but for a first try at stock photos i ave to say pretty good. Well if you want t get better i say checking out some of the tutorials but a font change is not needed but a font color change might be needed. Because it blends with the black a little too much. HA i'm saying this from personal experience. IF you would have seen my first stock You'll be laughing till now. But i have improved with al the criticism i got. ( This was not in trap). But allright welldont.Id rate it a 7.5/10.Excellent job for a first

  7. Well i agree with both Rvalkass and Saint Micheal ( although they both spoke differently HAHA ). But it is true They were both made for different purposed. Fireworks was not made more to Graphic Designing side. Although it was made also to help Graphic designing IT doesn't do much for Photo effects ( Which IS almost why graphic designers are in this world LOL ). But fireworks is good it was made more user-friendly than Photohop. But with the right tools and tutorials. Photoshop will be a snap especially if you are working with CS3 Like me. Ofcourse if i was given a choice it would be Photoshop CS3.Well anyway thanks for posting this ( i was waiting for this post )

  8. heyAngad619. In graphic designing it's common that everything that can be used somewhere. Okjati already has given a good example ( a Desktop Background ). IT can be used on any signs too. An Avatar is good too. Even as a part of a sig. But anyway good work okjati hey maybe you should put a small part on ow to change the colors of the vortex for some Photoshop beginners

  9. Hello new member and welcome to trap

    Well now to answer your question.

    Credits are awarded from the length and quality of your posts. One line posts are counted as spam for the quality nor length is bad right?

    and yes, if you do get 280 credits you can get a domain.


    Go ther t find out more information. on the amount of credits, types of domains and all other infromation. Remember there is a link there on how to set itup when you get to 280 creds.

    Regards ridwan sameer

    BTW everyone this is my 100th post yppee for me. Long live Xisto( Especially when i am a member in it ) ( Hosted member ) :)

  10. Well.


    There are many ways but the most convinient way is to do it my way :). Otherwise iwill suck your spirit. sorry that's the way the world is today :)


    1. Click on the menu button on the taskbar.


    2. Click on the control panel icon


    3. Now I need to know the way you use your Control Panel


    4. If your control panel has a blue background. You are using Category view


    5. If it has a white background ( This is the same as opening a folder on your computer ) then you are having classic view


    Now. The change of language depends on your view ( Either classic or Category ( Explained above ))


    Classic view



    Classic view will make it much easier for you to change the language.


    1. Once control panel is opened. You should find a folder named "Regional and language options"


    2. Double click on this icon.


    3. A window will pop-up


    4. Then there you can change the language. ( to change it is the first thing on that window )


    5. Default is English (UNITED STATES)



    Category view



    1. Fire up your control panel


    2. Click on te icon " Date, time, language and Regional Options "


    3. Then down under the category "or pick a control panel icon "


    4. click on "Regional and language options "


    5. A window will pop- up


    5. Change the language ( To change the language it is the first things that appears on that screen


    6. Default is english (UNITED STATES)


    and yes FINNISH is an option itis close to English (UNITED STATES)



    NOTE:- To change back ( since it will be in a different language, FINNISH in your case.[) remember the placing of the icons.


    Hope this helped you (DUHH)


    Evil spirit who stole your soul is logging out



  11. Name: Ridwan Sameer
    E-mail: ridsameer007@hotmail.com

    Time designing:
    approximately 8 months. I a a very fast learner

    Other sites:
    Admin at the GFX forward Forums.


    My *latest* work

    This is a template created for my dad\'s website.


    Two more templates:-

    And another sig:-

    well i think i have shown everything your\'ll need. I havemuch more work but they are in PSD files and im lazy to open Photoshop CS3 :)

    Well i have shown sigs, templates and animation what more doyou want. It has always been my dream to be in the GFX crew. I really love GFX

  12. Hey medoraho.Welcome to Xisto. An online community of web designers, Graphic designer, Lazy people :), and people looking to have a good time. Well your an egyptian eh... well i live in saudi arabia currently but i am a sri lankan i know many egyptians and i can speak a little bit of arabic. let's see ifyou can translate this ( If you are a true egyptian )kayfa ha'alak?hahWell if you have any problems PM me ( dont PM Tramposh :) :) LOL )if you want to PM me.1) look up my profile2) Find my personal Photoso ( usually located to the top left )3) Click the Send message button which is usually located to the bottom of my avatarWell aything else please PM mealso there are certain rules we have to follow the rules are located to the top of the shoutbox. There is a pink navigation near the top of it. Click the Shoutbo rules and Xisto readme. Hope to see more of you

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