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Ridwan sameer

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Posts posted by Ridwan sameer

  1. Hey guys,I am loking for some good games for playing on a Windows XP prffesional Pc. some war games would be nice, and some games like empire earth or like age of empires please reply. i need sopme really cool gaes. Dont matter any price i can buy anything, no price confiscation i am a true gamer and i dotn care about price.Thanks. :lol:

  2. It depend on which drugs you are using all Medicines are also drugs. No one lives without atleast tyaking one drug but now Stimulants and depressants taken without a Prescription is very bad for the body/ it will make the White blood cells unable to Fight pathogens due to ( stimulants Lazyness and depressants have very bad defectivities) Ok bye. :lol:

  3. hey guys I am Starting a New RUnescape clanMy new Website is a Website about that clan. Till now JUst post here if you want to oinYour Stats are appreciated-------------------------------------------------------------------------------edit-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ok guys,Our website is up and running ( we are still upgrading our Template to a much better one XD )Those who wish to join the Skeleton Keepers Clan can send Post here with all your stats or, wait for our forums to be linked and For our requirements to be up XD. The Person who posts here ( and who i shall except will most definitely become the Co-Leader. Even if you see some one already posted and after him i haven't posted accepting you can still post. i will check after 2 days to see any Improvements in this thread made by me.BTW does any one like my sig and logo?I hope your'll doBye and see y'all later

  4. OK Imtay22 I added you. I hope to see youin the game soonIF you are Level 53 no problem i am only 57If you are intrested i would like to form a Basic clan With youIf you are intrested here a few Suggestions1.You have a RUnescape help sute right.I will put a link on My site Something like "Get all your Runescape need here At runemods.trap17.com"2.My website will be the clan Website okay. You can ask to add some text or something in The website by IM me3.The clans name could be "The Skeleton Keepers Clan"Ok Thanks for posting Every one I didnt Expect to get such a HUge Reply Thank you

  5. Hi guys,


    I made this threadto talk about the online MMORPG game. It is a great game for people. Althouhg being a Java Applet the graphics may be not that good but it is one heck of a game. Youcan play it for free or youcan pay for a MEmbership for only 5$ a month


    It is a great Onine game. My username on the game is Ridwan232


    Come online sometime and we can PK together or illPK you lol.



    Also WoW is a good gae but it is way too expensive that is why i chose this game. Runecape



    I also am opening a Runescape clan called the Skeletonkeepersclan. Idont know if this is the correct place to post in since i am new Sorry if i posted in the wrong place Really Sorry about that ok



    Also remember Dont play runescape if your looking for a High Graphic game.


    Because Runescape is made With C++ by a man named Andrew Grower and sold it to JAGEX For a Huge Sumof money. Ok i G2G sleep now



    I have Exams TOORROW



    There is a good thing about tommorow and a Bad thing



    Bad things first:- Tomorrow is an exam

    Good thing:- Tomorrow is an Exam but the last Exam wOOOOOOOOOT


    OK Cya


    Thanking you,

    M.Ridwan sameer,

    Xisto ranked Newbie

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  6. Hi Guys,I am new to this website and it's facilities. I was looking for a good website Cretor. OK My name is Ridwan Sameer as same as my Username.I am looking for some good Friends who can show me around and Even new Members ( I dont see people by their Rank in a Society or Forum )If you want to be my friend IM meAlso, I have a Few question bout this Society1. How many Credits do i get for a Single (1) Post?2. Are there any BAD SEEDS in this forum ( BAD PEOPLE SPEAKING OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE )3. When i have credits How do i apply for Website?4. When i Apply How can i EDIT/Customize my Website?5. Is Xisto a good host ( IF so can i Preview One of your sites? )6. What are the Peoples Vote About Xisto ( Give a Test From about 1/10 )Thank You,Ridwan sameerXisto Newbie :P

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