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Posts posted by velma

  1. Hello memaid,

    Hate to admit it to you hun, but it's normal for girls to hit puberty and, it is also normal that your first few years of your period are irregular. Don't know who told you this, but man I know that they are no doctor! I mean I got my first period when I was in the fourth grade and we asked my obgyn about it and she said that it was perfectly fine.

    I did not mention people with genetically affected puberty, I wrote about girls getting them due to the environment, food, medicine, Stress, lifestyle. I wrote about my cousin too who has periods once in 5 months due to her genetical background.

    There have been cases where girls who have nobody in their family( Maternally and Paternally related women) having hit puberty at an early age but have daughters having periods due to many factors.

    In the place I stay a 5 year old girl was hospitalised for a reason and due to the intense drugs and theraphy she got her periods when she was 6.


    Cheers :unsure:

  2. Hey people,There is a rise in the age where girl are hitting puberty at 10 or even as young as 9. Doctors believe that It may be due to rise in stress and competition. One of my cousins has this disorder where she started having her periods at the age of 11 and she misses them for months..It has something to do with her family genes and the stress she goes through.Doctors also believe girls are gonna be prone top other kinds of diseases like osteoporosis (weaknening and thinning of the backbones).

  3. Hey,Why feel shy Buffalohelp?... I think when I started Xisto you were the sweetest guy to help me whe nI was a newbie...Then I progressed and I made nice friends with Saint Michael, jhaslip, Watermonkey, Matak.......And after I became a moderator...The other mods and Saint Michael helped me a lot by showing me quite a few things about moderation.Keep going guys and hope I too help you in some way. :unsure:

  4. Hey,

    This is me after the test I took

    Disorder Rating Information Paranoid:Moderate
    Schizotypal: Low
    Antisocial: Low
    Borderline: Low
    Histrionic: High
    Narcissistic: Moderate
    Avoidant: Low
    Dependent: Low
    Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

    I was surprised about histrionics I actually am not lol B) I am paranoid ? All of a sudden I feel bad for my boyfriend LOL

  5. Hey,I exercise hardly as I work in the night and sleep off the morning and the afternoons are hot, Then the time is perfect in the evening but again I am at work. I get exercise by walking whenever possible like going to my friends or with my boyfriend. He makes me exercise quite a bit, I walk my dogs after my shift(I work in my home). I go for short walks for If I go for long ones thenI end up stressing my body and making it do overtime negatively.I am naturally slim, My health is not bad except for really bad joints. I ma quite active so it isn't that bad

  6. Hello,Nice site opaque and nice material Alex. I work at my and have my pets but tyhe thing is I do not have the time to workout so I guess i can try this out for and post a topic if it is good or bad. The only exercise I do is walk my dogs and play with my cats or puppies.My boyfriend is entertainment enough lol. I believe that in this time and age the health of both the mind and soul along with your body is crucial for healthy living with all the stress and competition going on.Cheers B)

  7. Hey,Can you imagine if you click on this site where you see pretty bouquets and nice offers adn lo! you see Porn left right and center. Man Iwould be shocked beyond belief. Was he getting money for the porn or was it free? If it was for money then I can imagine how desperate he must have him to have displayed Porn. If for free....What was he thinking?.How do you ban Porn Btw? I mean they are like cockroaches that seem to mutate and harvest in the shadiest of places.Anyway I hope that guy realizes he made a mistake and he gets out and sticks to selling flowers and not porn

  8. Hello,

    Undoubtedly this is a horrifying site ever made. Either the designer is a teenager or a novice. I have made a conclusion on the guy upon seeing his site.

    He likes bright colors because he likes them or he is blind in some way


    He likes Doves


    Likes hymn music


    Was very confused regarding what background to use so he uses all of them for each article

    I mean the fluid in my eyeball turned bloody(blood capillary sprung a leak due to stress).


    I loved this topic though, It was damn funny where the wife should make the guys submit to ogod and only they can do it. They can dominate their husabnds but CANNOT Dominate their husbands...Go figure


    Wives should teach their

    husbands submission

  9. Hey,I know what kind of a sick^%$&%^&^%&* would do this for ever since I was born my place has been flooded with animals of all kinds and My female cat was poisoned by a neighbour....I right now have 3 dogs, A Fish Tank full of different kinds of Fishes(Plural used when differnt breeds involved), A hamster and 2 cats so I know how you must have felt. I love my pets and would not want anything happening to them. I have seen a lot of people do this because they are in their weird little trances that the animals are dangerous, or they are malicious or like you said for their selfish purposes. Some people harm other animals just because they hate animals. Psychopaths. If that man was caught I know that he would have been bashed up. There is this show "Emergency Vets" on Animal Planet where a nice mannered German Shepherd was poisoned by a neighbour because the man did not like the dog/animals. The man was caught by police who represent animals. I liked that a lot for we definitely need that all over the world.Maybe Xisto and Xisto can combine and form a Global Police online lol.

  10. Hey,Wow A topic that I can say a few words on LOL. I usually have a great memory but after I started working, I started either leaving all my accounts logged in or used those "remember your password" stuff resulting in a weird sort of memory loss. Where when I need my passwords the most they seem to not exist in my brains even though I was the one who set them in the frist place.But after some serious short circuiting of the brain I remember my passwords. Previously I used to write my passwords in my personal diary or keep them in my mind, Now I keep them in a notepad file adn It is safe adn sound. But recently whenI satrted working on my desktop rather than the laptop, I had not made a copy of the notepad file nor had i emailed it to myself so I was stuck for a day or two without any important URL and usernames let alone my passwords.Then the moment of frustration: I do get the notepad file sent by my dear boyfriend and the instant I opened it, Before reading them I remebered my passwords... One of my friends has a password that is 23 digits and he said that if he was allowed more numbers he would've dumped them too in it. LOL

  11. Hello,Jumping to the topic, I don't mind rape scenes on T.v if they are depicted in the right fashion and the movie asks for it but If it is senselessly added and shown in a crass manner then I can agree to the protests. But when we can watch people having sex for pleasure on T.v then I guess we have to be mature enough to understand a rape scene. Yes I do agree that when we switch the channel saying that it is disgusting, We are ignoring reality in a way.I don't think people would tolerate it if a rape scene or any sensitive topic was shown in an insensitive way. If a movie is based on a true story about a little girl being raped then I don't think that you should think about the actor bing scarred for if they were not ready or their representatives think they cannot handle the role then they would have never done the movie.Actors mature mentally and physically very rapidly after they enter the film industry due to situations, stress and roles. If you worry about the mental health of the actor then you are left with only options:1: Either do the movie with an adult actor even if the role demands for a girl.2: Don't do the movie at all and ignore the issue as if it does not exist or you can have a narration when the scene is to happen.:unsure:I believe that when an actor gives out a brilliant performance in a rape scene which is hard enough..They have morphed into the character feeling the pain themselves...It does not scar them but just makes them even mature. The performance by "Charlize Theron" and "Elisabeth Shue" as prostitutes who get raped in "Monster" and "Leaving Las Vegas" respectively were brilliantly depicted...The way they felt the pain but reacted in different ways. I n short I dont think we should freak out when a rape scene is shown on T.v unless it is a scene for a crass soap then I think they should be banned :(

  12. Yeah garbage tell me about it.....That guy had no backbone and his mom leeched onto him and made him do what she wanted...Said "It is for your own good". I have seen parents talk about their daughters like she was an angel and turns out that she is just a brat.I appreciate parents trying to save their kids from harm but there has to be a limit and let the kid learn to live life in their own rather than controlling every motion. Today parents alive. Kids happy.....Tomorrow Parents die. Kids lost and get abused. Blame parents.I dont want anybody to get turned into my ex earthworm(spineless boyfriend).

  13. He recently just started talking to girl and the mom like gives her a nasty look always gives her attitude, and ofcourse tells him that he doesnt need a girl and other junk..

    I know how that is...Somehow Mothers think that every chick their son dates is a **** and she "Bewitched" her son.....My ex boy friends mother thought that atleast..:unsure: And that too It happened because I made her boy do his own stuff and was "blunt"......

    We broke up because of her..Her son has no backbone though. He never used his brains.....Thought whatever she said was right and the whole world wrong.Now that loser is in a lot of debts because of bad advice from his mom...

    I too was an unplanned and unwanted child and the only reason my mom did not get me aborted was because my granny stopped her.......

    Cheers :(

  14. Hey,I was the shunned child my whole life time and my bro was loved and cherished and now he is living of fmy parents and earning a bit through odd jobs. The day I had left my house to live separate and work, they suddenly felt the love for their child and started to yell at me about how I did not belong to the family and that I was "betraying them" :unsure: I wonder how that happened :(.I was blamed for everything all my life and I still dont hate them or blame them for they taught me to live alone and independent....Though their method was accidental and not preferable.....I now live a really happy life with my boyfriend and 6 pets including me and my boy :(Thanks for listening.....Cheers :D

  15. Hey,This is actually a topic that I wanted to get out of my system from a long time....It's about mothers and their fascinations to worship their sons and of pampering and partiality.I came from a family where I was literally kept on the side while my brother was the god....I mean then he got spoiled and behaved badly but still was treated like a king, Now his wife is suffering because of his bratty nature.The thing that bugs me is that many times mothers pamper their sons like gods and then get hurt and jealous when the boy gets a girl friend.. Imagine your a girl and you hook up with this really nice guy but then his mom gets all jealous of you because he is spending too much time on you. I mean she might not do anything but it is still bad blood which no man is ever aware of sadly....I have this friend I know whose brother is pampered like crazy but she is just a member of the family, It has its positives like independence and quicker maturity mentally.....First the mothers pamper their sons and then when the girls drift away or get weird complexes or get into drugs or something, It is casually blamed on her and she is made miserable even more.... I mean why? When the son is gonna be there with the family but the girl leaves then why make the life of the woman who will be the son's better half in the future hell?This does not apply to son spoilt and daughter hurt policy....Even sons get battered often like my best friendCheers....I finally got it out of my system. ;)

  16. Thanks for the feedback,

    People have been saying for awhile now to start using renewable energy source's but there so expensive and most are rather large to be economically worthwhile.Honestly i think the world needs another mass extinction, Cruel i know but Humans are the worst thing to ever happen to the Earth. It has lasted millions of years and we come along and kill it in a matter of 1000 years. Makes you think what life could be like if we had not Foudn Oil or coal or nuclear energy.

    It is true that all of the renewable sources are expensive but once there will be no non renewable sources left then people will scampering about for it.
    I too agree that humans should be gotten rid of for rather than being proud I'd rather be an animal. But as I don't have a choice I try to help out in any way possible.

    By that I'm thinking that you mean clean water? Water doesn't just drift into outer space.
    If water somehow did start "disappearing", then most life would end

    I did not say that water "disappears" I meant that after all the pollution and wastage, There will be no pure water left and all that we will be drinking will be sewage water with all kind of muck in it, Even I know that water doesn't disappear but it does disappear in a way, Don't you think?

    Cheers ;)

  17. Hi


    I just read a topic asking about what would happen if Oil was exhausted, First of all nice topic but it made me think not only oil but what i all the resources were exhausted like water and land.


    I mean at the rate we are going with pollution, Poaching and wastage There will be no other animal present nor will there be water left in the world.

    We could sun out of natural fresh air and resort to produce it artificially which would result in pollution and depletion in further resources.


    I guess it is all a cycle that If you deplete one source then you end up depleting and destroying everything else. Does anyone think that we are gonna survive for another century? I dont think so.


    Population is already high and everytime we get anything done It requires a lot of resources to be used, Whether traveling, health, Even computers.


    I mean after writing this post I come to one conclusion We are gonna make this place a living hell


    I did not mean to hurt anyone's sentiments so please do not flame me ;)


    Cheers ;)

  18. Hi,


    I think that we will run out of water for I do agree that we have the water cycle and all but due to increasing pollution and all the rains that we get are mainly Acid rains which ratehr than being good is bad,


    Fine we start using sea water but knowing how human species waste, the water is gonna be wasted like crazy. We are already polluting all the water bodies with any trash possible which is in turn poisoning all the water animals and promoting algae growth.


    I actually dont like the idea of desalination for it will result only in more wastage and pollution UNLESS the younger generation does something about this and takes care of nature.


    Cheers ;)

  19. Hi bk2070,Yes I do agree with you about all the moms cleaning up the place. My room like I told you is a tornado struck land for you will see things foreign to both the visitor and me on the floor or table.So I came up with a very brilliant idea one lazy afternoon when I could not find my books. I decided that I would clean my room till the last corner and leave access only to my clothes and bare essentials like books and computer.Its like firewalling and it works efficiently for then the room stays clean for a bit longer and I don't use the things I don't need but like I said my things have a life of their own as they tend to get out even after all the efforts.In short the battle still goes on between me and my room Cheers ;)

  20. Hello everyone,Have any of you wondered whether is intoxicating like drugs and alcohol? I was wondering that and came down to this conclusion that love is in the end an intoxication. Confused? Read onWell think about it : love is generated out of hormones whether feel good or emotions or whatever, Drugs make you feel happy and content, Booze makes you happyLike any artificial thing like drugs and booze even relationships need an effort to be made to keep you happy. I mean me and my "soul mate" are freaking happy for both of us adjust to each other's needs well.So my advice for all drinkers and druggies Get a caring and loving girl who will love you and the same for the girls, Get a nice loving guy but make sure that you too take an effort to make it click.Hope I get a good response and If possible please move me to another place where it is more appropriateThanks Cheers ;)

  21. Hey,,,,I wrote this for my mom had told me for the umpteenth time to clean my room....Ok I agree somedays my room can be like a mausoleum where you might find things that you are not looking for and do not find things you are looking for or Step on something and hope to death that it was not your pet....Some parts of my room is a graveyard where you will find coffins(boxes) filled with corpses of old school books and other junk. My clothes seem to have a life of their own for how much ever I try to keep them in the closet, They some how are on the floor by the next day..hmmmm life of their own.But on other days you will see my room looking like a fantasy land smelling very nice and you can clearly see your pet lazing, even the coffins look happy and gay.My clothes are locked up and pressed neatly. I mean you can see my room like this more than the dirty days.I have the mausoleum only when I work too late or try different combinations of my clothes OR try moving the furniture to a different style.Tell me If you have catacombs in your own house.;)Cheers ;)

  22. HA ha ha ha ,,,, Good one YratormThis is what I was hoping for.I mean you are totally right for in the end Nobody is going to heaven and all of us are going to stick together as a happy bunch... I wonder though whether Earth itself is being turned into hell.Think about it....In a few more decades all living things except humans will be surviving and the world's temperature will be so high that legally it will be ok for people to walk naked lol.Like in hell where there will be nothing but humans....Anyway we will be doing the Lord and Lucifer a favour by not going to any place but staying on earth.Atleast the plants and animals can go to heaven....;)Thanks all of you for the great inputs... Hopefully I will get more coz this topic is turning out to be great fun.Cheers ;)

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